Hi all,
My name is Matt and I am the sole developer on Montague’s Mount.
Firstly, many thanks for the discussion and I would just like to say that I am listening to each of you and will do my best to address any issues.
With regards to the story, as people have mentioned Montague’s Mount sets the scene, introduces the story threads and end at a pivotal point – the future part will tie everything together. As a solo developer who is self-funding a project, it is always a difficult decision as to when to release and what to include into a title. To include everything and make a single title with approx 10hrs gameplay would have taken an additional 9 months. The knock on effect of this could have ultimately doubled the price of the end product. I understand the concerns of splitting the game into two, but this has many positives for a sole developer (getting the product to the players, getting feedback on additional functionality, generating an income to help further development). I understand that the game’s description text has not have made this clear; this is currently being amended and will be updated on stores just as soon as they can implement the description changes.
Over the coming weeks we will be releasing updates to address issues that have been raised, plus including additional requests made by players (i.e. inverted mouse, disabling Achievement text etc). I am also working very hard implementing the Oculus Rift into the game; this too will be coming in the upcoming weeks.
I would like to re-iterate that I am listening to the players out there, and will do my best over the coming weeks to address issues.
Matt (Developer)
Polypusher Studios.