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Hellgate: London: Nicht totzukriegen - Steam-Release im November

Ich erinnere mich dunkel an das Spiel. Hatte durchaus seinen Reiz, auch wenn der Zufall doch recht repetitiv am Ende war.
Das Setting war durchaus was anderes, aber irgendwie war das Spiel nicht so der Knaller, wie ich mir gedacht habe.
Naja, mal schauen. Evtl. lege ich es mir noch mal auf Steam zu.
Das große Problem von Hellgate: London war, dass es nicht so recht wußte: Bin ich ein MMO oder bin ich ein SP-Spiel...Und man irgendwie eine Mischung aus beidem machen wollte und sich total zwischen die Stühle setzte und beides nicht besonders toll wurde.
Ich frage mich gerade, ob man die damalige Verkaufsversion auch noch einfach installieren und den SP spielen kann. Sollte ich irgendwann mal testen :-D

Geht ohne Probleme, spiel es ja auch und habe es installiert auf win 64 Bit.
Installieren und aber auf jeden Fall Patch 1.2 SP aufspielen, dazu noch die Revival Mod und es funzt ohne Probleme. Aber aufpassen, richtig gut und flüssig läuft das Spiel nur mit DX 9, mit DX 10 könnte es Probleme geben. Also das Spiel bitte auch nur mit der dx9.exe starten.
Geht ohne Probleme, spiel es ja auch und habe es installiert auf win 64 Bit.
Installieren und aber auf jeden Fall Patch 1.2 SP aufspielen, dazu noch die Revival Mod und es funzt ohne Probleme. Aber aufpassen, richtig gut und flüssig läuft das Spiel nur mit DX 9, mit DX 10 könnte es Probleme geben. Also das Spiel bitte auch nur mit der dx9.exe starten.

Danke für die Tipps :top:
Geht ohne Probleme, spiel es ja auch und habe es installiert auf win 64 Bit.
Installieren und aber auf jeden Fall Patch 1.2 SP aufspielen, dazu noch die Revival Mod und es funzt ohne Probleme. Aber aufpassen, richtig gut und flüssig läuft das Spiel nur mit DX 9, mit DX 10 könnte es Probleme geben. Also das Spiel bitte auch nur mit der dx9.exe starten.

Ebenfalls besten Dank für die Tipps! Hab's kürzlich mal wieder installiert ohne irgendwelche Patches - habe zwar nach Patches gesucht, aber offenbar nicht gründlich genug! :)

Was hat es mit dieser Revival Mod auf sich?
Ebenfalls besten Dank für die Tipps! Hab's kürzlich mal wieder installiert ohne irgendwelche Patches - habe zwar nach Patches gesucht, aber offenbar nicht gründlich genug! :)

Was hat es mit dieser Revival Mod auf sich?

Den Patch 1.2 Singleplayer (ist Plicht für alle Mods). KLICK
Revival Mod. KLICK

Vorwiegend nimmt die Mod Änderungen an den Items vor, auch Balance Sachen.
Das Inventar ist Größer, man kann beim Hänler jetzt auch mal bessere items finden, der Itemdrop auch da wurde einiges dazugeführt. Dann, ganz wichtig, beim Händler kannst du 2 Tokens kaufen (für 15000 Credits) die es dir erlauben deine Skills/Fertigkeiten zurückzusetzen. Auch gibt es sowas wie einen Cube, ähnlich dem Diablo 2 Würfel.

Hier mal die kompletten Notes.
Patch notes for Hellgate revival unofficial mod
Kikina the templar

Development of official Revival mod from Hellgateaus community it was completed by version 1.5b2.
Unofficial Revival mod (v1.6 and up) is extension of this mod - whole content of official revival is included,
lots of errors has been fixed and some things were added.
Patch notes with all changes between original game and Revival 1.5b2 are unfortunatelly not available.

Here is partially patch notes from 1.5b2, with my commentary:

1.5b Patch Notes
* Normal mode has the same Champion spawn rate and monster density as Elite mode.

* - Players are no longer assigned a default skill. (1.5a dropped)
* + Evoker, Summoner, Marksman and Engineer have had their starting skills changed.
* Evoker: Firestorm
* Summoner: Summon Carngor
* Marksman: Fire Grenade
* Engineer: Construct Drone
* - The initial skill is placed on the starter weapons. (1.5a dropped)
* Level cap increased to 55.
* Power regeneration decreased from 3 to 2 per willpower point.
* + Base power regeneration increased to 520.
* Melee damage increased from 1% to 3% per strength point.

* + Improved Engineer drone AI.
* + Can spawn Drone in stations.

* + Can spawn minions in stations.

* Increased stash (x10) and inventory (2x).
* + Inventory slot added for googles. (Kiki note: but was not working.)
* + Inventory slots added for rings. (Kiki note: but rings was not in game.)
* Scrap stack size increased to 10,000.
* Consumables stack size increased to 100.

* The cube recipes are hidden until discovered.
* Recipe to create pets - requires and egg drop from bosses.
* + Recipies to 'reroll' ehanced, rare and legendary items. (Kiki note: function was removed in 1.5b.)
* + Recipies to create various random items.
* + Recipies to create rings. (Kiki note: all recipes was unfuctional.)
* + Recipies to create demon, beast, necro and spectral mods.

Item Quality
* Enhanced and Rare items are identified by default.
* + Mythic quality items added. These items have affixes approximatley 1.5x stronger than legendary affixes.
* + Double Edged quality items added. These items have 1x Mythic affix and 1x negative affix.

* Rare and Legendary augmentation cost reduced by 50%.
* + Skills are not augmented onto weapons.

* Templar items added:
* Sunblade
* Sunshield
* Moonblade
* Dissector
* Dissector Shield
* Gleamcarver
* + Starburst
* + Marksmans items added:
* + Core Magnum (Kiki note: weapon was never spawned in game.)
* + Stingray
* + Discombobulator
* + Thumper
* + Thunderclash (Kiki note: weapon was never spawned in game.)
* + Cabalist items added:
* + Fire Seeds
* + Vampire PistolMK3 (Kiki note: weapon was never spawned in game.)
* + Negatron
* + Singularity Node
* + Purification Ray (Kiki note: its a templar weapon "Charger".)
* + Mutentacle
* + All new items can not be purchased from a vendor and drop at only legendary or better qualities.
* - 6x new unique items inspired by hellgateaus. (1.5a dropped) - These items require more thought and planning sorry! Will be back in a future update.
* Shield overload on Swords halved and capped at 100%.
* Boss/Mutant items are now of unique quality. (Kiki note: mutant items was not exist in game.)
* Only unique retrainers can be bought and sold.
* Common retrainers are gained from Sydonai the first time you complete the game. (Kiki note: treasure was bugged, retrainers was cannot drop.)

* Most of the updated interface elements have been imported from the Abyss expansion.

* Environment updates from the Abyss added.
* Moloch spawns in Ancient Blood - 4/5 chance to spawn. (Kiki note: in fact is Moloch spawn rate 100%.)
* Passageways and Hellrifts are a lot rarer 1/10.
* Elite passageways champion spawn chance increased by 100%.
* Treasure passageways contain 100% more treasure.
* Monster density increased by 15%.

* - The sprint skill caps at 4 points and no cooldown. (1.5a dropped)

* Moloch has been added into the game.
* New champion spawn: Zomper. - Skin by Tirex (Kiki note: Zomper was can not spawn in game.)
* Champion monster are slightly bigger 50%. (Kiki note: i think so this is not true too.)
* Champion mob health and experience increased 100%-300%.
* Shield overload reduced and capped at 100%.
* Killing monsters 3 levels above you grants you more experience up to 95%.
* Bosses have a 1/100 chance to drop an egg. (Kiki note: in fact is drop rate 2/100.)
* + Champion mobs drop essense according to their class type 1/5.

* Original voices have been restored for about 15 npcs, including 'sexy holloway'.
* Techsmith 314 has been reskinned into his 3rd stage state. (Kiki note: i dont know why.)
* + A gambling merchant added in Holborn station.

* Champion mobs have a fixed chance of dropping legendary or better loot!
* Rare mobs 1/100
* Epic/Legendary mobs 1/50
* Named/Unique mobs 1/25
* Sydonai drops a skill and attribute retrainer when you finish the game. (Kiki note: treasure was bugged, retrainers was cannot drop.)
* Moloch drops the Stonehenge dye kits. 1/10 chance to drop.
* Sydonai and Moloch have a chance to drop unique retrainers. 1/25 chance to drop. (Kiki note: only Sydonai and was bugged.)
* Zomper drops new items. (Kiki note: Zomper was can not spawn in game.)
* 1/2 chance to drop a special item (not telling what it is ;))
* 1/10 chance to drop hellgateaus unique items.
* Vendor modification and consumable quantities balanced.
* Chests and crates are generally more exciting.
* Crates will only drop palladium and consumables.
* Common chests will drop up to 3 consumables and palladium.
* There is a 1/1000 chance a common chest will drop a legendary of better item.
* Elite chests drop a lot more palladium and drop 2 rare or better items.

* Speed leveling achievments repaired.

* Particle updates from Abyss expansion added.

Optional Components
* + Auto Pickup Consumables
* + Auto Pickup Quest Items
* + Remove Regional Censoring

Known Issues
* Various graphical glitches for Nvidia players. (Kiki note: not only for Nvidia, here is different glitches for many graphics cards. This bugs are from original game and exist in ALL Hellgate versions.)
* Some Doubled Edged text descriptions are not displayed correctly, but they work. (Kiki note: All texts was working normally, i think.)

1.5b2 Patch Notes
* + chest fix included - Credit to BotMaster
* + Moloch spawns again
* + Respecs purchaseable at merchants for 15,000 pd
* - Gamble merchant removed, gamble tokens should now appear at normal merchants (Kiki note: this is not true, special merchant are at Holborn, tokens can not spawn at normal vendors.)
* - Reroll and Upgrade cube recipes removed due to less than acceptable success rates

Other changes not described above:
- Nemo at Holborn gives trasmogrifying cube to all player characters
- end game monsters have level 50 (60 in original game)
- warp Angels passage - Monument is continuously opened for better farming the Oculis boss
and maybe more..

Here starting unofficial revival patch notes:

1.6 Patch Notes

- all three game events is now selectable in install menu

- Fawkes event is restored to original state from online server

- Halloween event is restored to original state from online server

- Winter holiday event is not exactly in original state
15 hunting quests scaled for all players levels is now reworked to 3 quests
with fixed monster level
holiday drop from common monsters is mix of items from both others events

- Its possible (but not recommended) launch all three events together. In this case can Nemo (on Holborn or Templar base, it does not matter) give quests in
somewhat confusing order. Some quests is repeatable after one hour, or when relog into game

Events description


- automatically launched between 5 - 12 november

- all vendors sell two event items
- Nemo on Holborn or Templar base (it's the same character and can be (like lord Arphaun) in two places at once) gives four quests.
His second quest is very hard to meet. You get a blueprint (new one appears with each relog to game) and must make item from event monsters loot.
While event spawns five new monsters:
- Brisance, spawn at: Tudor street
King's William street
- Panclast, spawn at: Bell yard
Trinity square
- Sprengel, spawn at: Blackfriar's
Fleet street
Tower gateway
- Effigy, spawn at: Eastcheap
Ludgate hill
Devonshire square
- Acheson, spawn at: all previous + Craven street
Spawn is not 100%, monsters appears approximatelly in 1 from 6 cases
Important loot: Brisance - cheese
Panclast - pint of beer
Sprengel - pennyloaf
Effigy - black Fawkes elixir
Acheson - red Fawkes elixir
Reward from third Nemo's quest is blueprint for "Fawkes force five".
Last quest is repeatable after one hour, or when relog to game.
- goodies drops everywhere from common monsters, its possible to get Fawkes flameguards from this drop

Changes compared to the original version:
- drop of goodies is optimalised (droprate of pudding component is now little bit better), one missing ingredient (demon raw meat) is now fixed
- while event appeared in some game levels special textures with flames. This "level themes" data is still into code, but i dont know how activate it, sorry


- automacically launched only in 17. october, i dont know why

- Nemo on Holborn or Templar base gives two quests. Second is is repeatable after one hour, or when relog to game.
- zombot components drops everywhere from common monsters
- zombot blueprint and All hallow's visage can be obtained from monster loot, or through Nemo's repeatable quest

Changes compared to the original version:
- Nemo apparently originally stood on the Covent garden station
- All hallow's visage originally cannot be obtained from quest, only from loot
- bug - zombot no have portrait in icon, when is summonned, i dont know why

Winter holiday

- cannot be launched automatically

- if i remember correctly, this event never was launched on official server, only on test center. I'm not a witness of this event and in gamecode some
data missing. I reconstruct it as it was the best.

- Nemo on Holborn or Templar base gives one quest. You must get "decodex" from special holiday monsters. Like reward Nemo gives you
a cube formula for Fester Festivus. Components for Fester is obtainable from monsters loot too.

- In five stations spaws a "special wanted bulletins". Bulletins in Charing cross and Temple station is out of order, in Teplar base, Liverpool station
and St'Paul station gives each one quest - hunt on holiday monster. All hunt quest is repeatable after one hour, or when relog to game.

- On Covent garden and Oxford circus station is some christmas decorations

- goodies drops everywhere from common monsters, its possible to get Santa's hat from this drop

Changes compared to the original version (only those that I know):
- in game code are no specific holiday common monster drop (if any was). Current drop is mix of items from both others events.
- In original state gave bulletins tree quest each (on each station same, only with difference in level of monsters). This is 5x3 quest, too much works, sorry. :)
- same like while Fawkes event - while event appeared in some game levels special textures with snow. This "level themes" data is still into code,
but i dont know how activate it

1.7 Patch Notes

- in templar base is now two warps to new locations. Warp in Daylight garden is currently out of order,
warp in night garden is accessible through quest. In new location can spawn new boss with interesting loot

- goggles slot is fixed and fully functional

- Moloch priests is fixed and fully functional ;D

- Hellgate main menu now shows properly current mod version

- loading tips is actualised

- goggles and Cleanser (weapon for Angel passage) is now not taken out from player backpack on complete quests

- pulse rifle (Static (item)) now have new name

- recipes for powerpacks in cube is now always visible

New level description

In Templar base is in night garden warp to new level - Old crypt. Warp is inactive, but NPC Gunny can open it, after
completion all his task.
In Old crypt can be spawned ( 33% probability ) boss Desiccator. Dessi no have pets, no have petrify skill, so its possible
kill him in singleplayer (not easy, but possible) :)
Dessi give loot, that had earlier Zomper - all 6 items created by hellgate community (other 10 items is not currently in game data,
Zomper is gone too, only his textures stay).
In addition Desiccator can drop one from three special eggs (20% probability). Eggs can be hatched in cube for pets.
- Nautilus. Currently no have splash heal, only standart healing beam, but his healing power is much beter than in multiplayer.
- Revenant. I had problem with 3D model, current revenant use model from standart mantawraith, in low graphics settings is used
spare texture. Revenant now fight for you with "toxicthrower" with considerable damage.
- Cratepecker. Sorry, i failed to renew it. Instead of him are in game completely new pet (surprise).

1.8 Patch Notes
- warp in daylight garden is now functional. Talk with Alay Penn in Templar base to open it. In new location is Terrible monster with intere.. ehm.. with loot.

- slots for rings is fully functional, rings is now obtainable in game (drop or cube recipes)

- chromatic cabalistic quest batteries now can be dropped from backpack (only to be for the safe side)

- Nautilus and Burning fiends now making noises

- population of monsters in Old crypt has been decreased. Monsters in crypt now can be champions. Besides Burning fiends are now there Leviathans
in normal difficulty and Stormbringers in nightmare. A couple of good old burning fiend lords from Stonehenge there will also be reached ;)

New content description

- to open warp in Templar base daylight garden you just talk with NPC Alay Penn, either in the Templar base or in the Monument station.
There is no level restriction, but be aware that new level "Deathtrap" its a end game location. Inside new level are a new boss, Terrible monster.. :o

- first four rings is craftable in cube (nanoshards + essences)

- if you get "Ruinous ring" (without stats), its possible transformed it into cube to better randomly generated ring (nanoshards + ruinous ring;
there is five types of upgrade)

- "Ruinous ring" is common drop from Terrible monster and "first time kill" loot from some bosses (Shulgoth, Oculis, Beast of Abbadon, Reaper; 100% chance)

- another six different types of rings its a common loot from Terrible monster + one new type of goggles + some old uniques

1.9 Patch Notes

- due to an error, which makes Reanimator while changing game sounds, is now Nautilus,
all burning fiends and Terrible monster again without making any noises

- to inventory screen was added new slot for implants. Implants is now obtainable in game (drop + cube recipes)

- good news for trophy hunters. In Necropolis is now possible to meet four old bosses from Stonehenge - Errgoth, Nicor, Oriax and Ash

- droprate of mythic mods has been slightly increased

- all uniques and mythic items can now be spawned at vendors, also legendary and mythic mods

- i found in game data some quests ready for the wanted bulletins in stations, where now there are none.
Quests is full functional, so now you can accept this quests from another bulletins in nearby others stations

New content description

- Common implants without stats is now a drop from all champions in the game (2% chance on kill).
This implants can be transmuted into cube to "able implant" (implant + nanoshards). Able implant adds
random generated skill upgrade (1 - 3). Able implants can be dismantled.
- Bioimplants is drop from new bosses in Necropolis. On 1 - 4 level of Necropolis is 40% chance to spawn
four bosses from stonehenge (different on each floor). Each boss have 90% chance to drop one from six types bioimplants and 1/6 chance
on improved bioimplant. Bioimplants provides + to all skills, but their use cost some willpower and cannot be dismantled.
- If you get trophy heads from all four new Necropolis bosses (100% chance on kill), you can try transmute it into cube to last type bioimplants
(six different types, random generated damage augment)

- All quests are of the same "wanted" type - kill some monster and bring back trophy ear.
Quest from Holborn is now on bulletin in Covent garden station, quest from Oxford circus and Green park on Charing cross station.
Quest from Templar base can be accepted on bulletin in Temple station, rewarder is now Rorke Pherral (previously lord Maxim).
Quests from Finsbury is on Liverpool station bulletin.

2.0 Patch Notes

- one damaged mythic affix has been restored

- some damaged loot tables has been fixed (Sidonai retrainers, some chests..)

- mythic and double edged items now have chance to two mythic affix, mythic items can have four affixes (affects only newly generated items).
Both type items now have four-stars icon.

- Moloch's fiends (gone again unnoticed due to reanimator bug in v1.8) is back again, all others missing creatures too

- recipes for rejuvenations in cube now have correct order

- non unique Thumper is now ..ehm.. Thumper (previously Electric)

- one from two different "Shadow" common dye kits now have correct name "Shadow tiger"

- Bloodmoon archievement has been modified, because in this version game is impossible to reach map "mini city rare" (this mini-game
has been removed by developers after SP 1.2 patch)

- into the game are now two new creatures, one lord and one boss. Both love darkness and are practically harmless, so do not hurt them so much.. :)

New creatures descriptions

- In Aldwych can spawn "Lord Puppy" (10% chance). This lord has been especially designed for my alphatester (guardian "Marcelka" from Hellgate Global).
Lord Puppy can drop any common dye kit from whole game, so if you were denied necessary Kung-fu Bunny, here is place where it can rectify.. :-D

- In Necropolis level 5 now with slow pace walking Mr. Zomper. He is no longer in the limelight, but .. its still rich.
(Boss Zomper - 100% spawn chance. I restored him as best i could, i only had old textures available. Do not miss his "first kill" loot !)

2.1 Patch Notes

- czech language support has been added

- function of "item gamble token - pants" has been fixed

- event consumables (Fawkes, Halloween) is now stacked on 50 pieces (only new items, but old items can be stacked with newly created)

- one forgotten pudding blueprint is now dropable (sticky toffee pudding)

- buff from Fawkes apple, potato and oatmeal now lasts little bit longer

- most of Fawkes consumables now have description

2.2 Patch Notes

- new "wanted" quests is now sorted otherwise, due some errors while accepting it, quest rewarder for Finsbury quests is now Jessica Summerisle

- almost all events consumables is now tradeable at vendors

- implants have better prices, common implants is tradeable

- common and unique dye kits is now tradeable (common dyes have fixed price)

- Cleanser now truly can be bought from vendor (before appeared at vendor, but cannot be purchased)

2.3 Patch Notes

- added new button to install menu, "Disable respawn monsters"

- added new button to install menu, "Decrease power cost for elemental pets"

Both functions is experimental, can not be excluded some side effect

2.4 Patch Notes

- Text format of some revival items descriptions was changed (especially in quotes).

- Items database had been partially revised.
Fixed or new items:
(spawn): Vampire PistolMk3, Unique 02 - Alucard's Continuum
(unique spawn): Puppet Master, Id Pulsar, all versions
(spawn): c_starter1_normal_belt - Sash
(affix, spawn in all qualities): Sun Blade, Sun Blade Unique01 - The Unconquered Sun
(affix, spawn in all qualities): Sun Shield, Sun Shield Unqiue 01 - Sunscreen
(affix, unique spawn, spawn in all qualities): Moon Blade, Moon Blade Unique 01 - The Unyielding Moon
(unique spawn, spawn in all qualities): Dissector, Dissector Unique01 - Moorgoth's Hand
(unique spawn, spawn in all qualities): Dissector Shield, Dissector Shield Unqiue 01 - Moorgoth's Hold
(unique spawn, spawn in all qualities): Gleamcarver, Gleamcarver Unique 01 - Grimace
(spawn in all qualities): Cabalist_Focus25_prism - Mutenacle
(slots, spawn in all qualities): Cabalist_Focus26_core - Darkclaw
(spawn): Cabalist_Focus27_teeth_basic - Coreslicer
(spawn): Cabalist_Focus27_teethMk2_basic - Corelasher
(spawn): Cabalist_Focus27_teethMk3_basic - Coreshredder
(spawn): Cabalist_Focus28_tusks_basic - Ripping radiant
(spawn): Cabalist_Focus28_tusksMk2_basic - Riving radiant
(spawn): Cabalist_Focus28_tusksMk3_basic - Rending radiant
(spawn): Cabalist_Focus27_teeth - Ripshard, Cabalist_Focus27_teeth Unique 01 - Megalodon
(spawn): Cabalist_Focus27_teethMk2 - Predator Ripshard, Cabalist_Focus27_teethMk2 Unique 01 - Remnants of Grregas
(spawn): Cabalist_Focus27_teethMk3 - Slayer Ripshard, Cabalist_Focus27_teethMk3 Unique 01 - Black Angel
(spawn): Cabalist_Focus28_tusks - Bloodshard, Cabalist_Focus28_tusks Unique 01 - Mordify
(spawn): Cabalist_Focus28_tusksMk2 - Grim Bloodshard, Cabalist_Focus28_tusksMk2 Unique 01 - Tuskull
(spawn): Cabalist_Focus28_tusksMk3 - Eviceration Bloodshard, Cabalist_Focus28_tusksMk3 Unique 01 - The Abandoned Fist
(spawn): Cabalist_Focus2_9glyph - Glypshard, Cabalist_Focus2_9glyph Unique 01 - Ceremonial Shard
(spawn): Cabalist_Focus2_9glyphMk2 - Grand Glypshard, Cabalist_Focus2_9glyphMk2 Unique 01 - Keel Brands
(spawn): Cabalist_Focus2_9glyphMk3 - Obliteration Glypshard, Cabalist_Focus2_9glyphMk3 Unique 01 - Galactic Conquest
(spawn in all qualities): Vigilante, VigilanteMk2 - Executioner
(spawn in all qualities): Hellbore - XM17 Stingray, Hellbore Mk2 - XM18 Deathray
(spawn in all qualities): Fry Baby - Hellbore
(spawn): Core Magnum - F-S Force Magnum, Core Magnum Unique 01 - Mastadon
(spawn in all qualities): Thumper
(spawn): Thunderclash - XM909 Thunderclash, Thunderclash Unique 01 - XM9x Thundergod
(spawn): RevealerMk2 Unique 01 - Novastorm
(spawn in all qualities): Purification Ray - Charger
(spawn in all qualities): Cracker - Starburst
(spawn in all qualities): Fire Seeds - Pyrocaster, Fire SeedsMk2 - Pyromasher
(spawn in all qualities): Negatron
(spawn in all qualities): Singularity Node - Infernous

- Excessive spawning of some uniques (Convulsor, Static Coil, H666 Hell-fury) has been corrected.

- All unique mods (with rare tag, like "Rat monkey claw") now can be spawned at merchant.

- Droprate for unique and mythic items has been increased.

- Double edged items now have 20% chance on nanoshard when is dismantled (14% before).

- Missing souds while dismantling some items has been corrected.

--- New foci Ripshard, Bloodshard and Glypshard - unfortunatelly, all have one bug, which concerns only evokers.
All foci from original game is side symmetrical, so that they can be taken in both hands. These focuses is not symmetrical,
while equip to left hand in multiplayer are mirrored by program. Single player does not allow this feature.
The solution would be to prohibit the use of these focuses in left hand, but in that case i would have to rank them as new "unittype",
and this also causes that they stop working like a focus.
So, if you do not want to watch on evoker with both hands right, use this focus only in right hand
and to left hand put some other type of focus.

2.5 Patch Notes
- Excessive spawning of unique ID pulsar has been corrected.

- Every champions now has a 3% chance on drop Common implant OR Teleportation device.
Teleportation device allows to each character use summoner skill "Blink", which can be used to escape from the encirclement,
but mainly allows you to jump through the barrier on Embankment redoubt and kill Beelzebub with your own strenght.

- Loot rules for all bosses in Hell has been changed. Lies (Flaw, Discord, Rash, Despair, Bedlam) now gives a standart boss loot (included chance on pet eggs).
In addition, each can drop their own dye kit (Ultimate elemental dye kit, new in game, 20% drop chance on kill, based on Talox dye kits from Abyss expansion).
Sydonai now gives his "first time loot" like common drop, one retrainer is granted per kill (Stat or Skill retrainer, random).

- Lord Puppy now can drop (besides common dye kits) two un-revival community items, one is new in game.

- Appearance of unique gleamcarver "Grimace" has been corrected. (Yes, now glowing red) :)

2.6 Patch Notes

- Old Hellgate veterans know a mysterious portal, which occasionally appears in Houndsditch area. This portal is now fully functional and can warp you to new level "Collapsed tunnel". Portal now appears in both variant of level (garden, streets) with 100% probability.
In "Collapsed tunnel" you can meet few new monsters from Abyss - Savage fiends (one new lord included) and boss "Vitava". Although it does not seem to come at first, Vitava is hardest boss in mod, and kill him in nightmare difficulty you will manage only with very good geared character on lv 55.

- Each Vitava have 20% chance on drop one unique armor piece from Abyss "set".
I need to explain something first - Abyss "uber" set and helmets from Moloch cannot be ported to Revival, without change complete 3D model of all three player characters (templar, hunter, cabalist, male, female), as in the Nagahaku mod. I tried it, but in the current state of Revival mod this is not possible while maintaining backward compatibility. If its possible, i do not know how, sorry.
Abyss "set" thus now are in the game, but looks ...different. :) (For this last joke i apologize to all in advance.)
Vitava can drop 21 pieces of new unique gear (seven for each faction). Items are not exactly the same like in online version of game, but very similar. All have fixed affixes with randomly generated value, but no have fixed item level, so items from nightmare difficulty is always better.
Besides that, Vitava can drop all three rings with his name.

- All three revival levels (Old crypt, Deathtrap, Collapsed tunnel) is now visible on world map.

- Drop probability of unique ID Pulsar was again reduced.

- In mod install menu you can now select a "Cheat mode for beginners" option. If is this function activated, all newly created characters get on gamestart one very special weapon.

2.7 Patch Notes

- Vitava appearance on low textures has been fixed

- Czech language support v2.0 has been implemented. The description of all objects from stonehenge patch should now be completely translated to czech.

- In collapsed tunnel level now can spawn Fallen savage fiend in normal mode and Infernal savage fiend in nightmare. Two new savage fiend lords has been added.

- For pet eggs you can now get a lot more money at merchants.

- Level for drop a end game items was lowered (from 49 - 52 to 48). End game uniques now can be spawned at nightmare St. Paul vendor.

- Cube, both retrainers and boss heads now making noises when handling them in character inventory.

- Item name of Teleportation device, Implant, Ruinous ring, Sugar bomb, Ghost candy, Fire candy and Fawkes grenade now have a quest item color.

- New boss from Abyss, Squadro, now walks across London. With 33% probability can appear at Leicester Square, Savile row, Savoy, Forgotten ducts, Waterman's walk and Undershaft. In addition to standart boss loot he can drop all three rings with his name, or five nanoshards. Squadro no have original skills, only random generated affixes.

- Old revival community items should now drop only from Desiccator, not from common monsters.

- Treasure passages now gives more palladium than before.

- Level "Old crypt" is now cold and snow is everywhere.. (It was supposed to be there from the beginning, but i have just figured out now, how to do it right).

- Blueprints "crafting" has been changed. Uncommon (one star) items should appears minimally, newly can appear a unique items. Non-functioning blueprints should not appear - the problem was in the double edged items, which are not being generated now.

- All Fawkes/Halloween consumables and all pets now can be assigned to skill bar. Some from this items now have additional item description.

- Lord Mordehl (can be spawned everywhere, where is Vortex Wraiths), now can drop with 50% probability one special item, dedicated to one well-known czech player of Hellgate :)

2.8 Patch Notes

If you go by twilight from the Monument to the Upper Thames, maybe you will run until night falls to the ruined Southwark bridge.Templar scouts say there's something big going on there..

- new level "Southwark bridge" now can be accessed from Waterman's walk (is visible on world map).

- at Southwark bridge can be meet new boss - Rashaverak from Hellgate global. Besides him there are also his smaller relatives, Siege fiends and in nightmare difficulty Colossus scourges. Rashaverak have 100% spawn and can drop beside standart boss loot one new common pet and one Hellgate 2038 community item (20% chance on kill). Beware - monters in this location no have fixed levels, everytime have level of player.

- new boss from Abyss was seen in London - The Fulcrum, or Ahmon from Hellgate global, can be meet at "Big gundown". Spawn is set to 100%, he can drop beside standart boss loot all three rings with his name or five nanoshard. Fulcrum no have original skills (do not build totems), only random generated affixes.

- nanoshards cost in some recipes in cube has been reduced. Ruinous ring upgrade now cost 5 nanoshards and Able implants "gambling" only 2 nanoshards.

2.9 Patch Notes

- Czech language support v3.0 has been implemented. Some glitches in czech language strings has been fixed. All remaining skills descriptions with english strings has been translated. Czech support should now be complete. There are still some minor bugs, but all comes from the original version..

- Gleamcarvers is now "very fast", like in TCv4 patch (thanks to Fruska for bugfinding)

- Unique cannon "Static coil" now deal physical damage, but only on newly created items (thanks to Antediluvian for bugfinding)

- Unique pistol "Darkray's Devastation" now have some physical damage in description, but only on newly created items (thanks to Antediluvian for bugfinding)

- Order of receiving Lolli's quests at Oxford street station was changed again, due to the problems. Perhaps it will be fine at last..

- Dialog with Gunny, while opening the entrance to the Old crypt, is now longer. You will find out why Gunny suddenly speaks normally. This dialogue was not created by me, was hidden in the original game data.

- I found in game data one dialog ready for Lord Arphaun. He should have said it after Sydonai death. So, until you complete the last main quest of the game, you can now go to Lord Arphaun, talk to him a get end game reward (5 skill points and 15 stat points, quest is available in both difficulties).

- Rashaverak now can drop one new item. Item has no function in the game, but surely many players will raise old memories. Item can be sold at a fair price at vendors.

- Few new loading tips has been added.

3.0 Patch Notes

- spawn rate of all randomly appearing bosses and named monters is now minimally 33% (Sprengel, Panclast, Brisance, Effigy, Acheson, Lord Puppy, Grimborax, Fat Bully, Tubby bastard - 10 - 25 % before)
- quest boss The Brain is now huge, like in vanilla version
- description of Arc Legion skill (evoker) in czech language has been fixed
- rarity of unique mods (all have rare tag) was changed, for better spawn at merchants
- one new loading tip has been added
- all three revival quest at Templar base now have only "OK" button ("Accept quest" before)
- cheat mode for beginners was changed. Now, if you select this mode, you receive "God gun" from Nemo at Holborn, while accepting cube
- boss Rashaverak now can drop new items:
- Hurricane (Unique XM3 Eviscerator)
- Dmitriy's Glory (Unique Cricket Bat)
- six type of unique mods with very special properties
Both weapons is ported from "Hellgate Global", but not is exactly same. Nor can they be - weapon upgrading system in revival is different from global.
Mods have only "rare" tag, like others unique mods in game. Each mod is dedicated to one person from "Hellgate 2038" community.
- In game is new common pet. Can be hatched in cube from Mysterious egg (common eggs from bosses, not from Dessi). The likelihood of hatching is now the same for all five pets.
This pet is a gift from Aunt Ki to all, who did not get it in "Hellgate Global", just like she..

3.1 Patch Notes

- player 3D models and all armor models was changed to TCv4 version (thanks to Nagahaku for info about it)
- Moloch now can drop Abyss "uber" set armor with original look. 100% chance on kill, one from 7 pieces per class, always for current class only. All pieces have same chance for drop. Armor can have legendary, double-edged, mythic or unique quality. Level of armor is not fixed, depends on Moloch level. Uniques have same affixes like armor from Vitava
- chance on drop dye kits from Moloch (90% on kill) is now same for all kinds
- TCv4 3D model of templar "power_light_gloves" is bugged (bug is known from Hellgate 2038 project). This 3D model was disabled, gloves now have look of "power_heavy_gloves"
- loot from Vitava ("homeless set") is without changes

3.2 Patch Notes

- all stonehenge helmets was implemented into game. Can spawn in all qualities (including unique) in game and at merchants too:
Dread mask, Dire Cowl, unique Dire Cowl "Veiled Threat" for cabalists
NavShell, Blast Helm, unique Blast Helm "Eyes of the Maverick" for hunters
Spiked Guard, Tower Helm, unique Tower Helm "Face of the Crusader" for templars
MK1 type can spawn from lv 15, MK2 + uniques from lv 48. Uniques no have fixed itemlevel.
Moloch now have exclusive 20% chance on kill to drop one from three unique versions (random, no class restriction)

- all Stonehenge/Abyss champions in game now have chance on drop new type of implant. It is about forbidden nanotechnology :)
There are five different types, 20% chance on drop while kill champion.
Champions: Lord Issrilvor, Brobdingnagian and Agress in Old Crypt
Lord Teveren and Bartok in Southwark bridge
Lord Niriul and Zarathon in Collapsed tunnel

- lord Puppy in Aldwych now can drop one new community item (goggles)

- boss Rashaverak in Southwark bridge level now can drop one new item for cabalists - focus "Glyph-Cage". Item is not exactly same like in Hellgate Global, but very similar

- as a side effect of using TCv4 player models is now posible use ingame emotes. It is clear that it is difficult to show emotions to other players in SP mode, but you can use it for nice screenshots..
Emotes is triggered by entering the command in the chat. Here is complete list:
/wave, /beg, /bow, /cheer, /chicken, /cry, /flex, /kiss, /laugh, /no, /point, /salute, /stop, /taunt
Animation for hunter command /bow does really strange things with weapons in hands, but this is original TCv4 bug :)

- Gleamcarvers and Dissectors now have animated swing, negatrons and vigilantes makes sound while firing (thanks to Nagahaku for this tricks)

- new install option was added - Goggles hotfix. On some graphic cards goggles not work, its old bug from original game. If you find that your goggles (first time is used in Aldwych level) do not emitting light, first try switch game to DX9. Then make sure the "shader quality" is not set to "low". On low quality is goggles disabled. If they still do not work, then reinstal mod with this option enabled. Button working like a light switch for pitch-black levels

- Zombot, if is summoned, have AT LAST portrait in icon on screen !

- essences is now examinable

- one loading tip was updated

- for modders: finally, i managed to eliminate all the errors from the original revival that made it impossible to edit the tables "items" and "affixes" in the reanimator. Both tables is now possible correctly save, without reanimator reporting error

3.3 Patch Notes

- modification panel (panel of examination item) has been repaired. The panel went too high and image of item was too low to this panel. Now everything is at the right height. Unfortunately, i was unable to fix the bug with description of empty slot for mods (only E or Emp showing), so the label is now off

- in game is two new reaper champions. You can meet them in hidden passageways of all types (100% spawn) - Lord Velnin in normal difficulty and Baron Zareph in nightmare. If you kill them, both can drop one xp pack with 10 mins experience buff (100% chance on kill, you get one from three xp packs - 25% xp, 50% xp, or if you're really lucky 300% xp). Buffs is not stackable, if you use new xp pack, previous xp buff will be reset

- Winter Holiday event was upgraded
- Loot from Halloween and Fawkes event was disabled (only apples remained, on Fawkes event are falling short, so its possible farming on it while this event). From all common mosters now can be dropped original stuff - candies (3 type), regeneration vials (2 type), and, with a little less probability of drop, capsules (4 type). Using this items give to player 10 minutes buff to various stats. Buffs is not stackable, if you use another holiday buff, previous buff will be reset. Buffs is stackable with goodies from Haloween, Fawkes event and with xp packs, so four buffs together is now possible
- drop of Santa hat is without change
- special event bulletins on Charing cross and Temple station now give one new holiday repeatable quest each - hunt on special demons. Except experience and money from complete the quests, each new demon can drop one buff capsule per kill (100%)

- gambling with tokens in cube has been fixed and upgraded:
- teplar guard on Holborn (gambling token seller) now does not comment on the ongoing quests, is always clickable for shopping
- guard sells only tokens now - the sale of beast caste mods was obviously a bug...
- making mods from tokens and essences in cube was corrected - essences now correcly corresponding to caste
- token recipes in cube should no longer generate random things
- most gambling recipes now create items of a much higher quality
- recipe for 2h templar gun was disabled (in game is not 2h templar guns)

- new install option was added - Disable Mods Attribute Cost. If is activated, all newly generated weapon mods will be not required attribute points on player

- new install option was added - Crazy slayer. If is activated, monsters density in most levels of game is highly increased. Function was ported from Nagahaku mod and is experimental - use it at your own risk

- boss Rashaverak now have 25% chance on drop special item (20% before)

- objective monster "The Eliminator" from last quest from Lyra Darius "Remembrance" is now really reaper (electro minion before), like in Hellgate 2038

- reapers Bloodblade and Despair now have unique label color, like other bosses in game

- Alay Penn now have label with her name, like others NPC

- czech support for stonehenge helmets was added

3.4 Patch Notes

- appearance of almost all weapons, monsters and some items from Stonehenge and Abyss patch has been improved.
Many models until now did not use specular and glow bitmaps. Now all these things should look the same as in the online game. You can easily see the change for example on the FS Core Magnum gun (it was previously matte, now glistening) or on Nautilus pet (both now have light waves on body).

- gleamcarvers was fixed.
Immediately after the light waves began to operate, the error with overlighting of backpak during the viewing of the item occured (bug is known from Hellgate 2038). I fixed it, but at the price of a small reduction in the overall luminosity of the swords. I also reduced the transparency of the inner part of the sword, which has removed the error which was reflected only on the DX10 - nearby objects viewed through the blade, looked like they were in front of the blade.

- animations of some Abyss focuses was fixed.
The problem is in the incompatibility of animations on a 64-bit system. On 32 bit systems animations working normally. I managed to make animations work on Ripshard and Glypshards. Unfortunately, Bloodshards still working correctly only on 32 bit PCs...

- almost all weapons from Hellgate Global (Japanese and Korean expansion) were added to the game.
Items are not exactly the same as the originals, but they are very similar. Can appear everywhere in game at any level and can be spawned at merchants, no have fixed itemlevel and the probability of spawn is a bit lower than for normal things.

New weapons:
- Hell Mountain Locus (focus), unique Valley of Death
- Dreary Hand (focus), unique Slayer from Another World
- Scythe Axe (sword), uniques Freedom, Reaper
- Scythian Blade (sword), uniques Democracy, Ghost Axe
- KL-11 Power Ripper (sword), uniques Axe of Weyland - Yutani, Red Dragon
- Demolition Sword (sword), unique Moonlight Demolition Sword
- Silkworm Sword (sword), unique Nightmare Sword
- Turtle Shield (shield), unique Hyeonmoo's Iron Shield
- RJ-5 Gatling Rifle (hunter 2h gun), uniques The Hammer of God, Rattler
- RJ-10 Barrage Rifle (hunter 2h gun), uniques The End of Eternity, Ghosthunter
- RJ-20 Onslaught Cannon (hunter 2h gun), uniques The Eden, Hecate's Storm
- Twister Gun (hunter 2h gun), unique Person of Thor (Jupiter)
- Beast SNPR (hunter 2h gun), unique Keel's SNPR
- JR-10 Sniper Rifle (hunter 2h gun), unique Bull's Eye
- Pistol Sword (templar 1h gun), unique Craftman's Handmade Gun
- Steel Shotgun (hunter 1h gun), unique Dark Debris
- Penetration Pistol (hunter 1h gun), unique Corpse Mountain
- Incurable Contaminated Gun (cabalist 1h gun), unique Final Attempts of Merihim
- Flame Diffuser (cabalist 1h gun), unique Arsonist of Hell
- Joint Gun (cabalist 2h gun), unique Joint Gun of Varlaam
- Antigravity Sword (sword), unique Yama Iron Sword
- Bastion Blade (sword), uniques Death Shepherd, Leviathan
- Holy Claymore (sword), uniques Molay's Avenger, Hero of Heorot
- Guillotine (sword), uniques Blade of Behemoth, Night Angel

All these weapons generally have a light problem on the DX10. If you stand in a partial shade with them, tend to darken quickly and some particles have only black color. In full light this error will not occur. After longer testing, i found that the bug is right in the 3D model of the items, koreans simply never wanted to run the game on DX10. The lights are OK on the DX9. There's nothing to do with it...
Focus Dreary hand have same problem like a Abyss focuses - is not symmetrical, so is not correctly displayed in left hand. SP client does not allow a mirror overturn.
Two handed swords - are all in game, but all is one handed :) Since most Hellgate Global files are incompatible with SP data, currently its not possible to make the necessary animations for the player's character, sorry.
Most weapons have fewer slots for mods than the originals - koreans did not worry about displaying mods on a 3D model of weapon and sometimes it looked very unnatural. Weapons now have only slots, on which the 3D model is ready or where presence of mod does not seem totally absurd.

3.5 Patch Notes

- in game is new mini level - West Smithfield. You can enter to this level from St. Paul station, through Cheapside and Little Britain.Inside waiting for you a visitor from far away Tokyo - boss Glutton Kurodon.
Kurodon brought some of his old acquaintances too - Centaurs, Death meats and Rock demons.All monsters in West Smithfield have always same experience level like a player. Kurodon using original AI, but no have original skills.
- boss Kurodon have chance (100% on kill) on drop one piece of armor from new Kurodon's "miniset". This miniset consists of three parts - unique boots, pants and belt. Each piece exist in six variants, for all professions. Most of this armor pieces have unique skin from Hellgate Global. Armor no have fixed itemlevel.

- new pet buffs: every common pet in game now gives while summoning one stat buff for player. After summoning you can recall the pet, buff is permanent, disappearing only while dying or unlog from game.
Pet buff is stackable with other type buffs (fawkes, halloween, winter holiday, xp), but only one buff is allowed - summoning another pet only swapping buffs between themselves.
Lets recapitulate all pets in game:
Mantawraith - common, all bosses drop, increase health points
Mantawraith FSS - common, all bosses drop, increase health regeneration
Cocomoko - common, all bosses drop, increase mana points
Cocomoko Korea - common, all bosses drop, increase mana regeneration
Fester Festivus - common, reward from winter holiday quest, increase armor
Zombot - common, from halloween blueprint drop, increase shield regeneration
Ancient Clam - common, all bosses drop, increase critical chance
Arachnus - common, Rashaverak drop, increase critical damage
Nautilus - unique, Desiccator drop, healing pet, no buff
Revenant - unique, Desiccator drop, battle pet, no buff
Juggernaut - unique, Desiccator drop, battle pet, no buff
- some pets now have new, good-looking icons

- on some items (egg, cryptex, IOU note..) now should not be a meaningless inscription "cannot trade" (newly generated items only)
- Rashaverak now give one cryptex per kill (chance for other items is with this slightly increased)
- due to problems with monters respawn is all wanted quests from Winter holiday event now repeatable only after relog to game.
- in the recipes for Vitava and Dreadnaught rings in cube was swapped requirements for essences. Newly generated rings have also swapped type of thorns damage (Vitava is spectral, so his rings have spectral thorns and using spectral essences).
- Stonehenge helmets now have same colors like in online game and uniques now keep this colors after identification

3.6 Patch Notes

- there are two new minibosses in the game:
- Behemoth have 100% chance on spawn at Old Bailey. Behemoth replaced originally planned Dreadnaught (his 3D model do not work correctly in SP), so, both originally Dreadnaught's rings now have new name - Behemoth's rings. Skillful opal band (+ to all attributes) was renamed on Behemot's accursed circle. All three rings (or 5 nanoshards) now can be looted from Behemoth (100% on one from list). Behemoth no have original ai and skills, only random generated affixes.
- Lilith have 100% chance on spawn at Paternoster Row. She can drop one from three completely new rings with her name or five nanoshards (100% on one from list). Lilith no have original ai and skills, only random generated affixes.

- there are one new maxiboss in the game :)
- If you want to prove that you are a great warrior, talk to Murmur, after you get end game reward from lord Arphaun. Murmur give you one new quest for killing Berial at Piccadilly circus. Quest is repeatable after relog to game. Monsters at Piccadilly circus now have everytime same level like a player. Berial ai has been redesigned and uses some other skill than in Hellgate Global. Berial can drop besides standart boss loot one of Tokyo's weapons (50% chance on kill, one from 36 uniques).

- What will happen if you mix in the cube four most unnecessary things in the game ?
- New cube recipe: mix IOU note (Zomper, Necropolis), Cryptex (Rashaverak, Southwark bridge), Eye of Kurodon (Glutton Kurodon, West Smithfield) and Codex (Berial, Piccadilly Circus). You get new unique pet from Tokyo. Pet can fight a little for you, but mainly gives ultimate pet buff - increasing health, mana, health regeneration and mana regeneration, all at once.
- The order of some recipes in cube has changed.

- lord Puppy now can drop one from the Tokyo swords, which i consider to be essentially a community item. :)

3.7 Patch Notes

- i've managed to solve the problem of darkening tokyo weapons on the DX10. All weapons, bosses and armor from Hellgate Tokyo expansion should now look naturally on DX10, in any kind of lighting
- from the recipe on the mysterious item in a cube you can now get besides Nataniel pet four new things:
- three special implants, with which you can override equip on your character with fun skins. These skins have never been designed to be displayed on a player, so you have to apologize for occasional graphical glitches - generally is problem with cabalistic focuses
- one new dye kit "Professional"

New items description:

- VIP person image - Murmur suit for males, Emmera suit for females
- Mysterious person image: truth brother/sister suit
- Killing machine image: Lucious Aldin's robot armor (from Ploughyard test) for males. Unfortunatelly, model of robot armor cannot be used with female characters and in game data is not adequate replacement for this. So, the women get the skin of the full classic abyss set, each for their profession
- all three implants add bonus to all attributes
Dye Kit:
- Professional - adds +1 to all skills in all professions. Give +10% experience minibuff if equipped. Buff is stackable with all others type of buffs

- while death Berial now have 100% chance for drop one unique armor piece from Abyss set, but - with skin of original Hellgate global "Set armor" ! In addition, this version of the Abyss set has one special feature - at the cost of slightly lowering the damage of the whole set adding each equipped piece +0,5m to splash damage radius. This is one of the "secret" affixes, although they exist in the game, but can not occur on common items
- in game is new miniboss "Arachtonas" from Hellgate global. You can meet him with 100% probability at Mark lane station. Arachtonas no have original AI, only random generated affixes. Besides standart boss loot he can drop while kill one from completely new three rings with his name, or five nanoshards. You must pass Mark lane station while main game quest line, so, Arachtonas is deliberately a weak boss, no one should have big problems with him
- all implants that do not have this word right in the name now have it in the subtitle
- all dye kits that do not have this word right in the name now have it in the subtitle
- Kurodon miniset now have name "Horseman armor"to distinguish it from the Berial "Tokyo armor" set
- "Decoder ring" (drop from Terrible monster) now no have hidden level requirements, thanks to "lesbazyra" for finding this bug

Thanks to "Alloken" who pointed me to some interesting data in the Hellgate global client

3.8 Patch Notes

- new weapons was added into game - rune daggers
Exist five types of this daggers and can be obtained only from cube recipes. Materials for this recipes (rune fragment, rune and rune seal) can be obtained like loot from all minibosses (Squadro, Fulcrum, Behemoth, Arachtonas, Lilith)
Daggers, as a personal defense weapon, can use the characters of all professions. All daggers have one special feature (which i will not disclose here), thanks to which every character can need it under certain circumstances
Blademaster can use all sword skills with this daggers, but cannot be use together with the cabalist focuses
Daggers can be upgraded in nanoforge (nanoshards is no need, same material request for all professions) and augmented in Augmentrex, but augments is generated randomly, regardless of the player's faction
Affixes on this weapons (all daggers are unique) is everytime same, but with great differences between values, so it pays to try make weapon repeatedly

- new game event "FIFA world cup" can be launched while installation of mod
While event can normal monsters everywhere drop event items - three types of soccer match tickets and three types of soccer balls
Tickets no have any special function, but can be sell to all vendors for some cash
If you found soccer balls of all three color, you can transform it into cube to one from six new skin implants. Implants show images of miscellaneous full armor sets from the game
From event loot can be obtained one new gloves "Chelsea FC Flameguards", you can try to guess what color they have :)
NPC Nemo on Holborn or Templar base gives while event first from two new quest - hunt for new tokyo miniboss "Katamari". Katamari is on Trinity square, can drop doping capsules (same capsules like in winter holiday event) and have AI little better than in Hellgate Global. If we can talk about intelligence at all. Besides that have 20% chance on drop one from three completely new unique weapons, one for each faction. Weapons have end game quality, but they were created first for fun. I will not tell you more about them, let's surprise you. Quest is repeatable after relog to game
If you have unlocked portal to Old Crypt (all Gunnys quests is done), then NPC Gunny in Templar base give you second event quest - you must find time-space rift in the Necropolis level 5. You can use this rift and get one special permanent soccer ball with buff skill and some doping. Quest is repeatable after relog to game

- one new skin implant can be obtained from "Mysterious item" cube recipe - cabalistic Demon form from TCv4 patch
Its only skin of it, not a demon form. The advantage is that you can color the demon according to your own wishes using the dye kit

- i decided once again to remade a loot for Sydonai (last time). Sydonai can finally drop besides his own uniques items another, random generated unique armor and weapons, included chance on pet egg. Retrainers drop is without change. Newly have Sydonai 25% chance on drop one ring with his name. Ring exist in six versions, one for each profession.

- cube recipes for Dessi pets now show preview picture, if is revealed
- cube recipes preview picture for rings and implants now do not show unnecessary compare with equipped items
- all new "skin" implants now can be dismantled
- monsters on Trinity square is now everytime at level of player
- some players is bothered by game events, so, all events now can be launched only manually while installing mod, automatic start is disabled
- with experience from reanimating Behemoth i managed to lighten gleamcarvers slightly, without returning a bug with the overlight backpack. False shadows inside the blade are also gone. I also noticed that they had a badly set mask for creating slots. After fix now all newly generated gleamcarvers can have 1-3 slots for battery and 0-2 slots for relic
- although all the "glyph" type focuses has only two slots for relic (like in TCv4 patch), i found that their model allows up to four slots. So, focus "Glyph-cage" from Rashaverak loot now have always four slots, like in Hellgate Global (new items only)
- i was looking into Hellgate global client to reset drone attributes, its not possible without changes in core program (FSS probably never thought it could be done). So, i was inspired in Nagahaku mod and drones now get 5 stat points per level. But, it does not work backwards, sorry.
- dye kits for newly created characters is now generated randomly. All new characters get at start of the game new "Welcome" item too. Item no have any function, but can be sell for some starting cash. Author of the logo on this item is "InterestingJohn", thank you. Btw, author of Revival logo (eye) is "lexsoOr" (Alexander Mühle, Poland), thanks too. Who is author of current loading screen has not yet been able to find me.
- cosmetic change - faction points from Broker quests now go to "Broker" friendship meter (Templar base before, points no have use in the game)

If you ask where i found these new rune dagger weapons, then i found it into a Hellgate global client. They were totally unbelievably masked like a items needed for acces to Berial - reduced to size 1x1 of inventory grid like a miscellaneous quest item only.
I admit that some decisions of Koreans are beyond of my understanding...
Author of idea for FIFA event is "Marcelka". I do not understand soccer, so i would never think of anything like that :)

3.9 Patch Notes

* correction from last patchnotes: Sydonai's rings no have his name. All six version have name "Magic of the Ancients". I made a change at the last minute and forgot to overwrite the patchnotes

- in game is three new quest lines:
- (Find Techsmith 69 - one quest, completely new, using hidden graphic data from client for new boss, can be repeated), you can get this quest from Alay Penn at Templar base or Monument station, after taking end game reward from lord Arphaun and opening portal to "Deathtrap" level. The boss which you must kill during this quest can drop beside standart boss loot one piece of rune dagger materials per kill and have 25% chance on drop one from three type boots (one for each class). Boots have new 3D model from Hellgate global client and it's probably the last piece of clothing i've ever managed to convert.
- (Pratch's amulet - two quests, from old versions of game, with some changes, cannot be repeated), Mag from Temple station now after all her old task give one new quest, kill demon Phantasm in Barge House. Like reward you get lost amulet, if you give amulet to Pratch, then you get from him one demon pet egg.
- (Kill Death - two quest, completely new, using some mechanisms from old game versions, with one new Tokyo boss, can be repeated), first quest you get from Aeron Altair in Templar base, if have fullfiled all his previous quest and after taking end game reward from lord Arphaun. You must kill nightmare named "Death", but it is invulnerable. If you ask cabalist Crowe in Liverpool station (all her previous quest must be done), then you get second quest - kill demon Kohama in Undershaft. From Kohama you get one "God's rune", merge it in cube with rune dagger and with new "God's gun" you can kill "Death". "Death" have 25% chance on drop one from three new dye kits.
- because is here new end game bosses, all monsters at Tudor street, Threadneedle and Undershaft are now always at the level of the player

- one new skin implant can be obtained from "mysterious item" cube recipe - "Depressive image". Little depressive for female characters, very depressive for male :)

Bug fixing:

- because the core program can not automatically give to players two reward items from quest and only manually taking working correctly, from quest "Find Dobster" (Joanne, Charing cross) now player get all reward items instead of two, enjoy thems
- i made partially fix bug from TCv4 patch, which appears only if you do not using dye kits - if you use color from some "Abyss set" armor piece, then, after switch weapon set or wear/unwear any piece of equip, colors on characters fade out to profession default colors. In game is now three versions of this set ("classic" from Moloch, "homeless" from Vitava and "tokyo" from Berial), all unique pieces from this sets should now work normally, without color changes. All existing pieces from "tokyo" set will now have another color than before (the consequence of the repair), but all newly generated pieces should will normal colors again. Bug still can appear on no-unique pieces from Moloch, on it is problem still unsolveable
- focus "Keel brand" now have in czech language new name, thanks to Apkazox for pointing me on the mistake
- unique gun "Steamer" (loot from FIFA event boss Katamari) and all types of "RJ-10" gatling guns now have another missiles. The original caused graphical bug while shooting. Thanks to "Kumose" for bug findings
- "Steamer" now have lower DPS number, that during the augmentation does not exceed a one thousand (tooltip cannot correctly display number with four digits). Its only change in number, damage of weapon is without change. For those who do not know yet - this number is fake, set for each weapon manually and increased on average during augmentation or modding. Thanks to "Marcelka" for bug findings
- some battle templars (mainly female characters) around Templar base and members of the Brandon Lann and Aeron Altair escort now have wear other armor. That eliminating the bugs of 3D models that have emerged through the transition to new character animations. Thanks to "Kikina" for bug findings :)

4.0 Patch Notes

- Some correctures have been made in the English version of the texts - thanks to Bryan for that

- !!! - From version 3.8 is in mod one bug (mea culpa) - Halloween event quests cannot appear in nightmare difficulty. In 4.0 is this bug fixed, but unfortunately it was necessary to reset the quest with Transmogrifying cube (culpa of FSS). New characters do not notice anything, but all old characters, which was saved in 3.8 or 3.9 version, will be called to pick up new cube from Nemo at Holborn station.
Players will be excited about having the second cube, but only until he finds out that the cube is not an item but only a shortcut - all cubes open one same grid. So, i changed rules for owning cube - the cube can now be dropped, if you have duplicate of it (same system working on pets). Just take new cube from Nemo and one from two cubes throw away, it does not matter which one.
This bugfix can be used to obtain "God's Breath" gun for old characters, which were founded before this function was created. Just reinstall mod with fuction "Cheat mode for beginners" on.

- Loot rules and properties (mainly base damage) of weapons Hellbores, Thumpers, Chargers, Starburst, Pyrocasters, Pyrosmashers, Negatrons, Inferni was changed. Except Thumper, these are weapons from Stonehenge expansion, with poorly set parameters (from FSS). Personally, i think that weapons have only beta settings, FSS it was not enough to finish. Weapons should now be much more usable in the game.
Before install this patch remove all this weapons from character hands and weapons slots !!!

- Weapons Gleamcarvers, Dissectors, Starbursts, Chargers, Pyrocasters, Pyrosmashers and Inferni now make sounds (replaced, not original)

- While testing of item drop for 2038 project i found out (for my own suprise) that 3D model of Dissector shield allows use up to two fuel slots. So, newly generated Dissector shields now can have 0-2 slots for fuel.

One new install option:
- Faction Combined - Classes of same faction would share their skilltrees - experimental function, use it at your own risk
- some people still asked me for a "skill merge" function. I asked for help Seferoth, explored similar function in Nagahaku mod and there is result. I would point out in advance that this is basically an unsupported function in beta state.
If you activate this function, then all game characters will have in skill tree menu (upper right corner) new buttons, same like in "Lost London" mod. There is possible acces skilltree of opposite profession in character faction (Blademaster will have here Guardian skilltree, Marksman skilltree for Engineer ...).
If you invest skill point to some skill which have both of proffesion (Blink for example), then skillpoint will be added to both this skills. Properties of this skill will be however dependent on shortcut which make in skill bar - if you take shortcut from evoker skilltree, then will be used evoker version of this spell + bonuses for evokers. Is possible use both skills together (in case of Blink two jumps in a row behind each other), all skills have own cooldown, shared is only "group" cooldown (prohibition of skill from group after use another).
Due to problems was disabled shared use of Evoker/Summoner skills "Summon Ember"/"Summon fire elemental". Each class can use only own version of this skill

- Quest boss Kohama now have 25% chance on drop one new rune while kill. This rune can be used directly, with a surprising effect :)

Known issues in current version:
- (original game bug) sometimes appears unusable blank crafting blueprints with name (item)
- (original game bug) hunting quest bulletins do not show exclamation mark while quest is available (exclamation mark is generated in the middle of the pedestal)
- (original game bug) flagpoles in quests Test of leadership and Test of fellowship is sometimes invisible, but flagpole is still clickable
- (original game bug) occasionally, drone equipment can be lost from the unidentified causes, engineers should often back up gamesave
- (unrevival bug) Ripshard, Bloodshard, Glypshard and Dreary hand focuses is not correctly displayed in left hand
- (unrevival bug) some monsters and weapons do not make sounds
- (unknown bug) sometimes, after equip some armor or another items and enter to any level, items become invisible. Slots, where you are equip it seems empty, but it is not possible to insert anything else into them. After exit/restart game, all works fine
- (unknown bug) marksman napalm skill sometimes (on some computers) do not show marker beacon
- (original Abyss expansion bug) tooltip on mythic and double edged items shows lower damage than actual one
- (original Abyss expansion bug) mythic and double edged items can not be 3x augmented in Augmentrex
- (original Abyss expansion bug) bloodshard focuses is not animated on 64 bit computers, they are displayed in the starting position if they are attached to the hand and do not move
- (original Abyss expansion bug) animation for hunter command /bow does really strange things with weapons in hands
- (original Abyss expansion bug) if you use color from some no-unique "Abyss set" armor piece, then, after switch weapon set or wear/unwear any piece of equip, colors on characters fade out to profession default colors. Bug appears only if you do not using dye kits
and many other bugs from original game, for example frequently collapsing while playing on DX10, goggles light do not work on some graphic cards, etc, etc.. :)

Hier die Cube Rezepte
Santa's Little Helper, Spirit of Festivus, Krampus Heart - Fester Festivus (winter event recipe, cannot be learned)
2x Basic Health Injector - Medium Health Injector
2x Medium Health Injector - Large Health Injector
2x Large Health Injector - Advanced Health Injector
2x Advanced Health Injector - Nanodyne Health Injector
2x Basic Powerpack - Medium Powerpack
2x Medium Powerpack - Large Powerpack
2x Large Powerpack - Advanced Powerpack
2x Advanced Powerpack - Nanodyne Powerpack
Analyzer, Basic Powerpack - Personal Relocation Device
2x Basic Shield Booster - Advanced Shield Booster
2x Advanced Shield Booster - Basic Shield Capacitor
2x Basic Shield Capacitor - Advanced Shield Capacitor
2x Advanced Shield Capacitor - Shield Emitter
2x Antivenom Injector - Antitoxin Injector
2x Antitoxin Injector - Antidote Injector
2x Antidote Injector - Toxic Neutralizer
2x Toxic Neutralizer - Toxic Counteragent
2x Basic Spectral Brace - Advanced Spectral Brace
2x Advanced Spectral Brace - Basic Spectral Stabilizer
2x Basic Spectral Stabilizer - Advanced Spectral Stabilizer
2x Advanced Spectral Stabilizer - Spectral Harmonizer
2x Basic Fire Retardant - Advanced Fire Retardant
2x Advanced Fire Retardant - Basic Fire Suppressor
2x Basic Fire Suppressor - Advanced Fire Suppressor
2x Advanced Fire Suppressor - Fire Extinguisher
2x Basic Shock Guard - Advanced Shock Guard
2x Advanced Shock Guard - Basic Shock Screen
2x Basic Shock Screen - Advanced Shock Screen
2x Advanced Shock Screen - Shock Shield
2x Basic Gyro Brace - Advanced Gyro Brace
2x Advanced Gyro Brace - Basic Gyro Shunt
2x Basic Gyro Shunt - Advanced Gyro Shunt
2x Advanced Gyro Shunt - Gyro Stabilizer
Basic Health Injector, Basic Powerpack - Basic Restorative
Medium Health Injector, Medium Powerpack - Medium Restorative
Large Health Injector, Large Powerpack - Large Restorative
Advanced Health Injector, Advanced Powerpack - Advanced Restorative
Nanodyne Health Injector, Nanodyne Powerpack - Nanodyne Restorative
2x Basic Restorative - Medium Restorative
2x Medium Restorative - Large Restorative
2x Large Restorative - Advanced Restorative
2x Advanced Restorative - Nanodyne Restorative
Mysterious Egg (from Desiccator) - Revenant
Mysterious Egg (from Desiccator) - Juggernaut
Mysterious Egg (from Desiccator) - Nautilus
Mysterious Egg (from all bosses) - Mantawraith, Mantawraith FSS, Cocomoko, Cocomoko Korea, Ancient clam (random generated recipe, cannot be learned)
5x Nanoshard, 10x Spectral Essence - Ring Vitava's Emerald
5x Nanoshard, 10x Beast Essence - Behemoth's Ring
5x Nanoshard, 10x Necro Essence - Ring Fulcrum's Scale
5x Nanoshard, 10x Demon Essence - Ring Squadro's Prism
5x Nanoshard, Ruinous Ring - Silver Runic Ring (random - Behemoth's Accursed Circle, Defender's Stone Circle, Vitava's Vengeful Stone, Fulcrum's Spiteful Scalework, Squadro's Cursed Crystal)
2x Nanoshard, Implant - Able Implant (random generated implant with skill boost)
Head of Ash, Head of Oriax, Head of Nicor, Head of Errgoth - Bioimplant (random generated implant with damage boost)
Electrical Fragment, Electrical rune, Electrical Seal - Rune Dagger "Storm Kiss"
Physical Fragment, Physical rune, Physical Seal - Rune Dagger "Harsh Touch"
Fire Fragment, Fire rune, Fire Seal - Rune Dagger "Eternal Flame"
Spectral Fragment, Spectral rune, Spectral Seal - Rune Dagger "Hour of Souls"
Toxic Fragment, Toxic rune, Toxic Seal - Rune Dagger "Black Death"
Rune Dagger "Hour of Souls", God's rune - Heavy Rifle "God's Touch" (quest item)
I.O.U. Note, Cryptex, Codex, Eye of Kurodon - Mysterious Item (random, one from seven very special items)
White Soccer Ball, Blue Soccer Ball, Red Soccer Ball - Armor Skin Implant (random, one from six type, FIFA event recipe, cannot be learned)
Item Gamble Token - Random Item
Item Gamble Token, Cabalist Item Gamble Token - Random Cabalist Item
Item Gamble Token, Hunter Item Gamble Token - Random Hunter Item
Item Gamble Token, Templar Item Gamble Token - Random Templar Item
Item Gamble Token, Weapon Gamble Token - Random Weapon
Item Gamble Token, Weapon Gamble Token, Cabalist Item Gamble Token - Random Cabalist Weapon
Item Gamble Token, Weapon Gamble Token, Hunter Item Gamble Token - Random Hunter Weapon
Item Gamble Token, Weapon Gamble Token, Templar Item Gamble Token - Random Templar Weapon
Item Gamble Token, Armour Gamble Token - Random Armor
Item Gamble Token, Armour Gamble Token, Cabalist Item Gamble Token - Random Cabalist Armor
Item Gamble Token, Armour Gamble Token, Hunter Item Gamble Token - Random Hunter Armor
Item Gamble Token, Armour Gamble Token, Templar Item Gamble Token - Random Templar Armor
Item Gamble Token, Miscellaneous Gamble Token - Random Item Miscellaneous Type
Item Gamble Token, One Handed Gun Gamble Token - Random One Handed Gun
Item Gamble Token, One Handed Gun Gamble Token, Cabalist Item Gamble Token - Random One Handed Cabalist Gun
Item Gamble Token, One Handed Gun Gamble Token, Hunter Item Gamble Token - Random One Handed Hunter Gun
Item Gamble Token, One Handed Gun Gamble Token, Templar Item Gamble Token - Random One Handed Templar Gun
Item Gamble Token, Two Handed Gun Gamble Token - Random Two Handed Gun
Item Gamble Token, Two Handed Gun Gamble Token, Cabalist Item Gamble Token - Random Two Handed Cabalist Gun
Item Gamble Token, Two Handed Gun Gamble Token, Hunter Item Gamble Token - Random Two Handed Hunter Gun
Item Gamble Token, Focus Gamble Token - Random focus
Item Gamble Token, Sword Gamble Token - Random sword
Item Gamble Token, Shield Gamble Token - Random Shield
Item Gamble Token, Helm Gamble Token - Random Helm
Item Gamble Token, Helm Gamble Token, Cabalist Item Gamble Token - Random Cabalist Helm
Item Gamble Token, Helm Gamble Token, Hunter Item Gamble Token - Random Hunter Helm
Item Gamble Token, Helm Gamble Token, Templar Item Gamble Token - Random Templar Helm
Item Gamble Token, Shoulders Gamble Token - Random Shoulders
Item Gamble Token, Shoulders Gamble Token, Cabalist Item Gamble Token - Random Cabalist Shoulders
Item Gamble Token, Shoulders Gamble Token, Hunter Item Gamble Token - Random Hunter Shoulders
Item Gamble Token, Shoulders Gamble Token, Templar Item Gamble Token - Random Templar Shoulders
Item Gamble Token, Torso Gamble Token - Random Torso
Item Gamble Token, Torso Gamble Token, Cabalist Item Gamble Token - Random Cabalist Torso
Item Gamble Token, Torso Gamble Token, Hunter Item Gamble Token - Random Hunter Torso
Item Gamble Token, Torso Gamble Token, Templar Item Gamble Token - Random Templar Torso
Item Gamble Token, Gloves Gamble Token - Random Gloves
Item Gamble Token, Gloves Gamble Token, Cabalist Item Gamble Token - Random Cabalist Gloves
Item Gamble Token, Gloves Gamble Token, Hunter Item Gamble Token - Random Hunter Gloves
Item Gamble Token, Gloves Gamble Token, Templar Item Gamble Token - Random Templar Gloves
Item Gamble Token, Belt Gamble Token - Random Belt
Item Gamble Token, Belt Gamble Token, Cabalist Item Gamble Token - Random Cabalist Belt
Item Gamble Token, Belt Gamble Token, Hunter Item Gamble Token - Random Hunter Belt
Item Gamble Token, Belt Gamble Token, Templar Item Gamble Token - Random Templar Belt
Item Gamble Token, Pants Gamble Token - Random Pants
Item Gamble Token, Pants Gamble Token, Cabalist Item Gamble Token - Random Cabalist Pants
Item Gamble Token, Pants Gamble Token, Hunter Item Gamble Token - Random Hunter Pants
Item Gamble Token, Pants Gamble Token, Templar Item Gamble Token - Random Templar Pants
Item Gamble Token, Boots Gamble Token - Random Boots
Item Gamble Token, Boots Gamble Token, Cabalist Item Gamble Token - Random Cabalist Boots
Item Gamble Token, Boots Gamble Token, Hunter Item Gamble Token - Random Hunter Boots
Item Gamble Token, Boots Gamble Token, Templar Item Gamble Token - Random Templar Boots
Item Gamble Token, Mod Gamble Token - Random Weapon Mod
Item Gamble Token, Ammo Gamble Token - Random Ammo
Item Gamble Token, Battery Gamble Token - Random Battery
Item Gamble Token, Fuel Gamble Token - Random Fuel
Item Gamble Token, Relic Gamble Token - Random Relic
Item Gamble Token, Rocket Gamble Token - Random Rocket
Item Gamble Token, Tech Gamble Token - Random Tech
Item Gamble Token, Consumable Gamble Token - Random Item Consumable Type
5x Demon Essence, Mod Gamble Token - Random Weapon Mod with "Against Demon Caste" Affix
5x Necro Essence, Mod Gamble Token - Random Weapon Mod with "Against Necro Caste" Affix
5x Spectral Essence, Mod Gamble Token - Random Weapon Mod with "Against Spectral Caste" Affix
5x Beast Essence, Mod Gamble Token - Random Weapon Mod with "Against Beast Caste" Affix