[l]am 20.12.03 um 20:15 schrieb Elzy:[/l]
Hier ein paar Zitate von 3D-Realms-Mitarbeitern bzgl. des Releasedatums im Verlauf der Jahre ("entliehen" von www.duke4.de
We're confident that DNF will be one of the greatest, if not the greatest, game of 1998. And this confidence is not misplaced." - Scott Miller, 1997
Duke Nukem Forever is a 1999 game and we think that timeframe matches very well with what we have planned for the game." - George Broussard, 1998
Trust us, Duke Nukem Forever will rock when it comes out next year." - Joe Siegler, 1999
When it's done in 2001." - 2000 Christmas card
"DNF will come out before Unreal 2." - George Broussard, 2001
"If DNF is not out in 2001, something's very wrong." - George Broussard, 2001
DNF will come out before Doom 3." - George Broussard, 2002