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News - Unreal 2: Special Edition mit Multiplayer


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Umfangreichere "Spielinfos" von PlanetUnreal
ATARI ANNOUNCES UNREAL II: THE AWAKENING - SPECIAL EDITION FOR PERSONAL COMPUTER br>Special Edition Package Includes Original Single Player Game and Revolutionary "Expanded Multiplayer" (XMP) Mode
-- XMP To Be Made Available for Download to Current Owners of Unreal II: The Awakening --
LOS ANGELES - Dec. 4, 2003 - Atari is expanding the gameplay of Unreal® II: The Awakening this December with Unreal® II: The Awakening - Special Edition for the personal computer. The Special Edition package will include the original single-player campaign, first released in February 2003, as well as an all-new multiplayer experience called XMP, or "Expanded Multiplayer." Developed by Legend Entertainment (an Atari studio) in conjunction with Epic Games, Unreal II: The Awakening is the follow-up to Epic Games' 1998 smash hit Unreal and incorporates the same story-driven gameplay, cunningly ferocious enemies and nail-biting tension that made the original title a best seller.

"Unreal II: The Awakening was one of the most anticipated and celebrated single-player first person shooters of the year, but fans have been hungry to play against one another online," said Steve Allison, vice president of marketing in Atari's Los Angeles studio. "Unreal II: The Awakening - Special Edition will deliver the same epic single-player game to those who may have missed out, along with the all-new multiplayer mode fans have been waiting for."

In the single-player game, players jump into the scarred combat boots of a grizzled lawman of the future to battle a torrent of bizarre alien creatures and hard-hitting enemy soldiers. The mission: win a brutal galactic race to collect powerful artifacts and stop a malevolent plot to awaken an ancient power. Dispatched to unique worlds ranging from stunningly realistic outdoor terrain to spine-chilling alien cities, the player will face off with Unreal's legendary nemesis -- the fearsome Skaarj -- along with a host of all-new enemies, each hell-bent on eradicating the player and his compadres.

The all new XMP mode is a class-based multiplayer game where teams use vehicles, cooperation and Unreal II: The Awakening's devastating weaponry to battle it out across large-scale terrain maps. Teams fight for control of energy sources to power their war machines, deployment points to get to the front lines quickly, and ultimately, four artifacts that are required to win each match. Current owners of Unreal II: The Awakening standard edition will be able to download the XMP multiplayer mode for free on the day the Special Edition package is released.

Unreal II: The Awakening - Special Edition will include:

-- Innovative Game Play - Unreal II: The Awakening combines intense, pulse-pounding action with the magic of exploration and discovery as well as in-depth character interaction

-- Advanced Technology - Under the hood lays the latest Unreal technology from Epic - a hundred-fold increase in level geometry and a 10-fold increase in character detail over the original Unreal. The advanced particle system creates the illusion of blazing fire, drifting smoke and weather effects

-- Knuckle-Whitening Enemy AI - Enemies use their new AI to find cover during fire-fights, work together in teams and react believably based on the caliber of weapon the player is carrying

-- Devastating Arsenal - Fifteen flesh-chewing instruments of destruction are available, ranging from familiar alien-bashing favorites like the Rocket Launcher and Combat Assault Rifle to all new exotic alien variants modified by your cantankerous ship's engineer

-- A Large Bestiary of Creatures - The fearsome Skaarj return along with a host of all-new enemies

-- Unreal Editor -- Amateur level designers and mod makers will receive the most powerful game creation toolsets ever released to the public - the same tools the masters used to make the game. The Unreal Editor, including the Unreal Editor's "Matinee" tool for making non-interactive cinematics, is included out of the box.

Unreal II: The Awakening - Special Edition will be available for personal computer at retail stores in North America in December with an estimated retail price of $29.95 and an ESRB rating of "M" for Mature. Additional information about the game can be found online at www.unreal2.com, which features downloadable and streaming game play movies, screenshots and other game information and background.
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Zum Artikel: http://www.pcgames.de/aid,258440
wie genau kann ich rausfinden, was das bei uns kostet, ohne alles lesen zu müssen ? =)

[l]am 05.12.03 um 14:07 schrieb evilitchy:[/l]
wie genau kann ich rausfinden, was das bei uns kostet, ohne alles lesen zu müssen ? =)


Du schaust bei den Händlern wie z.B. Okaysoft oder Gameware, wobei du jedoch bei den Importversionen schauen solltest, aber da sollte man es auch demnächst finden (Man muß ja bedenken es wurde gerade erst angekündigt.)
Wieso wollen die Kohle???
Ich dachte das sollte ein kostenloses Add-On werden! Beschiss!
Ich dachte den MP kann man sich nachträglich gratis saugen...?
Wer käuft sich denn dann noch diese special edition für 55€?
[l]am 05.12.03 um 15:32 schrieb Blue---Man:[/l]
Wieso wollen die Kohle???
Ich dachte das sollte ein kostenloses Add-On werden! Beschiss!

Wie wäre es mal die News/Meldung komplett zu lesen? Den MP Modus wird es kostenlos geben für Besitzer von Unreal 2 (Für die heute kommende Demo braucht man aber keine Vollversion) und für alle andern gibt es dann später, wenn der MP Modus fertig ist, die möglichkeit sich eine Special Edition kaufen. Nicht jeder hat das Spiel und Atari will eben auch noch etwas Geld machen. Aber die Käufer vom Hauptspiel werden nicht noch mal zur Kasse gebeten.
[l]am 05.12.03 um 15:32 schrieb Quintus:[/l]
Ich dachte den MP kann man sich nachträglich gratis saugen...?
Wer käuft sich denn dann noch diese special edition für 55€?

Auch du solltest erst mal die News/Beiträge komplett lesen, bevor gemeckert wird. Der MP Modus kommt kostenlos raus, aber wird gleichzeitig mit dem Hauptspiel auch nochmal als Special Edition in die Läden gebracht und kostet etwa 29$ ~ 29€, wenn die Version in Deutschland erscheinen sollte. Für Importe wird man wohl etwas mehr zahlen müssen.
[l]am 05.12.03 um 15:32 schrieb Blue---Man:[/l]
Wieso wollen die Kohle???
Ich dachte das sollte ein kostenloses Add-On werden! Beschiss!

Sagt mal, liest du die News-Meldung eigentlich, bevor du hier was schreibst?!

[EDIT] Mist, da war wohl einer schneller ;)[/EDIT]