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[Sammelthread] Fun Movies, lustiges Zeug

Wenn man von der Oberseite draufschaut passt das schon. Wurde einfach nicht tief genug gestochen. :-D
Mal wieder was von Red Giant. Ich liebe deren Tools (Lens Flares, Partikelsystem, Farbkorrektur, ...) und den Humor. =)

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Und ein Kurzfilm zum Thema "bring your kid to work day"... eines Bombenentschärfers. :-D

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Gut, daß ich meine Familie hab und da nicht sowas wie diese Tante vorkommt ...: Frau verklagt Neffen wegen stürmischer Begrüßung - Panorama - Süddeutsche.de :|

"Im Bundesstaat Connecticut wurde die Klage der 54-jährigen Jennifer Connell verhandelt, die von ihrem Neffen 127 000 Dollar (111 000 Euro) Schadenersatz verlangte, weil sie sich bei dem Sturz das Handgelenk gebrochen hatte.

Eine Meldung und ihre Geschichte... anscheinend haben sich doch noch alle in der Familie lieb.
So wie es aussieht musste die werte Tante klagen weil die Versicherung ansonsten nicht für die Behandlungskosten aufgekommen wäre. :O
Frau rechtfertigt sich für Klage gegen Neffen - Panorama - Süddeutsche

So viel bei uns auch im Argen sein mag, und auch wenn das soziale Netz verdünnt wurde, ich zahle gerne einen guten Teil meines Gehalts an Steuern dafür, dass ich nicht in einem so gefühlskalten System leben muss.
Passenger auf Sächsisch:

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Oh cool, da kann man sich auf gute Dialoge freuen!!
Hab mich schon gefragt wann die tiefgründigste Figur des SW Universums endlich wieder einen Auftritt bekommt. :-D
Den Damen hier macht das Blow & Touch aber Spass Luke ^^


Ich brauch nen Eimer. Einen GROßEN Eimer!!! :$

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Batman + Zeitreise =
It's a couple years from now, the chips are on the line, the multiverse is at stake, again... only this time it all comes down to Batman. He defeats the ultimate evil, only to find himself launched through time... into a strangely familiar city. Scrambling to find some clothes after his costume got destroyed by Z-rays in the epic battle, he nabs some threads off a low-hanging clothesline. He leaves his bat-wallet full of cash on the windowsill... he's not a bad guy, after all.

Just then, he sees a family of three emerge from the alley the clothesline was in. With a strange deja vu, Bruce recognizes... his mother and father. This is the night they were murdered! Bruce whirls around, looking for "Joe Chill," but it's only him and the Waynes. They barely glance at the ragged figure as they start to walk past.
With a spike of cold horror, Bruce realizes that in the death throes of the ultimate evil he faced off against in the future, it must have sent him here for a reason. Color draining from his face, Bruce reaches a hand into the borrowed coat's pocket... to find a dense, metallic lump. Drawing it out of the pocket, he comes face to face with a snub-nosed revolver.
A flash of terrible insight comes to Bruce along with an iron certainty. Without Batman, the universe would never survive the ultimate evil. Without this night, there is no Batman. This is his only chance... he must chose: break his one rule, or be complicit in the assured annihilation of the universe. There is no real choice.

With tears streaming down his face, he remembers with trained photographic memory the hollow words the mugger spat at the elder Waynes. They turn, startled. As if his hands had minds of their own, he feels the pressure on his fingers as he slowly and inexorably... pulls the trigger.
Bruce Wayne has killed his parents in order to save everything else.
In a blind haze, Bruce the elder stumbles from the alley as Bruce the younger wails into the night. Nearing the Narrows Bridge, Bruce's mind begins to crumble under the weight of what he has just done to himself. Unable to bear the maddening maelstrom of conflicting grief and certainty, he climbs to the highest point of the Bridge, looks out over the long-suffering city, and jumps without looking into the icy depths a hundred feet below.
Later that night, dockworkers pull a body from the water. No ID, no wallet. Nothing in the pockets but a gun and lint. Broken, deathly pale... but alive. As the foreman hangs up the call to the cops, he almost swears he hears something. It sounds almost like... laughter.
It is the laughter of a man who knows the funniest joke in the world, but just can't quite remember the punchline.

Schrödinger's Flüchtling:
Derjenige, dem das Geld in den faulen Arsch geschoben wird, während er einem gleichzeitig den Job wegnimmt.
