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News - WoW: The Burning Crusade: Verkaufsrekord an Tag 1 für World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

AW: News - WoW: The Burning Crusade: Verkaufsrekord an Tag 1 für World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

Bitte den ersten Satz nochmal durchlesen ;)
AW: News - WoW: The Burning Crusade: Verkaufsrekord an Tag 1 für World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

hadder denn da wat, un wenn ja, wat hadder da
hadder da watt glatt, oder hadder da wat haar da?
hadder da wat, wat sonst keiner hat
oder hadder dat auf dat, dat wadder da hat?
dat wadder da da hat,
dat hadder nu ma da?
dabei war ja gar nicht klar, dat dat dat da war
wat dat war, dat war unklar
un darum sammer domma bidde,
AW: News - WoW: The Burning Crusade: Verkaufsrekord an Tag 1 für World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

shimmyrot am 23.01.2007 18:35 schrieb:
Bitte den ersten Satz nochmal durchlesen ;)

Hilfsverb doppelt verwendet - oder wie sehe ich das? :-D
AW: News - WoW: The Burning Crusade: Verkaufsrekord an Tag 1 für World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

worthplaying liefert noch ein paar mehr einzelheiten :

(...) Blizzard had supplied more than 4 million game boxes to retailers worldwide, and more than 5,000 stores throughout the world had their doors open at midnight to welcome thousands of expectant players.

Day-one sales totals on both continents were similar, with an estimated total of nearly 1.2 million copies sold on the first day in North America and an estimated total of more than 1.1 million copies sold in Europe within the first 24 hours of launch(a). By the end of the first day of availability on both continents, a total of more than 1.7 million players had already logged in and upgraded World of Warcraft to play The Burning Crusade.

"The Burning Crusade has already exceeded even our most ambitious expectations," said Mike Morhaime, president and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. "We're pleased that so many players are eager to see all of the new content that the expansion has to offer, and we look forward to seeing everyone online as additional players continue to upgrade in the days ahead."

Retailers are continuing to report sustained demand, so if players have not yet purchased their copy of The Burning Crusade, they are advised to call ahead to make sure their store has copies on hand. Additional shipments of the expansion have been routed to retailers to help maintain stock levels.

"The immediate popularity of The Burning Crusade once again shows that Blizzard consistently delivers what gamers want," said Robert McKenzie, senior vice president of merchandising at GameStop Corp. "In addition to setting a new day-one PC-game sales record at our GameStop and EB Games stores, the expansion garnered more online pre-orders than any other PC game in our company's history."(...)
