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Habe ebenfalls die Inquisitor's Edition bei Gamestop bestellt und exakt die gleiche Nachricht erhalten.
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Dragon Age: Inquisition Inquisitor's Edition. Very low quality. : gaming
Hey Gamers,
I just wanted to give a heads up to all the DA fans. The Inquisitor Edition is one of the lowest quality CE's I've seen. The major video game retailer I work for (I'm sure you can guess) received them in store yesterday. So we took a look at a staff preorder.
The items inside were all made from VERY cheap gray plastic. The map tokens, inquisition sigil, and lock picks were all the same basic gray cheapo plastic with very poor paint. They all felt like they would break with the slightest pressure. They were also a hell of a lot smaller than the picture on the box. The coins were poorly molded with a terrible paint coating. The quill and ink pot was nothing but a black plastic feather and an empty jar with a cork top....straight from the dollar store.
Very disappointing to say the least.
On top of all this...the game doesn't even come IN the box. Retailers have to bundle the Deluxe Edition for your system into the package.
If you have the Inquisitor Edition preordered, then I recommend waiting for reviews or downgrading to the Deluxe Edition. You get the same ingame content.
P.S I like my job, so I chose not to break even more company policy by taking a photo. Sorry
Sollte das wirklich der Wahrheit entsprechen, wäre der Preis von 160 Euro in dem Fall bei weitem nicht gerecht. Leider kann man nicht von Täuschung reden. Es war nie die Rede aus welchem Material die Inhalte gemacht waren. Ich hoffe ich irre mich.