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FHT 1918 Sign Up OPEN!


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3rd Campaign want
Forgotten Honor : BF1918
New Blood
Saturday 19:00 to 22:00 GMT

You are not registered for this tournament yet.
If you'd like to join us, please pick a side:

(x) Entente Powers
(x) Central Powers

Important for join, it is install: BF 1942 game, 1.61b (7MB) Patch, BF 1918 3.1 Mod and then you can download and install the BF 1918 FHT Mod.;)
After your "Log In" into the FHT Website, please choose your Team:
Forgotten Honor - Where Teamwork Meets Gaming
Forgotten Honor Battlefield 1918 Campaign


Forgotten Honor Presents A massive new Battlefield 1918 campaign - New Blood!

After numerous successful campaigns Forgotten Honor is proud to open the third Battlefield 1918 Campaign: New Blood. During this 9 week campaign you will be placed on the Western European front nearing the end of the Great War between the hard-pressed but veteran German army and newly-arrived American Expeditionary Force. Will you aid the USA 1st Infantry Division in punching through German lines and ending the war in one stroke? Or will you enlist in the 111th German Infanterie-Division and show the Yankees the true meaning of trench warfare? The choice is yours!

What is a campaign?

A campaign is a series of connected battles where we recreate the timeline of the war. Here at Forgotten Honor it also means teamplay and organized gameplay. Campaigns take about 8-10 weeks and every Saturday we will have one 3-hour battle. All battles are counted towards the final score which determines the army that won the overall campaign.

How does it all work? Simple! In the beginning of every week our campaign management announces which map will be played that Saturday. Headquarters and officers of each army are responsible for creating plans and strategies which will be used for that map, as well as awarding medals and promotions for last week's battle. This is not purely cosmetic – promotions give you the ability to command squads within the unit, a privilege to use special weapons and equipment and various other perks – just like in the real army!

Of course, you also get to choose your role according to your preferences both within your army and within your regiment. Some regiments are specialized in the use of specific equipment, such as armor, artillery, planes or special infantry weapons. If you have a taste for something special, apply there! Within you unit you can say what role suits you best or volunteer for a specific assignment - MG gunners, drivers, scouts, snipers, tank killers - everybody is welcome and every role is important for your unit to crush the opposition!

Every army has a training server to use during the week for scouting and practice, as well as their own Teamspeak channels and locked sub-forums (we call them barracks) for communication and entertainment. Everyone can participate in all weekly activities and events as much as they want – no obligations! And then, on Saturday evening, fighting begins!

So, this is what you can expect:
* Large scale battles every Saturday evening
* A unique chance to immerse yourself in WWI warfare
* Unique maps designed for massive organized battles
* Earn promotions and rewards for your achievements
* Choose from two major armies with historically accurate regiments
* New friendships with likeminded people from all over the world
* It is free, and everybody is welcome! [/indent]

What is Battlefield 1918?

Battlefield 1918 is a mod for Battlefield 1942. That means it modifies the game so you are not fighting in WW2, but in WWI with everything that belongs to that time period like biplanes, trenches, tanks and rifles.

This time Inside1918 team and Forgotten Honor have decided to work together and create an even better experience than before. The only mod you need for this campaign is the BF1918-F|H mod and then you are set for the whole campaign.
Also, for this campaign the Inside1918 team has created exclusive maps designed for tournament gameplay and they contain special content that cannot be found in the original mod!

Registration for the campaign opened last week! Join now and get ready to play our first battle on Saturday, December 3rd!

Forgotten Honor - Where Teamwork Meets Gaming

Click on the picture to signup

Get the chance to rewrite history!
Forgotten Honor - Where Teamwork Meets Gaming

(Quelle: Inside1918)
BF1918 Campaign #3 – Scrim #2 Hindenburg Line

BF1918 Campaign #3 – Scrim #2

Hindenburg Line


The Hindenburg Line was a vast system of defences in northeastern France during World War I. It was constructed by the Germans using Russian PoWs as labour during the winter of 1916–17. The line stretched from Lens to beyond Verdun.The fortifications included concrete bunkers and machine gun emplacements, heavy belts of barbed wire, tunnels for moving troops, deep trenches, dug-outs and command posts.The German command believed the line was impregnable. However it was temporarily broken through in the Battle of Cambrai in 1917 by British and Canadian forces including tanks, and was successfully permanently breached in a number of locations during the Allied Hundred Days Offensive in September 1918.

Server Password: (you can get after join a regiment)

Forgottenhonor.com - Battle
Server IP: (Forgottenhonor.com - Battle)
Date: Saturday, December 10th, 2011
Time (GMT): 20:00 - 23:00
Time (CEST): 21:00 - 00:00
Time Zone Converter (w/automatic DST converter)

Requirements to play:

1. Working original version of Battlefield 1942 with latest BF1942 update (1.619b) click Link:
Forgotten Honor - Where Teamwork Meets Gaming - Downloads

2. Working BF1918 mod 2.1 click Link:

3a. Teamspeak 3 (TS3) for communication is a must:
TeamSpeak 3 - Download - CHIP Online

3b.TeamSpeak IP & Port:

Have fun and good luck soldiers,

The BF 1918 Campaign Management

(Quelle: forgottenhonor.com)