• Aktualisierte Forenregeln

    Eine kleine Änderung hat es im Bereich Forenregeln unter Abschnitt 2 gegeben, wo wir nun explizit darauf verweisen, dass Forenkommentare in unserer Heftrubrik Leserbriefe landen können.


    Vielen Dank

Probleme beim Starten von Emergency 2013 (Heft 03/2015) unter Windows 8

Neue DVD erhalten installiert und funktioniert. Vielen Dank nochmal für die hilfe
Immer gern behilflich.
Freut mich, dass nun bei dir alles klappt.
Meine Installation hat 10,7 GB und startet unter Windows 10 trotzdem nicht (em2013.exe startet nicht)logdatei ist hier:
Init Filesystem...
Registered FS device "local"
Registered FS device "base"
Registered FS device "lang"
Registered FS device "save"
?BLFileSystem::Open("C:\Users\andre\AppData\Local/Quadriga Games/Emergency 2013//em2013.cfg",BLFM_READ): Could not open
cfg: a_2dvolume = 0.5
cfg: a_3dvolume = 1.
cfg: a_debug = 0
cfg: a_mixbitrate = 16
cfg: a_mixchannels = 2
cfg: a_mixfrequency = 22050
cfg: a_mixspeakercfg = unknown
cfg: a_musicvolume = 0.30000001192092896
cfg: a_videovolume = 1.
cfg: a_voicevolume = 1.
cfg: cheat_alwaysclassified = 0
cfg: cheat_developerkeys = 0
cfg: cheat_endlessmoney = 0
cfg: cheat_hegren = 0
cfg: cheat_mastermode = 0
cfg: cheat_sharpshooterphysic = 0
cfg: ds_shiftx = 0.49950000643730164
cfg: ds_shifty = 0.49950000643730164
cfg: e2012_freeplay_endless = 1
cfg: e2012_freeplay_training = 0
cfg: e2012_multiplay_map = 0
cfg: e2013_freeplay_training = 0
cfg: e4_ambientsound = 1
cfg: e4_animspeed = 1.
cfg: e4_animtranstime = 0.25
cfg: e4_autogetequipment = 1
cfg: e4_autoplaygame = 0
cfg: e4_autoplaygame_time = 120.
cfg: e4_autosave = 0
cfg: e4_autosave_filepath = mod:/Maps/autosave.e4m
cfg: e4_autosave_time = 60.
cfg: e4_bandwidthadaptionmethod = 1
cfg: e4_blackbar_fadetime = 1.
cfg: e4_blackbar_height = 128.
cfg: e4_blkey = 1
cfg: e4_bluelightintensity = 1200.
cfg: e4_chatcolor0 = ff8080
cfg: e4_chatcolor1 = 80ff80
cfg: e4_chatcolor2 = 8080ff
cfg: e4_chatcolor3 = d0d0d0
cfg: e4_checkpossible = 1
cfg: e4_chop_h0 = 0.95999997854232788
cfg: e4_chop_h1 = 0.99000000953674316
cfg: e4_chop_t0 = 1.2999999523162842
cfg: e4_chop_t1 = 1.
cfg: e4_chop_time = 3.5
cfg: e4_chop_two = 1
cfg: e4_createserver_gamemode = 3
cfg: e4_createserver_numplayers = 4
cfg: e4_createserver_servername =
cfg: e4_createserver_visibility = 1
cfg: e4_dbgpbuffer = 0
cfg: e4_defaultbasepos_x = 219.
cfg: e4_defaultbasepos_y = 70.
cfg: e4_depthfill = 1
cfg: e4_detaillevel = 2
cfg: e4_devmode = 0
cfg: e4_difficulty = 1
cfg: e4_directip =
cfg: e4_doocclusion = 1
cfg: e4_fakeshadow = 0
cfg: e4_fastchildupdate = 0
cfg: e4_fireheli_radius = 750.
cfg: e4_firesteps = 5
cfg: e4_footprints = 1
cfg: e4_footprinttime = 10.
cfg: e4_fp_cheatpenalty = 0
cfg: e4_fp_debug = 0
cfg: e4_freecamera = 0
cfg: e4_gamespeed = 1.
cfg: e4_highlightingicons = 1
cfg: e4_highlightnewvehicles = 1
cfg: e4_jpegscreenshots = 1
cfg: e4_leftclicksystem = 0
cfg: e4_lightfactor = 1.
cfg: e4_loadbinary = 2
cfg: e4_make_screenshot = 1
cfg: e4_matchmakingmode = 1
cfg: e4_maxcampitch = 55.
cfg: e4_maxcamz = 3400
cfg: e4_maxvideotextures = 4
cfg: e4_mincampitch = 47.
cfg: e4_mincamz = 1800
cfg: e4_minfiretemp = -30000.
cfg: e4_mod =
cfg: e4_mp_nophysics = 0
cfg: e4_mp_noragdolls = 1
cfg: e4_mptimeout = 15.
cfg: e4_musiclevel = 0.
cfg: e4_netcompression = 1
cfg: e4_nettickdivider = 3
cfg: e4_novistest = 0
cfg: e4_playername =
cfg: e4_poll_selinfo = 1
cfg: e4_rf_acf = 5.000000074505806e-002
cfg: e4_rf_adf = 1.0099999904632568
cfg: e4_rf_backfactor = 2.
cfg: e4_rf_bop = 80.
cfg: e4_rf_bos = 1000.
cfg: e4_rf_bov = 250.
cfg: e4_rf_changepenalty = 1000.
cfg: e4_rf_debug = 0
cfg: e4_rf_groupstreettargetdist = 500.
cfg: e4_rf_hof = 500.
cfg: e4_rf_hos = 400.
cfg: e4_rf_hrrdf = 3.
cfg: e4_rf_hrrt = 0.69999998807907104
cfg: e4_rf_hrrtuc = 2.
cfg: e4_rf_hsd = 5.
cfg: e4_rf_hsiadf = 5.
cfg: e4_rf_hsrrdf = 10.
cfg: e4_rf_htp = 200.
cfg: e4_rf_mad = 5.2359879016876221e-002
cfg: e4_rf_minstreetdist = 2500.
cfg: e4_rf_mqsl = 5000
cfg: e4_rf_mscl = 3500
cfg: e4_rf_msd = 0.
cfg: e4_rf_mtsl = 5000
cfg: e4_rf_personusecurve = 1
cfg: e4_rf_pof = 80.
cfg: e4_rf_pos = 90.
cfg: e4_rf_showstreetpos = 0
cfg: e4_rf_smoothsteps = 5
cfg: e4_rf_stepsinadvance = 5
cfg: e4_rf_stepsinadvance_move = 3
cfg: e4_rf_streetmode = 0
cfg: e4_rf_tdtf = 0.60000002384185791
cfg: e4_rf_tef = 1.5
cfg: e4_rf_useforcivil = 0
cfg: e4_rf_vof = 350.
cfg: e4_rf_vos = 250.
cfg: e4_scrollspeed = 1
cfg: e4_shadow = 1
cfg: e4_shadow_fading = 1
cfg: e4_shadow_object = 64
cfg: e4_shadow_terrain = 128
cfg: e4_shadowdist = 8000
cfg: e4_shadowheight = 10000
cfg: e4_shadowupdate = 1
cfg: e4_sharpshooter_idletime = 2.
cfg: e4_shooter_idletime = 1.
cfg: e4_shooter_power = 200.
cfg: e4_shooter_range = 750.
cfg: e4_shooter_spread = 9.
cfg: e4_showcampos = 0
cfg: e4_showFireDroneHint = 1
cfg: e4_showmousepos = 0
cfg: e4_showobjnames = 0
cfg: e4_showoccluder = 0
cfg: e4_showpaths = 0
cfg: e4_smooth_Camfloor_dist = 1000.
cfg: e4_smoothdistance = 150.
cfg: e4_smoothmovement = 1
cfg: e4_sun = 1
cfg: e4_sunheight = 32000
cfg: e4_sunrise = 5.
cfg: e4_sunrise_duration = 3.
cfg: e4_sunset = 21.
cfg: e4_sunset_duration = 2.
cfg: e4_sunx = 32000.
cfg: e4_suny = 16000.
cfg: e4_sunz = 4000.
cfg: e4_tagmarker = Objects/Misc/3dcursor.e4p
cfg: e4_tickspersecond = 20
cfg: e4_tutorialenabled = 1
cfg: e4_tutorialhl_a = 100
cfg: e4_tutorialhl_b = 192
cfg: e4_tutorialhl_g = 255
cfg: e4_tutorialhl_r = 131
cfg: e4_undomemory = 32768
cfg: e4_use_zbr = 0
cfg: e4_vehicletext_amb =
cfg: e4_vehicletext_fd =
cfg: e4_vehicletext_pol =
cfg: e4_vehicletext_tec =
cfg: e4_ver_major = 3
cfg: e4_ver_minor = 1
cfg: e4_ver_type = f
cfg: e4_voiceactive = 0
cfg: e4_voicecamctrl = 0
cfg: e4_voiceenabled = 0
cfg: e4_voicevolume = -1.
cfg: e_extinguish_bars = 1
cfg: e_terrainthread = 1
cfg: editor_innerborderdist = 500.
cfg: em2012_mode_active = 0
cfg: em2013_mode_active = 0
cfg: em2014_mode_active = 0
cfg: fs_archdeviceenabled = 0
cfg: fs_archiveext = spk
cfg: fs_basepath = ../data/
cfg: fs_execdir = C:\Program Files (x86)\Quadriga Games\Emergency 2013\bin.x86\
cfg: fs_langpath = lang/
cfg: fs_logfile = C:\Users\andre\AppData\Local/Quadriga Games/Emergency 2013//em2013.log
cfg: fs_modpath = ../mods/
cfg: fs_nomissingmsg = .v3s
cfg: fs_savepath = C:\Users\andre\AppData\Local/Quadriga Games/Emergency 2013/
cfg: fs_savesubfolder = Quadriga Games/Emergency 2013/
cfg: fs_screenshotpath = C:\Users\andre\Pictures
cfg: fs_screenshotproduct = emergency2013
cfg: game_server_port = 58282
cfg: gcamrot = 1
cfg: hud_visible = 0
cfg: master_server_addr = matchmaking.sixteen-tons.de
cfg: master_server_port = 54322
cfg: match_making_port = 12345
cfg: net_devicebcastaddr =
cfg: net_devicebcastsupp = 1
cfg: net_devicemcastsupp = 1
cfg: net_devicenetmask =
cfg: net_deviceppp = 0
cfg: net_generictimeout = 20
cfg: net_localhostname = localhost
cfg: net_localip =
cfg: net_protocolversion = 2
cfg: net_relaxedtimeout = 90
cfg: r_aa_strength = 0.25
cfg: r_anim_usethread = 1
cfg: r_clipfar = 32000.
cfg: r_clipnear = 5.
cfg: r_colorbits = 32
cfg: r_cr_distfade = 0
cfg: r_cr_distfadeend = 1000.
cfg: r_cr_distfadestart = 0.
cfg: r_cr_distscale = 0
cfg: r_cs_collisionaccuracy = 2
cfg: r_cs_detail = 2
cfg: r_cs_enabled = 1
cfg: r_cs_lightingdetail = 2
cfg: r_cs_morphing = 0
cfg: r_debug = 0
cfg: r_depthbits = 24
cfg: r_df_blue = 255
cfg: r_df_end = 8000
cfg: r_df_exp = 3.9999998989515007e-004
cfg: r_df_green = 255
cfg: r_df_red = 255
cfg: r_df_start = 5
cfg: r_df_type = 0
cfg: r_ds_alpha_treshold = 0.60000002384185791
cfg: r_ds_centerx = 0.5
cfg: r_ds_centery = 0.5
cfg: r_ds_far = 14000.
cfg: r_ds_fovscale = 1.2999999523162842
cfg: r_ds_near = 10000.
cfg: r_ds_nearoffset = 0.
cfg: r_ds_size = 512
cfg: r_ds_zoffs = 4.
cfg: r_ds_zscale = 2.
cfg: r_fastparticles = 1
cfg: r_force_xres = 0
cfg: r_force_yres = 0
cfg: r_fullscreen = 0
cfg: r_gamma = 1.
cfg: r_geomem_loc = 2
cfg: r_geomem_size = 16
cfg: r_haze_distort = 4.999999888241291e-003
cfg: r_haze_speed = 6.
cfg: r_hdr = 1
cfg: r_hf_collisionaccuracy = 4
cfg: r_hf_detail = 3
cfg: r_hf_uselod = 1
cfg: r_hwocclusion = 0
cfg: r_hwskinning = 0
cfg: r_light_specdetail = 2
cfg: r_light_specular = 1
cfg: r_light_volumetric = 1
cfg: r_manual_init = 0
cfg: r_maximize = 0
cfg: r_occlusion_test = 1
cfg: r_particlebounce = 0.30000001192092896
cfg: r_physx_usethread = 1
cfg: r_second_gbuffer = 1
cfg: r_shader_exclusion =
cfg: r_shadowoffs = 6.
cfg: r_ssao_offs = 2.
cfg: r_ssao_range = 8.
cfg: r_ssao_rfactor = 9.9999997473787516e-005
cfg: r_stencil = 1
cfg: r_tex_anisotropic = 1.
cfg: r_tex_bits = 32
cfg: r_tex_compression = 1
cfg: r_tex_detail = 2
cfg: r_tex_mipbias = -1.
cfg: r_tonemap = 1
cfg: r_triplebuffer = 1
cfg: r_upscale = 1.
cfg: r_usevbo = 1
cfg: r_vsync = 1
cfg: r_wireframe = 0
cfg: r_xres = 0
cfg: r_xres_view = 0
cfg: r_xres_view_offset = 0
cfg: r_yres = 0
cfg: r_yres_view = 0
cfg: r_yres_view_offset = 0
cfg: r_zreadback = 1
cfg: s_appguid = 31C9F912-7C12-499b-B3D5-4186F45AD31E
cfg: s_appname = Emergency 2013
cfg: s_boxname = DESKTOP-SEEJ78O
cfg: s_debug = 0
cfg: s_debuglevel = 2
cfg: s_hinstance = 4194304
cfg: s_language = de
cfg: s_lastDefaultSuccessVideo = Unnamed
cfg: s_modulename = em2013
cfg: s_mousespeed = 60
cfg: s_thousands_separator = .
cfg: s_username = andre
cfg: soundMaxDistance = 3300.
cfg: start_antialias = 0
cfg: start_effectdetail = 0
cfg: start_lightingdetail = 0
cfg: start_postdetail = 0
cfg: start_resolution_x = 0
cfg: start_resolution_y = 0
cfg: start_shadowdetail = 0
cfg: start_upscale = 0
cfg: ui_hardwarecursor = 1
cfg: ui_novideostream = 0
cfg: ui_showvehicleaddinfo = 1
cfg: ui_tooltipfadetime = 0.80000001192092896
cfg: ui_tooltips = 1
|Initializing engine

|Vision DLL path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Quadriga Games\Emergency 2013\bin.x86\Vision90.dll

|Vision version WIN32 DIRECTX9 - 8, 0, 14, 0

|Using fast timer

|Initializing Vision Graphics Engine

|Detecting CPU type and features

|Features: FPU MMX ISSE 3DNow!

|Vision Core: Allocated 14 kB of memory for Entities

|Settings renderer configuration

|Initialising video driver: 0

|Setting screen mode to x:1680 / y:1050 / frontbuffer bpp:32 / refresh:0

|Screen Mode is fullscreen

|Using Pixel Shader Version: 3.0

|Using Vertex Shader Version: 3.0

|Using Hardware Instancing.

|Initializing WIN32 DirectX9 rendering subsystem

|Setting initial Renderer States

|Vendor: ID=4318 SubSys=-2084106173 Rev=

|Renderer: nvd3dum.dll

|Driver Version: 589842.856149

|Engine initialized

coretimer mode 0
system has 4 hw threads, using 2

|DeInitializing Object Data...

|DeInitializing World Data...

|DeInitializing Surface and Texture Data...

|Initializing Vision Graphics Engine

|Detecting CPU type and features

|Features: FPU MMX ISSE 3DNow!

|Vision Core: Allocated 14 kB of memory for Entities

|Settings renderer configuration

|Vision Core: Allocated 34 kB of memory for Lights

Init GFX...
Init Input...
Init Audio...
init physx