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News - Diablo 2 - Patch auf Version 1.08


Mitglied seit
Puh der Patch hats gewaltig in sich.
Ohne Teamplay ist ordentliches Expen kaum noch möglich.
Am meisten freut es mich, dass der Zauberin kräftig unter die Arme gegriffen wurde. Die Zeiten des Solo-WW-Barbaren sind wohl vorbei.
Jetzt ist Deine Meinung gefragt: Hier kannst Du deinen Kommentar zum Artikel veröffentlichen und mit anderen Lesern darüber diskutieren.

Zum Artikel: http://www.pcgames.de/aid,9791
Heute morgen hats mich noch kraeftig genervt aber inzwischen find ich's ok. Esfördern teamplay aus allen ecken.
Die verschiedenen ressistenzen der monster (auch gegen physischen schaden) und no-leech monster haben's in sich und verleihen saftig würze.

Andererseits finde ich dass die monster viel zu viel leben haben, ist doch absurd wenn ich 5 minuten brauche um nen doofen wurf zu tilten.

PLus, kann schon hart sein wenn mann nen Boss monster trifft der gegen physischen schaden ressistent ist und beim teleportieren sich noch heilt.
Da sieht man recht doof aus wenn die lvl70+ party in act1 plattgemacht wird.

...Aber eben, insgesamt find ichs erfrischen, das ewige expen alleine ist nach einem Jahr nicht mehr so das wahre, nen hat man fast nen neues game in der hand =]

Von http://www.diablo2.de/

Patch 1.08 entschärft

Adjusted the Levels, Hit Points, Damage, Attack Rating, Defense Rating and Experience of monsters in Nightmare and Hell difficulties. This returns them to approximately where they were before the 1.08 patch.
NOTE: The increases to these attributes will be in effect in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, but will not be as dramatic due to the superior item drops and the additional Act in the Expansion.

We have removed the global bonus to Damage Resistance for monsters in Hell difficulty, returning them to where they were before the 1.08 patch.

NOTE: The global bonus to Damage Resistance for these monsters will be in effect in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, but will not be as dramatic due to the superior item drops and the additional Act in the Expansion.

Gold Sharing when in a Party has been removed, returning this functionality to where it was before the 1.08 patch.

NOTE: Gold Sharing when in a Party will also not be in effect in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.

The new calculation used for Blocking that places emphasis on Dexterity has been removed, returning this to where it was before the 1.08 patch.

NOTE: The new calculation will be in effect in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.
AW: Entschärfung

- Von http://www.diablo2.de/
- Patch 1.08 entschärft
- Adjusted the Levels, Hit Points, Damage, Attack Rating, Defense Rating and Experience of monsters in Nightmare and Hell difficulties. This returns them to approximately where they were before the 1.08 patch.
- NOTE: The increases to these attributes will be in effect in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, but will not be as dramatic due to the superior item drops and the additional Act in the Expansion.
- We have removed the global bonus to Damage Resistance for monsters in Hell difficulty, returning them to where they were before the 1.08 patch.
- NOTE: The global bonus to Damage Resistance for these monsters will be in effect in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, but will not be as dramatic due to the superior item drops and the additional Act in the Expansion.
- Gold Sharing when in a Party has been removed, returning this functionality to where it was before the 1.08 patch.
- NOTE: Gold Sharing when in a Party will also not be in effect in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.
- The new calculation used for Blocking that places emphasis on Dexterity has been removed, returning this to where it was before the 1.08 patch.
- NOTE: The new calculation will be in effect in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.

Jep, ich habs auch grad gelesen. Das wird die Masse wieder beruhigen, hoff ich, denn damit wirds wieder WESENTLICH einfacher in der Classic D2 Welt.