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News - Patch: Enigma: Rising Tide (e)

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Zum Artikel: http://www.pcgames.de/aid,208721
[Zitat Jesper]:

The German Patch has been released !

Important Notes:

There are two German Patches 2.0.7A and 2.0.8A.
2.0.7A is the Patch for the current GMX release.
2.0.8A is for the upcoming German ReRelease which is scheduled for next month allover Germany.

When you download your patch, be sure to download the correct one, else you wont be able to install it. If youre in doubt ask.

You do not have to download and install 2.0.8 if you have the German GMX Retail, the patches are identic, it's just a PreRelease for the upcoming PointSoft ReRelease of the German GMX Retail.

Find your download here (http://enigma.tidesofwar.net/index.php?showtopic=466) on Tides of War.


Ich bin schon gespannt wie ein Flitzebogen, was der neue Patch den so mit sich bringt.

@PC-Games: Hey, aufwachen! Tesseraction Games ist kurz davor "Enigma Rising Tides" multiplayerfähig werden zu lassen.