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Star Wars: Underworld - So hätte George Lucas' Serie ausgesehen


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Zum Artikel: Star Wars: Underworld - So hätte George Lucas' Serie ausgesehen
Wäre toll eine solche Serie zu sehen.... :(
Disney muss sich sowieso jetzt durch seine Streaming Plattform auch schlussendlich um Erwachseneninhalte kümmern, die mit ihrer üblichen Formel nicht zu machen sind^^
Ansonsten werden sie auf kurz oder lang Probleme bekommen, eine breites Publikum anziehen zu können
"Lucas wanted to have 100 episodes, each an hour long. The problem is that the episodes were going to cost 50 million dollars each. Lucasfilm didn't have that kind of money. They were trying to invent new technology which would allow them to radically bring costs down. Allow them to shoot an hour of VFX-driven storytelling in a cyberpunk city on a budget closer to 5-10 million. Star Wars has always been suited to longform TV storytelling. It's why Clone Wars works so well. But Lucas and his team dreamed of being able to have VFX as good as -- actually better than -- something like Revenge of the Sith, but with a much lower budget and several hours to tell each story arc.

The test footage isn't a great film, but it's not supposed to be. It's a tech demo showing how they could create these amazing looking environments and blend actors into them. There's also some really interesting intimacy to the camera work, and the instant replay means that they know how it's going to look as they're shooting it. A really, really impressive tech demo. Supposedly some of the scripts for SW: Underworld were really, really good. Corey Balrog has said he got to read some of the scripts:

“Probably the really small beginnings of this idea, the germination of this — when I was working at Lucas, I was allowed to go up to the ranch and read the scripts for the [canceled live-action Star Wars] TV show. It was the most mind-blowing thing I’d ever experienced. I cared about the Emperor. They made the Emperor a sympathetic figure who was wronged by this fucking heartless woman. She’s this hardcore gangster, and she just totally destroyed him as a person. I almost cried while reading this. This is the Emperor, the lightning out of the fingers Emperor. That’s something magical. The writers who worked on that, guys from The Shield and 24, these were excellent writers”

The StageCraft technology is a bit of a successor to this tech, I think. Except StageCraft has a circular screen that displays Unreal 4 visuals and the lighting on the set matches the visuals, which is great. This tech is seen in stuff like Oblivion, Interstellar, The Mandalorian."

Echt schade. Das ist genau das, was ich sehen will.
Das erklärt warum alles mit CGI recht gut aussieht, aber alle echten Sets sehr billig wirken - und das Schauspiel echt schwach ist ^^

Aber im Prinzip wäre das eine Serie die ich gerne sehen würde - genau darum war ja auch 1313 so reizvoll. Wenn man bedenkt, dass das Material knapp 10 Jahre als sein soll, dann sieht das echt noch gut aus. Das CGI dort würde mir selbst heute für eine Serie reichen.