An dem grundsätzlichen Prinzip wird sich nichts ändern. Es wird erstmal nur überarbeitet und Hack-sicher gemacht. Preis dürfte für die Alpha wohl auf ca. 15€-20€ hinauslaufen, die fertige Version soll maximal 30€ kosten. Es wird wöchentliche Updates geben, die u.a. immer mehr Features einfügen.
General Information
- Target for release is by the end of the 2012 working year.
- The release will be for the public alpha version, i.e. not the stable release.
- The standalone will provide the dev team with absolute freedom, and they will utilize many aspects of the Real Virtuality engine, not limited to the ArmA 3 version. It will be their own branch of the engine.
- Alpha will be heavily discounted, and the end product will never be a fully priced retail product. Rocket mentions that he can’t picture a price over 25 euro (30 USD) for the final.
- No pre-ordering, but there will be a premium/collector’s edition available with swag like art prints and concept work.
- The game mechanics will stay as they are now.
- Focus will be on re-developing game architecture first, and then development of new features.
- There will be no “endgame”, but rather continued gameplay decided by the individual player. Kind of like Minecraft before The End was introduced.
New features
- A new map, “Chernarus Plus”.
- Chernarus Plus will have more interactive (enter-able) buildings. Non-interactive buildings will be easier to spot.
- Hand combat, in addition to the melee weapons we already have.
- Dogs can be a survivor’s companion. “Expect them to track, to warn you of danger, and to follow you. And then get shot. And then you QQ.”
- There will be no safe areas on the map.
- A quiver for crossbow bolts.
- Weapon and gear degradation.
- A diary system, allowing other players to see notes left by you when you’re offline, not around, or dead.
- A robust web interface, as previewed at Rezzed earlier this summer.
- Narrative that will describe the virus background.
- Improvements over the mod
- More weapons. Many of which are custom, “find at home” style weaponry. Cricket bat, anyone?
- Zombies will not switch to walking when indoors (once pathing for zombies is fixed and their lifecycle is implemented).
- More clothing and player customization, including colors and face.
- The humanity system will be fine tuned.
- More robust weather system, redesigned from scratch.
- Zombies will be much more frightening.
- Improved broken limb system.
- And entirely new hive syncing system.
- Improved anti-cheat measures.
- Improved player UI. The inventory is being reworked from scratch.
- The female character will be feature complete.
- Better performance, including faster loading.
Future plans
- More islands other than Chernarus, created by either the dev team or the community. Players will travel to them by boat or air.
I- ncrease max player count. 100-200 would be easily achievable, but any more would require a larger map.
- More wildlife. “Horses would be cool too.”
- Animations will be improved.
- There are vague mentions of a revised server hosting scheme.
- Add “methods that allow players to create their own systems for things, so if they wanted to create such a system they could”. So perhaps think about Garry’s Mod and how players can program in aspects that affect their own gameplay. Not sure on this one.
- Underground “bases” and other construction, but Rocket mentions that it’s a pretty ambitious endeavor to develop.
- Group play and faction support.