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Hideo Kojima dementiert Gerüchte um Silent Hills oder Metal Gear Solid


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Zum Artikel: Hideo Kojima dementiert Gerüchte um Silent Hills oder Metal Gear Solid
Hello, i'm a employee for Konami. Sorry my bad English. I was taking a dump at the boss toilet because all others were ocupied. Then i heared it: Sony's CEO and our Boss were shitting too and they talked about how Sony will make a new Castlevania happen. It will be developed by from Software, they just don't know it yet. They also will have all Franchises from Capcom developed exclusive for PS5. The really big news were, that also Nintendo, yes, he was there too, are developing the next Zelda exclusive for PS5. Then Phil Spencer walked in and said that he wants to bring Halo and Forza on PS5... Developed by Shinji Mikami and Miyamoto.
But, please Pssssssssssst! I'm not supposed to talk about it
Gamer sind einfach besonders dumm egal wie bekloppt und unrealitisch ein Gerücht ist es wird geteilt und gehypt.