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[Verkaufszahlen] Computer- und Videospiele- Aktuell: CoD MW 2 1,2 Mio in UK

Madden und Wolfenstein

[quote uid="8154007" unm="Bonkic"]gewaltig und anscheinend verdient![/quote] Bei anderen läuft es dafür nicht so gut:

USA: Activision verkauft 106.000 Exemplare von Wolfenstein
[…]Das meldet Gamespot unter Berufung auf Zahlen der NPD Group.

Die Xbox 360-Version konnte sich 59.000 Mal verkaufen, die PS3 kommt auf 30.000 Einheiten und die PC-Version auf 17.000 verkaufte Einheiten. Der Erfassungszeitraum ist vom 25.08.09 bis 29.08.09.
Gamefront.de / http://www.gamespot.com/news/6217169.html?tag=latestheadlines;title;4

Madden 10 – Plattformaufteilung & Vergleich zu 2008
			Madden 09	Madden 10
Xbox 360		1.000.000	925.000
Playstation 3		665.000		643.000
Playstation 2		424.500		162.000
Nintendo Wii		115.800		66.600
PSP			??		44.600

[b]Insgesamt:		> 2.204.800	1.841.200[/b]
According to NPD analyst Anita Frazier, Madden 10 sold nearly 1.9 million units total during the month, a figure that also includes the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, PSP, and Wii editions.
According to NPD's August 2008 figures, Madden 09 on the Xbox 360 sold 1 million units, some 75,000 more than this year. PS3-edition sales slipped by about 22,000 units, falling from 665,000 to 643,000. Madden on the PS2 saw a substantial drop, going from 424,500 units in August 2008 to just 162,000 units last month.

Notably, neither the Wii nor the PSP editions of Madden 10 cracked NPD's monthly chart. With the Wii edition of Madden 09 debuting with 115,800 units last year, the 2009 edition sold just 66,600 units on the month. The PSP installment fared worse, shifting just 44,600 units, according to the NPD Group.
Riccitiello acknowledged Madden's sliding sales, saying they slipped along with the overall industry trend.
"It is discouraging that one of our highest-rated and best-marketed Madden titles in years is facing strong headwinds," he said, before noting that the overall retail climate "presents a challenge."
CoD Modern Warfare 2

1.230.588 Modern Warfare 2-Versionen in England verkauft (in 24 Stunden)
According to official GfK-ChartTrack numbers obtained by MCV, the title sold 1,230,588 copies in 24 hours – smashing the previous record set by Rockstar's 2007 release.
The last day-one sales champ, GTA IV, generated 609,000 sales in its first 24 hours at retail in the UK.

Left 4 Dead 2 – 2 Millionen Exemplar verkauft (PC & Xbox 360)
[…] Left 4 Dead 2 sold 2 million copies worldwide in its opening two weeks, with sales to date "more than double" the original in a comparable time frame.
"Meanwhile the title has already been played by over 1 million Xbox LIVE Gold account holders, and news regarding L4D2 DLC 1 is coming very soon."

The original Left 4 Dead has sold more than 3 million copies worldwide, Valve said in September this year.