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Final Fantasy XIV Online

AW: Final Fantasy XIV Online vorgestellt (!!!)

noch ein paar Videos, wieder abgefilmt aber in HD:


AW: Final Fantasy XIV Online vorgestellt (!!!)

Interview mit vielen Infos:

Below we have the results of player asked questions from FFXIVCore.com that was asked to Hiromichi Tanaka about FFXIV. Grab a cup of coffee or something nice, such as orange juice and please enjoy reading our exclusive interview with the producer of FFXIV himself.

>>>In the alpha I wasn't able to jump, will there be jumping in FFXIV? And swimming? Maybe even climbing?

Its going to be the same as in FFXI. So currently there will be no jumping. If its necessary we might add swimming and climbing in the future.

>>>What measures will be taken to combat RMT and botting?

We're going work hard on it, same as in FFXI with the task force. Also for example, at the moment we're trying to add a filter in FFXI to combat it on the spot, instead of waiting for a patch in order to combat the issues. It will be more flexible.

>>>How will the story be told? Powerful story is an essential part of the FF-series, and as far as the producers have said it will be important in XIV as well.

Yes the story is defiantly very important for FF14. We will have high quality cutscenes with voiceovers and fx, please look forward to it.

There will also be voiceovers on mostly every character/npc in the game.

>>>What will endgame be like? Special areas, NMs, etc.

Maybe not from the beginning, but when it comes to a good time we will be implementing some very challenging encounters, among other things. We will have a level cap at the beginning, when it will be unlocked in due time we will release great raid content. We've learned a lot from FFXI and realized what is too easy and too hard.

>>>Exactly how much more casual will FF XIV be than FF XI? Is FF XIV designed to try to appeal to a new casual crowd and leave the hardcore group players in FF XI? Is FF XIV trying to attract both at the same time and try to become the first historical game that successfully combines hardcore and casual aspects?

The first question about the casual aspect. We will have a casual aspect, but we're not going to only target the casual players. Its really a users choice. We will be able to provide a variety of aspects to the game that casual players will enjoy but the hardcore players will enjoy it as well. And also for FFXI and FFXIV we aim to support both players, although FFXIV is using a new graphics engine, so we're providing current FFXI players with an option if they want to play FFXI of course that is fine, but they're also very welcome to play FFXIV.

Hiromichi Tanaka also says that it would be very nice if the players of other Final Fantasy games who never played FFXI would play FFXIV. So that is one of the goals.

So basically they're aiming at the Final Fantasy fans who haven't played MMO's due to having a casual aspect of FFXIV, but also at the same time giving the hardcore MMO players something to enjoy as well.

>>>What about PVP?

We have the same stance on PVP as we had in FFXI, we're having a focus on PVE, but we may introduce some sort of sports-type that might be tied to PVP in the future. What we're worrying about is that we dont want to have any PK'ing or harassment types of activities in the game. So in order to provide a safe environment to everyone and a game to enjoy. So we're not focusing on PVP.

>>>Pay to play or free to play?

The game will cost to play. There's a fee for 30 days each. Currently there are no other plans to offer other options.

>>>No PlayOnline, can you elaborate on the new account features?

We will be using the SquareEnix ID, and also have a system that will be linked to that system.

>>>Is there going to be instanced content?

Guild leaves itself is like instances. Other people will not be able to interfer with you. There will also be instanced raid content, its a type of guild leaves as well. But we cannot tell you how many players it will be yet however. There's also going to be many different types of guild leaves, if you want to play as a casual player it will be fine for instance.

>>>Can you give more specific details about what things can we customize in character creation? I mean things like body size, how many faces will there be available?

Unfortunately we cannot show you the character creation screen yet, but you will be able to change things such as your ears, eyes, hair color, shape of your face. There will be lots of variety.

>>>I'm curious about how advancing in your jobs works. Like will it be a FF Tactics style? Once you've mastered certain skills in a certain job, you unlock another?

It will be slightly different from Final Fantasy Tactics system. You will be gaining abilities by leveling up your skills, but, its not the same as Final Fantasy Tactics. So if you're having a high skill in something it doesnt mean the other one is going to be lower. if you grow in one skill and it gets high, you can still level up your other skills high.

>>>And how will the 'levels' of the mobs work? Does the game have some kinda system in place to adjust mob difficulty based on character stats and current status of party?

Its not going to be changing depending on the players skills. Its fixed. So you get to chose yourself who or what you want to fight.

>>>Auto-run/Auto-follow and Macros saved A LOT of time in FFXI. Could we expect these things (or improved/altered versions) in FFXIV?

Yes it will be in the game.

>>>In FFXI, if you weren't fighting or crafting, there was definitely a lack of things to do. Could we expect more types of things to do in FFXIV? More mini-games, casino, card games like in FFVIII or FFIX, more in-depth gardening/fishing/etc. ?

Yes, we're planning several things so you can enjoy the game, for example the fishing you mention will be a class. But outside of the class system there will be other things to do. For example during FFXI players figured out a way to invent a new game by using the existing system. So that's going to be interesting, we'd like to do that for FFXIV as well. So we're looking forward to what the players will do with our system there.

>>>There were many Summons in FFXI, but for an online world, I never felt there were enough. What Summons can we expect to see in FFXIV and will there be more variety than in FFXI?

We can't really mention which summons will be in. But what we can say is that some is going to be really important in the storyline. It's not going to be included in the game like FFXI. At the moment we don't really have a class, a pet class / summoner. Not at the moment at least. So it will be implemented in the game in a different way. Please check back with us in the future.

>>>Will there be Samuari's in the game, what about the free roaming? What about the freedom in the world, exploration?

We won't have the samuari as a job, because we don't have a job system. And we don't have a class like the Samuari. But it depends on how you're going to select your skills and developing your character. So when you reach a certain skill and/or gain certain skills, you will have a title for yourself. It may be Samuari or may not be - we cannot tell you that yet. So please look for an announacement in the future.

>>>How large will the in-game world of Eorzea be in comparison to the in-game world of Vana'Diel? As in actual space the characters may move around in.

We can't really compare to the current world of Vana'Diel since it's been expanding a lot. But if we compare to the original Vana'Diel, this time it may be the same or slightly smaller, however as you can see there will be a much more detailed world, in terms of graphics and content. So it's unlikely you will notice that it might be slightly smaller than the original Vana'Diel world.

One thing to note is that FFXI used its own system, this time Final Fantasy XIV is going to be seamless. No zoning! Just like in World of Warcraft.

You'll be able to walk from the city to the battlefield without any zoning.

>>>Is the Economic situation of FFXIV going to be mainly player based with Auction Houses or non-player based with NPC ran stores?

We can't go into details about this just yet. We're very sorry about that. This question is better suited to be asked in a couple of months time. However, it's going to be not the same as with auctionhouses, but something very interesting.

Also, this time the weapons are going to be worn out, a durability system. So you will have to repair them and it will cost money.

>>>When is the beta? Any more info?

We dont have any specific time at the moment. But this current version here at Gamescom is an alpha version. And before we start the beta we're going to have another version, a developer version, this time we're concentrating on guild leaves, next time we're going to be concentrating on something else. When it's ready we'll start the beta version. And of course since we're going to launch the game in 2010 it should before that... so. The beta is not going to be in the far future *laughs* We want to do it as soon as possible.

>>>In World of Warcraft, you can now pay a very small fee of in game currency at a Barber Shop and change the face, hairstyle, facial hair, and hair color. Will we see this in FFXIV?

At the moment we're not thinking about it. If we have a lot of requests from the players it might get added at a later time. Not at the launch time at least. In the future perhaps. Also we don't think changing the skin color or face shape is going to be added at all. But maybe hair color.

>>>Can we expect exp loss?

We're still adjusting and discussing this. It may or may not be an exp-loss when you die in FFXIV. But it will be a lot less than it's in FFXI. However, as said we might not include an exp loss at all in FFXIV. In the alpha version we have exp loss currently, but this is still being adjusted, since it's an alpha version. So it's not decided on.

>>>Is the characters we played in the alpha version yesterday buffed?

[They all start out and laugh then proceeds to say]: yes, they're very buffed.

zeichenbeschänkung :B
AW: Final Fantasy XIV Online vorgestellt (!!!)


>>>Will the class/job system go into more depth and branch out into different combinations. Or is a wider variety of jobs not yet released and still currently in development?

It's not a job system anymore. We call it classes now. It depends on what weapon you use. And again, we're calling it a class system in FFXIV this time, so it's not a job system. This new system will allow for a lot flexibility, and also because you can switch weapons between the battles (not during battles) this is giving you much more variety. Although this is not something super new in the history of MMO's, we've seen it before in games like Ultima Online and Meridian 59 (editors note).

[We're now at the end of our 45 minutes time with Hiromichi Tanaka and we get told there's only space to ask one more question, I show them all the questions I have left and we all laugh, because there's lots left to still ask, however we're offered to ask them through email, so expect more information to go up in awhile from now]

>>>Will the Linkshell system still be called "Linkshell"?

We can't go into details on that just yet, but it's not going to be called Linkshell anymore. However, it's going to be something very interesting. You'll be able to join a kind of organization, but we can't say more on that right now, you'll be able to have different aims and focuses. It'll be very interesting.

>>>System Requirements?

We're not done with analyzing this just yet, but it's going to be fairly high since FFXIV is going to be on HD on Playstation 3.

Full Voice acting inkl. FFXI-bekannte Cutscenes und zonenfreie Welt, roaaaaaar
und wie es aussieht, macht man wirklich dieses System mit einer Gebühr für 30 unabhängige Tage statt pro Monat :)
AW: Final Fantasy XIV Online vorgestellt (!!!)

hier noch eine Übersetzung eines anderen Interviews (Famitsu):

außerdem gibt es ne Menge direct-Feed-screens (aber nur in kleiner Auflösung) vom Gamescom-Areal:















außerdem gibt es eine kurze abegfilmte Demonstration des Tag/Nacht Zyklus und der Wettereffekte/veränderungen.


da die Welt ja jetzt offen ist und nicht mehr in Areale unterteil wie bei FF11 (also mit Ladezeiten und bestimmten Verbindungswegen), hoffe ich mal nicht dass man von so nem Blitz getroffen werden kann :B

weitere Klassen:
Martial Artist

Bow User


Axe User

und ein paar FF14 Varianten von allgemeinen FF-Monstern:





und obwohl gesagt wurde, dass es noch keine Pet-Klasse gibt, sieht das sehr nach der Puppe der FFXI Puppetmaster aus:
AW: Final Fantasy XIV Online vorgestellt (!!!)

Bebilderte Erklärung des Ablauf der Guildleve Quests und des Kampfsystems (z.B. kein Auto-attack):

ein paar der Klassen und Gegner beschrieben/bebildert:

(das eine Vieh war kein Behemoth sondern ein Ogre ^^)

kleines Inteview mit Tanaka:
* Like the religion of Altana in FFXI, “[Eorzea] will have its own religion. It’ll be a really unique type of world,” he says.
* As to the aesthetic of the game, Tanaka explained that “This time with the world of Eorzea, what we’re trying to achieve is a very unique world. It’s going to be difficult to say whether it’s in the future or in the past. It’ll have some type of sci-fi element to it, and at the same time having medieval elements, so it’s really going to be difficult to say what type of world it’s going to be.”
* By way of explanation of the weapons/class system, he said that the goal is "flexibility" and "variety."
* As we knew before, surnames may be added to the game. However, Tanaka explained that the goal of such an addition is to facilitate easier name transfers for FFXI veterans attached to their current monikers.
* Finally, Tanaka expressed happiness that Nobuo Uematsu will be doing the score for FFXIV. “As he’s very busy, we didn’t expect him to do all of the music for FFXIV, but this time he kindly suggested that he would take care of the whole [score]," he said.

noch ein paar Infos aus der Dengeki:
* All 4 languages will have a simultaneous release
* Auto-translate function is planned. They want to improve it, but not too much so as to make it confusing
* Skill level will determine what equipment you can wear. There will be a skill cap.
* Crafting can be a full-time job this time around. You skill-up just like a battle-oriented job and have unique Guildleves tailored to your class.
* One aspect of FFXIV is that adventuring isn't limited to grinding off enemies. For example, a player could become a "high level" Weaver without engaging in a single battle.
* Weapon durability will be present to balance crafting and battle-oriented jobs. Crafters will depend on battle-oriented jobs for backup, while those jobs will rely on Crafters to repair weapons
* 3 starting nations, Limsa Lominsa, Ul'dah, Gridania
* Free-roaming NMs with special drops are a maybe, large-scale HNM content planned for Guildleve
* Players cannot steal monsters involved in someone else's Guildleve
* Voice acting for cut scenes - all versions will be in English, other languages will get subtitles
* There will be a trade function, but they are planning to build something new and different from XI's Auction House system.
* They hope to make use of Square Enix IDs and Security Tokens for FFXIV logins
AW: Final Fantasy XIV Online vorgestellt (!!!)

Der tolle neue Trailer von der TGS in HD&englisch:

roar :o

Die Cutscenes für Quests/Missionen werden so geil ^^ (die Details, Gesichtsanimationen etc), man stelle sich nur mal die von FFXI (CoP z.B.) mit dieser Grafik/Präsentation vor (und genau das werden sie ja quasi ^^).
Falls es wer nicht erkennt: die erste Szene in der Stadt, die Szene mit dem Roegadyn und der knienden Miqo'te sowie die Szene mit dem Kampf auf dem Boot sind ingame ^^

Der Vibe der Stadtszenen gefällt mir auch sehr gut :)
AW: Final Fantasy XIV Online vorgestellt (!!!)

neue Infos in der US Variante der offiziellen FFXIV Seite:

bisher bekannte "Klassen" (man wechselt ja eher durch die Waffe/Arbeitsgerät einfach fließend die Fähigkeiten, nur eben nicht innerhalb eines Kampfes) inkl. der offiziellen englischen Namen:

Disciplines of War:
- Archer

- Lancer

- Gladiator

- Marauder

- Pugilist

Disciplines of Magic:
- Thaumaturge

Disciplines of the Land:
- Botanist

Disciplines of the Hand:
- Alchemist (alembic)

- Blacksmith (cross-pein hammer)

- Culinarian (skillet)

- Tanner (headknife)

- Weaver (needle)

? Tailor (nicht auf der Webseite, vielleicht eigentlich Weaver?)

Teils mit Beschreibung.
Gleiches gilt für den Monster abschnitt.

1 neuer Gameplay-Screenshot (+ingame&CGI aus dem neuen Trailer)

super ^^ die neue Musik auf der Seite (aus dem Spiel/von Uematsu) ist auch wieder nett.

zur PC-Version:
The Specs

Right now, the game is being developed with DirectX 9 in mind. They looked into DirectX 10 and the machines currently available on the market as well. In the end, they decided that DirectX 9 was the best choice. Tanaka says they will also work on how to incorporate new technology in the future. Expect that you will need a computer on the high end of the current market to play FFXIV. They were told the specs for FFXI were too high when that game was released 7 years ago but look at the situation now.

They have to design a game that will age gracefully. They also have to guess at what things will be like when the game is released in 2010. People will be switching from Windows Vista to Windows 7. There are people who will go from a 32bit system to a 64bit one. Tanaka also says device drivers can lead to different problems they have to try to foresee as well. They are also planning to support a wide variety of possibilities. For example, this time expect support for 64bit and multicore systems.

Information on what that means exactly, for example, how much FFXIV will take advantage of such systems, is not available at this time. However, things will be different from FFXI. FFXI was made for consoles and ported to Windows. For FFXIV, it’s made with Windows in mind and then they’ll make adjustments as needed for any console systems.

Graphics will also be different. They are preparing separate graphics for the PS3 and Windows versions. For example, textures will be different. When the interviewer asked about HDTV video modes, Tanaka says the PS3 version will probably be 720p instead of 1080p. It will vary for Windows users depending on their system.
aus diesem Artikel:
AW: Final Fantasy XIV Online vorgestellt (!!!)

mal wieder hat SE neue Infos und Bilder rausgerückt.

das meiste kann man auf der offiziellen Seite erfahren:
einen weiteren Track des Uematsu Soundtracks kann man sich dort auch anhören.

bilder umfassen z.B.

neue Szenen aus dem CGI-Intro:

http://i45.tinypic.com/wksm01.jpg"]... [img src="http://i47.tinypic.com/2dsl3yb.jpg

[img src="http://i45.tinypic.com/1zg6sgm.jpg[/img]

sowie ein paar Beispiele aus dem Charakter-Editor:

[img src="http://i50.tinypic.com/5wdojk.jpg[/img]
[img src="http://i48.tinypic.com/2vaehyc.jpg[/img]

wie gesagt noch mehr auf der offiziellen Seite.
Dort kann man nun auch weitere Details zur (Hintergrund)Story nachlesen.
Die Hauptantagonisten sind das hochtechnologisierte Garlean Empire sowie diverse primitive beast tribes, welche die Primals beschworen haben.

zudem kann man sich auf der deutschen Seite für die PC Beta anmelden: