Aha also solll ich den ersten Teil dieses Artikels so interpretieren.
Jeder der die Story oder die Charaktere nicht mag ist nur ein Hater und der Rest sind homophobe Personen, denn das Spiel ist ja ein Meisterwerk und Selbstreflektion ist uns zu mühsam.
Ok, hier ist ein auführliches Video eines bekannten Reviewers, der ist bestimmt nicht homophobe, er hat sogar ein Vorabversion von Sony bekommen.
Das sind übringens die ersten Reviews welche bei mir auf Metacritic angezeigt werden.
Homophoben Inhalten kann ich da nicht finden... (Achtung enthält Spoiler)
Honestly most dissapointing game of the generation for me. I saw the leaks but still wanted to go in open minded and enjoy the game for what it has to offer. While the gameplay is ok and the grafics are good everything about the story turned out to be even worse than exspected. First time being dissapointed with ND. I really don't get how all those reviewers brought this game up to a 95.
156 of 185 users found this helpful
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Jun 21, 2020
Absolute disrespect towards the 1st game. The story and the characters are so horribly written that it doesn't even make me angry anymore, just sad. There is nothing new in the gameplay we haven't seen already in other games. The only thing that's truly great about this game are the graphics. But that's it. The quality of the story rivals the story of Star Wars VIII: The last jedi. And i didn't even mention the forced SJW/gender propaganda (however, these are not the core problems of the game).
Verdict: 4/10 (just because the graphics are amazing).
- If you're looking for a great story, AVOID this game.
- If you're a fan of the story and characters of the 1st tlou, AVOID this game.
- If you don't like it when someone spits in your (or Joel's) face, AVOID this game.
- If you don't care about the franchise and the future of gaming at all and all you seek are the
graphics, buy this game. Collapse
303 of 360 users found this helpful
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Jun 19, 2020
Neil tries to be Hideo Kojima but his attemp fails big time with awfull story...
The Graphics and the gameplay is great but those things doesn't make up for the awfull story decisions..
325 of 389 users found this helpful
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Jun 20, 2020
This game is theme politized and want critic the life in family. This bad game
40 of 48 users found this helpful
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Jun 19, 2020
It breaks my heart to write this, but I really did not expect such a poor story after all these years of waiting. While there were a few genuinely good moments, majority of game filled up with plot holes. It just took elements of what worked for the first game without understanding what made them compelling. It seems like this game was done by other studio, but its not!!. The basic gameplay has stayed the same (for better or worse), environment puzzles are almost gone. So remove story from the table and you are left with the shallow gameplay that will have you looking for some other game. Collapse
854 of 1026 users found this helpful
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Jun 19, 2020
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
I waited 5 years to play this
And they gave me a horrible intro and **** ending
I just want to forget about this game.
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Jun 19, 2020
This review contains spoilers. So I got the game early and played it. I read or saw no spoilers before the release. I never do.
So here is what I think:
- gameplay
- graphics
- atmosphere
- sound
- music
All those parts are undeniable very good. Its top notch. Sure the controls sometimes feel weird but they do in most of the games. It would be unfair to say this game isnt up to date in terms of all those points I mentioned.
- story
- character design
- character development
- plot holes
So, even with all the pros this game is really really bad. It makes NO sense that Ellie act how she acts in certain parts of the game but that isnt even the biggest thing about why its bad.
The reason is: character development.
If you kill one of the most beloved characters early in the game (Joel) and want to bring in new main playable characters like Abby, you HAVE to bring WAY more backstory in order to make the player feel with her.
I mean she KILLED Joel!
How do you make the player like her? Bring more and more backstory before she does that. Let the players play 2-10h as Abby when she was a child or whatever. The backstory of her is basically told in 10minutes and then her dad is being killed. Thats it? And now I have to feel with her and understand why she killed Joel?
Hell no!
That is weak story telling. Really really weak.
Then there are all the other new characters. Nobody is likeable. Like really. They all feel empty. They are only shells without any meaning.
This game is just bad. Do yourself a favor and dont buy it. The reviews the journalists wrote are either bought by Sony or ND or are heavily politicly influenced. Sad thing is: because of that same journalists will most likely make this game GOTY. What a joke.
Safe your money and buy something else.
And last but not least: this is technically a very good game but the story/characters is/are SO bad it just doesnt matter how well the rest is done.
You want a good revenge story? Watch "Oldboy" then you know how to make a good revenge story that shocks everybody to their core.
This game right here? Its garbage.