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Fallout 76: Countdown zum Launch und Freebies im PSN


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Zum Artikel: Fallout 76: Countdown zum Launch und Freebies im PSN
Habe die T-51b Power Armor Edition heute schon bekommen (PS4). Der erste Patch (1.01) wiegt satte 50,932 GB, was einige Leute natürlich schwer fordern wird in puncto Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit. Ansonsten kann ich nur sagen, dass Bethesda sich mit der Collector's Edition schon Mühe gegeben hat, aber nicht in allen Punkten überzeugen kann. Ich kopiere mal, was ich denen ins Forum geschrieben habe:

Hello everyone,

since I live in the same small town as the Bethesda EU Store is located in, I already received my T-51b Edition today. Just some feedback in information for you to dwell on:

1) The game itself needs less than a minute to install if you already played the beta, however, the Day-1-Patch is pretty hefty at 50.932 GB size. Since I have a 400MBit connection, it doesn't take me as long as others, but due to heavy traffic it still needs around 1 hour.

2) Trophies can not be seen yet. Maybe the patch needs to download first, but I'll try to offer the complete trophy list as soon as I can.

3) The Power Armor helmet is interesting and looks really cool, but I was a bit underwhelmed as to the quality. Looks to me as though it isn't polycarbonate or something, but plastic instead. That was a bit of a bummer to me. The light works like a charm, however, the voice modulator appears too sketchy to be more than just a gimmick.

4) The map included with the edition is high quality and also VERY detailed. I felt as though there were quite a few locations marked on the map (as symbols) I didn't see in the in-game map ever before.

5) The figurines I did not even take out of their box yet, as I'm not much into that kinda stuff. However, they appeared to be very detailed and maybe even the right size for Fallout's tabletop game.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.