• Aktualisierte Forenregeln

    Eine kleine Änderung hat es im Bereich Forenregeln unter Abschnitt 2 gegeben, wo wir nun explizit darauf verweisen, dass Forenkommentare in unserer Heftrubrik Leserbriefe landen können.


    Vielen Dank

Zwar ein uraltes Konsolen-RPG, aber brauche Hilfe...


Mitglied seit
Hi Leute

Ich hab vor kurzem mal wieder das uralte Secret of Evermore für den SNES ausgegraben, nur leider hab ich zu dem Spiel keine Anleitung mehr. Nachdem ich aber bereits rausgekriegt hab wie man kämpft, spricht, den Hund steuert und nach Gegenständen sucht, müsste ich jetzt noch wissen wie man sich selbst heilt und Magie anwendet.
Nachdem ich im Dorf angekommen bin, bekam ich meine erste Magische Fähigkeit. Das Menü mit den Sprüchen aufrufen kann ich, jedoch weiss ich nicht wie ich denn da nun den Spruch anwähle. Ebenso wenig weiss ich, mit welchen Kräutern (oder ähnlichem) ich mich heilen kann und wie ich das anstelle. Ist viel zu lange her als ich es zum letzten mal gespielt hab. Aber vielleicht erinnert sich der eine oder andere ja noch daran :]

To succeed in the worlds of Evermore, you will need to have complete
control over the hero and his dog. Some buttons have more than one
function, depending on your situation.

+ Control Pad
Press the Control Pad in the direction you would like to walk. When a
Ring Command menu is displayed, push the Control Pad left or right to
spin the Ring one way or the other, and up and down to switch Rings.

X Button
Press X to open the Ring Commands for the character you're not

Y Button
Press Y to open or close the Ring Commands for the character you are
controlling. Use Y to end conversations. Also use Y when you want to
pause the game.

A Button
After you receive the Jaguar Ring, press and hold the A Button to run.
As you run your power meter will slowly deplete.

B Button
The B Button controls a number of different actions: talking with
people, selecting options from the menus and Ring Commands, and
activating weapons.

L+R Buttons
Press and hold the L and R Buttons to sniff out and retrieve items
with the dog.

START Button
Used to start the game.

To switch control between the hero and his dog, press the SELECT

In addition to normal control, some buttons also perform other

B Button
Pressing the B Button when enemies are around will let you fight.
While you are in town, pressing the B Button begins a conversation.

+ Control Pad/B Button
When a Ring Command is on screen, press left or right on the Control
Pad to rotate the selections. When the item you want is in the box,
pressing the B Button will select it. All Command Rings work the same

Y Button
To see the Ring Commands for the hero or his dog (whichever you are
controlling), press the Y Button. Press Y again to close the Rings.
This can also be used to pause and resume play.


Our hero has more than one Ring Command menu, and his dog has one. Push
the Control Pad up or down to move from one Ring to another. To rotate
a Ring, push left and right. When the item you want is selected in the
box at the top of the Ring, push B to select it.

When you converse with shopkeepers, a Ring appears showing what that
proprietor has for sale. As you move items into the selection box,
the number you own of that particular item and its price will appear
in the shopkeeper's conversation window. Your money is shown in the
middle of the screen.

The Edit Ring lets you view the status of your characters and edit
your controls.

Character Status
Choosing the STAT icon on the Edit will bring up your character's
status window. Both the hero and the dog have status windows. Use
the R Button to switch between characters.

Reicht das?
The following are lists

Note: D=Dark; L=Light

Prehistoria -- Root, Water, Mud Pepper, Oil, Clay, Crystal, Ash, Wax

Levitate [L, 1 Mud Pepper + 1 Water]
Lifts heavy objects.
Heal [L, 1 Root + 1 Water]
Hero recovers some HP.
Cure [L, 2 Root + 1 Oil]
Dispels poisonous states.
Defend [L, 1 Clay + 1 Ash]
Defense power temporarily up.
Speed [L, 1 Wax + 2 Water]
Raises agility.
Flash [D, 1 Wax + 2 Oil]
Small fireball, 1/2 power of Fire Eyes' Flare.
Hard Ball [D, 1 Crystal + 1 Clay]
Hard clay.
Acid Rain [D, 1 Ash + 3 Water]
Hits all enemies mildly.

Antiqua -- Root, Water, Limestone, Ash, Vinegar, Bone, Brimstone, Wax,

Revealer [L, 2 Ash + 1 Wax]
Reveals hidden paths over man-made pits.
Miracle Cure [L, 2 Root + 1 Vinegar]
Dispels states and recovers some HP.
Revive [L, 3 Root + 1 Bone]
Restores life to dog and recovers some HP.
Barrier [L, 1 Limestone + 2 Bone]
Shields hero shortly and recovers some HP.
Escape [L, 1 Wax + 1 Vinegar]
Escape from interior mazes.
Atlas [D, 1 Atlas + 1 Ash]
Gives hero super strength for limited time.
Sting [D, 2 Water + 1 Vinegar]
Small damage to enemy.
Crush [D, 1 Limestone + 1 Wax]
A heavy object falls on enemy.
Drain [D, 1 Ethanol + 2 Root]
Steals some HP from enemy.
Fireball [D, 1 Brimstone + 2 Ash]
Destruction, 2x power of Fire Eyes' Flare.

Gothica -- Water, Ethanol, Acorn, Feather, Brimstone, Iron, Mushrooms,

Super Heal [L, 2 Ethanol + 1 Acorn]
Recovers HP to maximum for both heroes.
One Up [L, 1 Feather + 1 Root]
Will regenerate hero with maximum HP.
Fire Power [D, 1 Feather + 1 Brimstone]
Damage on enemy = to hero's current HP.
Lightning Storm [D, 1 Iron + 2 Ash]
Multiple bolts of lightning.
Explosion [D, 2 Ethanol + 1 Ash]
Blows up some barriers.
Corrosion [D, 1 Mushroom + 3 Water]
Deadly rain more powerful than Acid Rain.
Regrowth [L, 1 Acorn + 2 Water]
Current HP increases until hero is hit.
Lance [D, 1 Iron + 1 Acorn]
Sharp projectile.
Slow Burn [D, 1 Iron + 1 Brimstone]
Enemy's HP deteriorates at a steady rate.

Omnitopia -- Water, Grease, Dry Ice, Meteorite, Crystal, Iron, Wax,

Nitro [D, 1 Gunpowder + 2 Grease]
Big explosion.
Stop [D, 2 Wax + 1 Crystal]
Stops enemy's attack for a short time.
Reflect [L, 2 Grease + 1 Iron]
Reflects magic for a short time.
Call Up [L, 1 Meteorite + 1 Dry Ice]
Increases Call Bead max by one.
Energize [D, 1 Crystal + 1 Iron]
Hero's next blow will be a big one.
Force Field [L, 1 Grease + 1 Iron]
Hero will not be affected by next blow.