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Horizon Zero Dawn: Update 1.02 für PC zum Download - das steckt im neuen Patch

David Martin

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Patch Notes

Crash Fixes

Fixed an issue where some players would crash during their first game boot when the ‘game optimization’ screen is active and they ran out of disc space.
Fixed an issue where some players would crash if they updated their video drivers after the game was already optimized previously.
Fixed an issue where some players would crash during gameplay because of memory incorrectly being overwritten.
Fixed an issue where some players would crash during gameplay due to a texture unstreaming bug.

Game Improvements

Improved performance when auto-saving (e.g. when completing a quest step).
Fixed an issue where some players experienced that V-sync wouldn’t properly turn off in borderless mode
Fixed an issue where some players experienced out of sync facial animations due to them being locked at 30FPS.
Reduced memory used when streaming shaders.

Other changes

Improved crash report flow and messaging. Each crash now includes an identifier you can use to communicate with our Customer Support.
Added more features to improve diagnostic data collection when submitting a crash report.