Ich da ein Porblem wenn Ich bei einem Server mich einloggen will kommt immer die gleiche Fehlermeldung das steht in der Console:
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Connecting to
Connected to
Counter-Strike: Source
Map: de_aztec
Players: 24 / 24
Build 2715
Server Number 26
FCVAR_CHEAT cvars reverted to defaults.
material "effects/fleck_ash1" not found
material "effects/fleck_ash2" not found
material "effects/fleck_ash3" not found
material "effects/ember_swirling001" not found
SetConVar: No such cvar ( thetime set to 1), skipping
SetConVar: No such cvar ( jukebox set to 1), skipping
SetConVar: No such cvar ( c4counter set to 1), skipping
SetConVar: mp_buytime = "0.25"
SetConVar: mp_maxrounds = "25"
SetConVar: mp_roundtime = "4"
SetConVar: mp_freezetime = "2"
SetConVar: mp_c4timer = "40"
SetConVar: mp_limitteams = "1"
SetConVar: mp_autokick = "0"
SetConVar: mp_spawnprotectiontime = "0"
SetConVar: sv_turbophysics = "1"
SetConVar: think_limit = "0"
SetConVar: sv_stopspeed = "75"
SetConVar: sv_accelerate = "5"
SetConVar: sv_skyname = "jungle"
SetConVar: mp_friendlyfire = "1"
SetConVar: No such cvar ( mani_nextmap set to de_dust2), skipping
SetConVar: No such cvar ( mani_tickrate set to 66), skipping
SetConVar: sv_consistency = "0"
SetConVar: sv_downloadurl = "http://www.mom-clan.net/cstrike/"
Begin loading faces (loads materials)
End loading faces (loads materials)
Model models/player/ct_gsg9.mdl has a bad texture ct_gsg9
Model models/player/ct_sas.mdl has a bad texture ct_sas
Model models/player/ct_sas.mdl has a bad texture ct_sas_glass
Model models/player/t_leet.mdl has a bad texture t_leet
Model models/player/t_leet.mdl has a bad texture t_leet_glass
Model models/player/t_arctic.mdl has a bad texture t_arctic
Initializing renderer...
Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface (material: maps/de_aztec/de_aztec/swampground_blend_-384_-1520_-455). Support for this will go away soon.
SurfFlagsToSortGroup: unhandled flags (400940) (de_aztec/doorway01grm01_s1)!
- This implies you have a surface (usually a displacement) embedded in solid.
- Look near (4064.0, -1216.0, -136.0)
SurfFlagsToSortGroup: unhandled flags (400800) (de_aztec/ground02_blend_nobump)!
- This implies you have a surface (usually a displacement) embedded in solid.
- Look near (-704.0, 1329.5, -88.0)
Couldn't find customization file 'materials/decals/spraylogo.vtf'.
Couldn't find customization file 'sound/player/jingle.wav'.
"materials/Effects/FilmScan256.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/Effects/Splotches256.vtf": can't be found on disk
You have been autokicked
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : You were autokicked.
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : You were autokicked.
Ich habs schon ein paar mal neu Installiert aber es hat nichts gebracht.
Kann mir bitte jemand Helfen!!!!
Danke schon mal..
Ich da ein Porblem wenn Ich bei einem Server mich einloggen will kommt immer die gleiche Fehlermeldung das steht in der Console:
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Connecting to
Connected to
Counter-Strike: Source
Map: de_aztec
Players: 24 / 24
Build 2715
Server Number 26
FCVAR_CHEAT cvars reverted to defaults.
material "effects/fleck_ash1" not found
material "effects/fleck_ash2" not found
material "effects/fleck_ash3" not found
material "effects/ember_swirling001" not found
SetConVar: No such cvar ( thetime set to 1), skipping
SetConVar: No such cvar ( jukebox set to 1), skipping
SetConVar: No such cvar ( c4counter set to 1), skipping
SetConVar: mp_buytime = "0.25"
SetConVar: mp_maxrounds = "25"
SetConVar: mp_roundtime = "4"
SetConVar: mp_freezetime = "2"
SetConVar: mp_c4timer = "40"
SetConVar: mp_limitteams = "1"
SetConVar: mp_autokick = "0"
SetConVar: mp_spawnprotectiontime = "0"
SetConVar: sv_turbophysics = "1"
SetConVar: think_limit = "0"
SetConVar: sv_stopspeed = "75"
SetConVar: sv_accelerate = "5"
SetConVar: sv_skyname = "jungle"
SetConVar: mp_friendlyfire = "1"
SetConVar: No such cvar ( mani_nextmap set to de_dust2), skipping
SetConVar: No such cvar ( mani_tickrate set to 66), skipping
SetConVar: sv_consistency = "0"
SetConVar: sv_downloadurl = "http://www.mom-clan.net/cstrike/"
Begin loading faces (loads materials)
End loading faces (loads materials)
Model models/player/ct_gsg9.mdl has a bad texture ct_gsg9
Model models/player/ct_sas.mdl has a bad texture ct_sas
Model models/player/ct_sas.mdl has a bad texture ct_sas_glass
Model models/player/t_leet.mdl has a bad texture t_leet
Model models/player/t_leet.mdl has a bad texture t_leet_glass
Model models/player/t_arctic.mdl has a bad texture t_arctic
Initializing renderer...
Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface (material: maps/de_aztec/de_aztec/swampground_blend_-384_-1520_-455). Support for this will go away soon.
SurfFlagsToSortGroup: unhandled flags (400940) (de_aztec/doorway01grm01_s1)!
- This implies you have a surface (usually a displacement) embedded in solid.
- Look near (4064.0, -1216.0, -136.0)
SurfFlagsToSortGroup: unhandled flags (400800) (de_aztec/ground02_blend_nobump)!
- This implies you have a surface (usually a displacement) embedded in solid.
- Look near (-704.0, 1329.5, -88.0)
Couldn't find customization file 'materials/decals/spraylogo.vtf'.
Couldn't find customization file 'sound/player/jingle.wav'.
"materials/Effects/FilmScan256.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/Effects/Splotches256.vtf": can't be found on disk
You have been autokicked
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : You were autokicked.
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : You were autokicked.
Ich habs schon ein paar mal neu Installiert aber es hat nichts gebracht.
Kann mir bitte jemand Helfen!!!!
Danke schon mal..