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GTA 5 Fakten: Drei unterschiedliche Protagonisten und Rockstars größte Spielwelt bisher

Soweit ich das in dem Text des GameInformer's verstanden habe wird die Digitale Version heute um 14:00 Central Time (zB.Chicago) veröffentlicht ... d.h. bei uns um 21 Uhr Abends .. ich bin gespannt!
Könnte spannend werden mit 3 Protagonisten, ich fand das schon bei GTA4 ganz cool, wie sich die Storylines überschnitten haben.
Man spielt mit Niko, denkt sich bei irgendeiner Mssion, "Boah, wo kommen die Affen denn auf einmal her" und im DLC ist man plötzlich selber der Affe, der einem vorher die Tour versaut hat. :-D
diese info ist doch schon tage alt
-You play as Albert DeSilva a half american half puerto rican american
-He is 42 years old and has an ex wife and 2 kids
- the show breaking bad has a little influence on the game as Albert is drawn to the life of crime from an older age for the money.
-You also play as Dougie Vejo a younger criminal just coming up in Los Santos
-Los Santos is the only large city, smaller towns round out the countrtyside.
- Grove Street makes a return, however Carl and Sweet are not in the game.
-Money plays a large part as Albert lost most of his in a ponzi like scheme.
-Property buying is back
-The only customization for characters are clothes/hair/facial hair. no gyms or tattoos
-one or more characters from 4 may show up
-car customization is back, seems more fitting for Dougie however Albert may be going through a midlife crisis.
-the triumphant return of Lovefist!!! or as the band is now known as the Jezzies.
-Songs confirmed so far: My Michelle-Guns and Roses, Magic Power- Triumph, California Dreaming- The beach boys and Beautiful-Snoop Dogg featuring Pharrell.
-New mini games include golf, tennis and surfing

Der Manager von Game Informer hat gesagt keiner der drei Auf dem Cover heisst albert, das mit DeSilva dürfte also Quark sein.
Drei Typen zur Auswahl...toll...wie wäre es mal mit weiblichen "Alternativen"? Naja, Rockstar war eh nie ein Garant für Offenheit oder gar Gleichberechtigung und Toleranz. Man denke nur an : Rassismus, Homophobie, Sexismus etc. Und jetzt kommt mir nicht mit Satire, schwarzer Humor usw.
Hab die Schnauze voll davon, immer Verbrecher zu spielen. Ich bin ja selber auch keiner. Nen Cop (selbst wenn er korrupt ist) wäre doch mal was anderes. Wenn die True Crime Reihe nur nicht so mies wäre.....
sagt mal könnte der mittlere der sein der vor dem Heli im Trailer flüchtet??? kommt mit ner gewissen Ähnlichkeit vieleicht hin...
mhh den mittleren würde ich höchstens bis 24 schätzen, den rechten halt mit nen gehobenen, kriminellen Lebensstil (bzw. kommt er aus guten Verhältnissen und wird zum Gangster...), tja und den linken find ich echt interessant: gezeichnet vom leben, hat vieleicht viel schlechtes durchmachen müssen und sieht aus wie ein Alkoholiker oder wirklich heruntergekommener Typ der jeden Job macht um an Geld zu gelangen...interessante, explosive Mischung und ich finde den linken am coolsten^^
habe gerade von jemanden gelesen dass die Charctere Trevor, Franklyn und Michael heißen...kein Plan obs stimmt. Könnt mir danken oder mich verprügeln wenn genaueres fest steht^^
Fahrräder sollen auch wieder da sein^^ Yeah
und wechseln zwischen den Charakteren soll auch bestätigt worden sein
Hier alle daten:

GTA 5 "evolves nearly every mechanic" found in previous games in the series.
Features the biggest open world in the series' history - GTA 5's world is bigger than the worlds of Red Dead Redemption, San Andreas and GTA IV combined.
Three playable characters which you can switch between "at nearly any time".
Each character has their own story arc, with all three intertwined.
Camera zooms out to a "Google Earth-style" perspective when switching characters.
Character 1 - Michael, an ex-bank robber in his early 40s who retired after making a deal with the FIB. He has two teenage children and he hates his wife Amanda. He's also the voice you heard on the original GTA 5 trailer.
Character 2 - Trevor, a former war veteran with flight experience, and a "drugged out psychopath".
Character 3 - Franklin, details unknown.
Certain characters from GTA IV and Episodes From Liberty City will also make an appearance. Rockstar's Dan Houser says we'll never see characters from the PS2 era, though. "The five PS2 games are one universe, and this is the high definition universe, so they don't co-exist," he says.
No major actors cast as any of the main characters.
Big advances to lighting and shader model. Greater draw distance.
There will be a "vibrant and fun" economy, but you won't be able to buy property. Heists are a big theme to the game.
Improved vehicle handling and physics - "The cars hold to the ground better... It feels more like a racing game," says Dan Houser.
More vehicles than in any GTA to date, including BMXs, mountain bikes, road bikes, dirt bikes, cars, trucks, helicopters, planes, ATVs and Jet Skis, but vehicle manufacturers are still fictional.
Improved shooting and melee combat. Melee combat "never going to be as big a deal as shooting," though, warns Houser.
Los Santos is described as a "huge and diverse city", combining the best of Red Dead Redemption's "large open expanses" with GTA IV's "densely packed urban environment".
GTA: San Andreas was about gang culture. GTA 5 is about capturing the "contemporary culture of LA".
A variety of different side missions and "more sophisticated" minigames, including yoga, triathlons, Jet Skiing, base-jumping, tennis, and golf. There's a full golf course in the game. You can go scuba diving along the coastline of Los Santos, or do yoga in one of the game's parks.
Each character will have unique hobbies - "one or two key minigame activities per character".
No RPG-like player customization as found in GTA: San Andreas, but you can customize the clothing of each character.
GTA IV's romance feature has been removed.
Players can make friends and hang out with certain NPCs in the game, just like GTA IV.
GTA IV's mobile phone returns, but a lot of its features have been altered. You'll use it to access the internet.
Dynamic missions - hidden missions dotted around the game world. "Going off-road in the desert, you may come across two parked cars and a sea of dead bodies around them... Investigate if you want."
solange die charaktere nicht
jacqueline ,chantal oder justin heissen..