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nexusmods.com: Mod-Datenbank Nexus Mods vermutlich gehackt

Gibt bereits in Update, in englisch.

"I am now in possession of the database dump, that was first reported on Reddit, via university security networks, and I can confirm several things. First, the database dump is "old", with the last member in the database having registered on July 22nd 2013. If you're one of the 4.2 million users who registered on Nexus Mods after this date, your details are not included in this database dump and are therefore considered "safe". Second, the database dump isn't a complete database rip. The dump contains user IDs, usernames, email addresses, hashes and salts, and that's it. It does not contain cracked passwords i.e. anyone with access to the dump would need to attempt to crack the hashes and salts themselves in order to get any sort of use out of them on the site.

From this we can conclude a further two things. Firstly, that it's relatively safe to assume that whoever made this dump no longer has access to our database. Why? Because if they did, they'd have released a much more up-to-date dump of our member database. It would make sense they no longer have any access, considering we've patched up a lot of holes, applied countless security updates and switched to a far more secure database cluster system since July of 2013.

Second, if you've updated your password since July 2013, your account on the Nexus sites should be safe and secure, as they will not have your new hashes/salts/password information. If you have not updated your password recently, please do so now as I am now personally confident that there have been no recent breaches of our network or databases. Similarly, if you still use the password you were using in July 2013, or before that date, on any other sites or services you should update them immediately."

Heißt, das der Datenbank speicherauszug von July 2013 ist und daher jeder, der sich danach registriert hat, nicht betroffen ist. Auch sind keine Passwörter gestohlen worden, die müssten die Datendiebe noch extra aus den Daten heraushacken.

Da ich seit november 2012 dabei bin, hab ich meins direkt mal geändert.