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Rundenbasiertes Rollenspiel

Parat am 14.10.2007 22:55 schrieb:
ach, dann auch jagged alliance

Wenn wir schon in der Vergangenheit stöbern, wie wärs mit Wasteland?

Gabs zwar zu C64 Zweiten (habs auf ihm gehabt), aber ist immer noch mein Kult-RPG.


Hier ein paar Zitate:

The game would generally let players advance with a variety of tactics: to get through a locked gate, a player could use his Picklock skill, his Climb skill, or his Strength attribute; or he could force the gate with a crowbar - or a LAW rocket

The initial band of Desert Rangers encountered a number of NPCs as the game progressed who could be recruited into the party. Unlike those of other computer RPGs of the time, these NPCs might temporarily refuse to give up an item or perform an action if ordered to do so.

The game was also known for such combat prose as "Rabbit is reduced to a thin red paste" and "Thug explodes like a blood sausage", which prompted what was thought to be an unofficial PG-13 sticker on the game packaging in the United States.

Wasteland was a successful game, and has been included on numerous "best game" and "hall of fame" lists. Computer Gaming World Magazine awarded it the Role-Playing Game of the Year award, and ten years later in 1996, it named Wasteland the #9 computer game of all time

On June 21, 2007, Brian Fargo said, "I am indeed looking into bringing back the game that spawned the Fallout series. Stay tuned...." in an interview with fan site Duck and Cover.
Yevaud am 09.10.2007 14:40 schrieb:
Von denen, die es noch im Handel gibt, kann ich dir vor allem Anachronox empfehlen. Das ist zwar ein Sci-Fi-RPG, hat aber auch ein ausgezeichnetes Magiesystem.
Anachronox war DER HAMMER! Ich hab mich selten so kaputt gelacht bei einem Spiel..schade, dass es sich nicht so gut verkauft hat.