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News - Dark Messiah: "Revolutionäre Onlinekampagnen"

AW: News - Dark Messiah: "Revolutionäre Onlinekampagnen"

Ich bin schonmall drauf gespannt !!! Besonders bei diesen Kampfsystem im Mutliplayer ^^

Freue mich schon nen paar Gegner mit Hilfe der Physik-Engine platt zu machen.
AW: News - Dark Messiah: "Revolutionäre Onlinekampagnen"

DP3 am 26.05.2006 11:59 schrieb:
Ich bin schonmall drauf gespannt !!! Besonders bei diesen Kampfsystem im Mutliplayer ^^

Freue mich schon nen paar Gegner mit Hilfe der Physik-Engine platt zu machen.

Leider nein:

GS: Could you explain what role physics will play in multiplayer? Will players still be able to cut rope traps, kick their enemies into hazards, use magic spells to make them slip and fall, and so on? Could you give us some more examples of how physics will affect multiplayer?

RWG: Physics are not as important in multiplayer as they are in single-player. Physics can be quite heavy on the server performance, and we favored having up to 32 players in the game rather than to exploit the environment like in the single-player portion. With that many players, the siege of Stonehelm looks real! Well, as real as it can look with undead armies and fireballs shooting all around, of course.
