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Xbox One befindet sich in Produktion - CPU-Takt erhöht


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Jetzt ist Deine Meinung zu Xbox One befindet sich in Produktion - CPU-Takt erhöht gefragt.

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Zum Artikel: Xbox One befindet sich in Produktion - CPU-Takt erhöht
This is a big week for Xbox One! I am pleased to share a few exciting developments as we continue our journey to deliver the best Xbox ever.

First, we hit an important milestone as we began full production of the Xbox One console recently. The culmination of many years of listening to you, our fans, developing innovative technology, and partnering with the best game and entertainment partners in the industry has brought us to this point. There is still a lot more work to do, but the teams are making excellent progress and are focused on launch.

Speaking of launch, we’re now in a position to share that Xbox One will be available on Nov. 22, 2013 in
Der GPU Takt wurde erhöht, der CPU Takt nun auch noch erhöht. Scheint ja Leistung en masse da zu sein hehehehe.