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Diablo 2 Patch 1.11 kommt


Mitglied seit
hallo meine diablo freunde :B
hab gerade erfahren das am ein neuer patch für diablo 2 lod rauskommt!!
quelle www.battle.net
blizzard kümmert sich doch noch um d2 wenn das nichts ist :)
wird wohl am ersten september von 19-23 uhr auf die server eingespielt. ein ladder reset wäre auch sehr gut möglich ;)

AW: Diablo Patch 1.11 kommt

Er kommt... aber wann? Letztes Mal hat das ein paar Tage gedauert :-D

Übrigens hab ich das erst kürzlich im indiablo.de - Forum gefunden:

Patch 1.11 will be released April 1st 2006

We have noticed that we mis-judged the needs of our players seriously and that some corrective actions are indeed in urgend need.

The patch will come with the following features:

On entering a game, the whole map will be revealed, saving the player costly time to look for the right ways

On creating a game, all waypoints will be available, saving the player costly time to look for those.

Right outside the camp of Act 1, there will be a shack in which a single monster is displayed. Killing this monster will let you become level 20 instantly, having 19x5 Status and 19 skillpoints to spare. This saves the player considerable time to rush a char with higher ambitions.

Players will be able to finish all end quest without the prior requirements, i.e. Duriel without the staff, Baal without the ancients by purchasing a Quest scroll from the NPCs in town.

In Harrogat, Qua-Kegh will offer his soldiers giving the player guided visitor tours to Baals throne for 1000 Gold only, including safe Town Portal in the throne and a reasonable killing time. Baal ist done at no extra charge. He will let seven of his man guide you. You will be suprised to find a sorceress and two paladins in the escort. The escort will do the utmost to protect the player. This tour will give the full 8 player party experience.

Players will be able to purchase the small charm of superiority from Mala, giving 10 times the usual experience, Paladines using blessed hamer have an additional extra bonus of 10% as becoming Lvl 99 and be proud of it is their only purpose anyway

Charsi now offers all unique rings and amuletts including SoJs, regardless of the characters level

Pindle will drop a minimum of 7 items, consisting at least of one unique item, one set item and two rare items; Pindle wil resurrect himself within 30 seconds, after which he may again be killed with a full drop each time

Eldrich will drop a rune each time killed (except in normal), with all runes at the same chance, up to a UM in nightmare and a ZOD in hell.

Charsi is now selling wirrets leg, after you have once sold it to her. This saves the player costly time to go hunting for the leg to open the cow level

The Cows drop chance will be modified to a 5% chance to drop a huge charm and a 10% chance to drop a flawless gem and a 0,1% chance of a rune LEM or higher

After reasonable complains from mele players, Skelettons were removed from the game completely and replaced by Fallens

After reasonable complains from almost any character type player, Souls were removed from the game completely.

Shamans and Greater Mummies will no longer be able to resurrect their supporting monsters

Izuael is replaced and can now be found directly beside Act 4 1st waypint

Radament will walk right to the entry to Lut Golein, after the player has killed Duriel and has the 1st Quest still open

The countess will appear at the entry of the tower in Akt1, after the player has killed her in the lower tower level once, contributing to the fact that the lower tower levels are obviously unsafe for her anyway

The effect "mana burn" is eliminated from the game

All monsters can be leeched from

No monster is immune to more than one element

The curse iron maiden is reduced to maximum of 1% of the characters physical damage

Exloding dolls have been removed from the game and replaced by Fallens

The way to the duress of hate level 3 is now always located directly beside the waypoint

Average gambling prices have been reduced by aproximately 75%

By special request of a German Diablo forums moderation team, items selected will automatically be offered at eBay after registering a bank account with the CD Key.

Under certain circumstandes hirelings will gain experience and level even if they died in combat. All you have to do is getting an unique "Ring of engagement" which will be dropped once per char by an unique monster in normal difficulty in The Den of Evil. Engagement is only possible between male Characters (Barb, Druid, Necro) and female Mercenaries (ak1) and vice versa female Characters (Assasine, Sorceress, Amazone) with Akt2-5 Mercs. Note, engagement between Paladines and male Mercenaries is not tolerated by the laws of the horadrim(no offense meant).

Untying engagements will lead to a loss of half the items and gold on the character; 30% of all your future gold findings will be deducted to support the former hireling.

Trying to engage with an underage (below Lvl 18) hireling will result in legal actions and can result in the loss of your account;

A character may pick up any number of horadric cubes; Cubes may be stored within each other. NOTE: Blizzard may not be held responsible for loosing items somewhere in cube 1004 to 2344 and not finding them.

Hitting F11 will reperat the last phrase (i.e. TP, PP or any recently typed message) again and again every 1 second, until F11 is pressed once more. This is displayed on other characters screens only, savng the player from the need to request invitation or a TP and give him a free monitor to go visitin Eldrich for getting another rune.

Some of the players may find the game boring now. We agree
AW: Diablo Patch 1.11 kommt

DJ_of_Borg am 29.07.2005 20:14 schrieb:
Er kommt... aber wann? Letztes Mal hat das ein paar Tage gedauert :-D

Übrigens hab ich das erst kürzlich im indiablo.de - Forum gefunden:

Patch 1.11 will be released April 1st 2006

We have noticed that we mis-judged the needs of our players seriously and that some corrective actions are indeed in urgend need.

The patch will come with the following features:

On entering a game, the whole map will be revealed, saving the player costly time to look for the right ways

On creating a game, all waypoints will be available, saving the player costly time to look for those.

Right outside the camp of Act 1, there will be a shack in which a single monster is displayed. Killing this monster will let you become level 20 instantly, having 19x5 Status and 19 skillpoints to spare. This saves the player considerable time to rush a char with higher ambitions.

Players will be able to finish all end quest without the prior requirements, i.e. Duriel without the staff, Baal without the ancients by purchasing a Quest scroll from the NPCs in town.

In Harrogat, Qua-Kegh will offer his soldiers giving the player guided visitor tours to Baals throne for 1000 Gold only, including safe Town Portal in the throne and a reasonable killing time. Baal ist done at no extra charge. He will let seven of his man guide you. You will be suprised to find a sorceress and two paladins in the escort. The escort will do the utmost to protect the player. This tour will give the full 8 player party experience.

Players will be able to purchase the small charm of superiority from Mala, giving 10 times the usual experience, Paladines using blessed hamer have an additional extra bonus of 10% as becoming Lvl 99 and be proud of it is their only purpose anyway

Charsi now offers all unique rings and amuletts including SoJs, regardless of the characters level

Pindle will drop a minimum of 7 items, consisting at least of one unique item, one set item and two rare items; Pindle wil resurrect himself within 30 seconds, after which he may again be killed with a full drop each time

Eldrich will drop a rune each time killed (except in normal), with all runes at the same chance, up to a UM in nightmare and a ZOD in hell.

Charsi is now selling wirrets leg, after you have once sold it to her. This saves the player costly time to go hunting for the leg to open the cow level

The Cows drop chance will be modified to a 5% chance to drop a huge charm and a 10% chance to drop a flawless gem and a 0,1% chance of a rune LEM or higher

After reasonable complains from mele players, Skelettons were removed from the game completely and replaced by Fallens

After reasonable complains from almost any character type player, Souls were removed from the game completely.

Shamans and Greater Mummies will no longer be able to resurrect their supporting monsters

Izuael is replaced and can now be found directly beside Act 4 1st waypint

Radament will walk right to the entry to Lut Golein, after the player has killed Duriel and has the 1st Quest still open

The countess will appear at the entry of the tower in Akt1, after the player has killed her in the lower tower level once, contributing to the fact that the lower tower levels are obviously unsafe for her anyway

The effect "mana burn" is eliminated from the game

All monsters can be leeched from

No monster is immune to more than one element

The curse iron maiden is reduced to maximum of 1% of the characters physical damage

Exloding dolls have been removed from the game and replaced by Fallens

The way to the duress of hate level 3 is now always located directly beside the waypoint

Average gambling prices have been reduced by aproximately 75%

By special request of a German Diablo forums moderation team, items selected will automatically be offered at eBay after registering a bank account with the CD Key.

Under certain circumstandes hirelings will gain experience and level even if they died in combat. All you have to do is getting an unique "Ring of engagement" which will be dropped once per char by an unique monster in normal difficulty in The Den of Evil. Engagement is only possible between male Characters (Barb, Druid, Necro) and female Mercenaries (ak1) and vice versa female Characters (Assasine, Sorceress, Amazone) with Akt2-5 Mercs. Note, engagement between Paladines and male Mercenaries is not tolerated by the laws of the horadrim(no offense meant).

Untying engagements will lead to a loss of half the items and gold on the character; 30% of all your future gold findings will be deducted to support the former hireling.

Trying to engage with an underage (below Lvl 18) hireling will result in legal actions and can result in the loss of your account;

A character may pick up any number of horadric cubes; Cubes may be stored within each other. NOTE: Blizzard may not be held responsible for loosing items somewhere in cube 1004 to 2344 and not finding them.

Hitting F11 will reperat the last phrase (i.e. TP, PP or any recently typed message) again and again every 1 second, until F11 is pressed once more. This is displayed on other characters screens only, savng the player from the need to request invitation or a TP and give him a free monitor to go visitin Eldrich for getting another rune.

Some of the players may find the game boring now. We agree

die "features" waren von einem user geschrieben nur aus spass. also ist an denen nichts dran. zur zeit kennt sie wohl nur blizzard. aber wenn ich schon daran denke neue items neue runenwörter und zu beginn erstmal 45897349 verskillte chars *träum*
AW: Diablo Patch 1.11 kommt

die "features" waren von einem user geschrieben nur aus spass. also ist an denen nichts dran. zur zeit kennt sie wohl nur blizzard. aber wenn ich schon daran denke neue items neue runenwörter und zu beginn erstmal 45897349 verskillte chars *träum*

und dafür les ich mir die durch? grummel....
wäre aber lustig gewesen, gleich zu Beginn auf Level 20 starten zu können...
russe89 am 29.07.2005 20:02 schrieb:
hallo meine diablo freunde :B
hab gerade erfahren das am ein neuer patch für diablo 2 lod rauskommt!!
quelle www.battle.net
blizzard kümmert sich doch noch um d2 wenn das nichts ist :)
wird wohl am ersten september von 19-23 uhr auf die server eingespielt. ein ladder reset wäre auch sehr gut möglich ;)


Ah ja,
joffentlich brauchen die diesmal nicht so lange wie für Patch 1.10 da hats gur 1 Jahr gedauert bid der wirklich da war
