frogi am 19.10.2008 13:21 schrieb:jo danke, das wollte ich auch wissen![]()
Hallo Herr Friedel,
danke für Ihre Mail.
Für einen Titel auf einer anderen Plattform als die bereits geprüfte Version eines Titels muss ein Feststellungsverfahren zur Identität mit der vergleichbaren geprüften Version abgeschlossen werden. Wenn er identisch ist, erhält er natürlich dieselbe Freigabe von den Obersten Landesjugendbehörden, wenn er im Wesentlichen anders ist, muss er einem Regelausschuss in einem Verfahren zur Erlangung eines Prüfergebnisses vorgelegt werden.
Beste Grüße
Christine Schulz
Nachdem einige Händler bereits eine leichte Verschiebung der PC-Umsetzung von Grand Theft Auto IV angedeutet hatten, bestätigte Rockstar nun gegenüber IGN, dass das Spiel erst Anfang Dezember veröffentlicht werden wird.
* Betriebssystem: Windows Vista (Service Pack 1) oder XP (Service Pack 3)
* CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo mit 1,8 GHz oder AMD Athlon X2 64 mit 2,4 GHz
* Speicher: 1,5 GB RAM, 16 GB Speicher auf der Festplatte
* Grafikkarte: nVidia Geforce 7900 oder ATI Radeon X1900 mit 256 MB VRAM
* Betriebssystem: Windows Vista (Service Pack 1) oder XP (Service Pack 3)
* CPU: Intel Quad-Core mit 2,4 GHz oder AMD Phenom X3 mit 2,1 GHz
* Speicher: 2 GB (XP) bzw. 2,5 GB (Vista) RAM, 18 GB Speicher auf der Festplatte
* Grafikkarte: nVidia Geforce 8600 oder ATI Radeon 3870 mit 512 MB VRAM / mega-retailer Tesco have posted an image of the back of the PC version of GTA IV's box today. [...]
"Initial activation requires internet connection" new episode, available Feb. 17 via download exclusively for those who own the Xbox 360 version (no price yet), stars Johnny Klebitz, a member of Liberty City biker gang The Lost.
"Johnny is a very different character than Niko, with a very different background," says Dan Houser, vice president of creative development for Rockstar Games. "I can't go into too much detail on the story, because we try not to give away too much plot before the game is released. But I can say that the story will show you a different side of Liberty City."
In the original game, Niko crossed paths with The Lost several times. This time, Niko has only a bit part, Houser says. "The story is not directly impacted by decisions you took in the main game," he says. But "tons of details and mysteries from the main story get explained, so it will add a lot of color to the main story."
The new game will let you download more sandbox time. "We feel like we've only scratched the surface in terms of the depth and detail in" GTA IV's mythical Liberty City, says Houser.
Previous games have used downloads to add "new stages, weapons and costumes," says GamePro Media features editor Dave Rudden, "but GTA IV's content will reportedly add hours of gameplay."
Rudden hopes the episode costs $15 or less, but Wedbush Morgan Securities analyst Michael Pachter expects a $20 price and says Rockstar could sell 2 million to 3 million downloads. "I see episodic content as a natural progression of the quality of downloadable content."* Get Good Wood (50) – In the Bike Races, whack off 69 bikers with a bat.
* Easy Rider (100) – Finish The Story
* Full Chat (70) – Your backup are riding at their best!
* The Lost Boy (25) – All hail the leader of The Lost!
* One Percenter (5) – Billy is back on his bike. has confirmed to Eurogamer that the upcoming DLC for Grand Theft Auto IV will be priced for the long-rumored cost of 1600 ($19.99 at retail). The Lost and Damned is said to add hours of game play as players take on the role of Johnny Klebitz, member of the Liberty City biker gang The Lost. to several online previews (compiled by GTAGaming), players will receive: between 10 and 20 hours of new gameplay; plenty of new missions; additional music; more weapons; and membership to a fearsome motorcycle club biker gang.[…]After spending fifty hours cruising through the streets of Liberty City, do we really want to spend another ten, but now in biker outfits? Honestly, yeah. Rockstar North appears to have done a respectable job of making the look and feel of Johnny's version of Liberty City somehow unique. They're careful to start and end missions in spots previously under-explored by Niko, giving the player a fresh perspective on the city.
With an expected minimum of ten hours of new gameplay in The Lost And Damned, in addition to the changes, the first downloadable episode looks like a sound investment at just $20. New gameplay styles and thankful concessions — some missions can be restarted at halfway points, not just from the start — make The Lost And Damned feel less like a tacked on expansion and more of an evolution. / then, right at the end of the scene, BANG: Rockstar stops 'flirting' with controversy and gives it a full on facial. Full-on cock and balls, on your screen, on Xbox 360, in GTA IV.
My jaw simply HIT THE FLOOR.
If Rockstar's intention was to shock - if only because of the shitstorm it may well bring about - then it has succeeded. But it also 'fits well' with the game's entire daring and 'ballsy' attitude.
But The Lost and Damned has plenty else going for it besides, well, an old cock. […] second episode of Rockstar's promised downloadable expansions to Grand Theft Auto IV has been announced! The cheeky developer revealed the DLC in a recent press release -- titled The Ballad of Gay Tony, it places you in the (assumedly) fancy shoes of Luis Lopez, a "part-time hoodlum and full-time assistant to legendary nightclub impresario Tony Prince," or "Gay Tony," the titular bar mogul who made a number of appearances in GTA IV.
While we're sure to hear more about the particulars of Gay Tony during E3, the method of the game's release should prove to be interesting as well. Not only will the expansion hit Xbox Live this fall for $19.99, it'll also appear on a retail disc with The Lost and Damned. This disc, titled Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City won't contain the core GTA IV game -- nor will it require GTA IV to play. It'll hit store shelves in the fall, selling for $39.99.
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