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A Question in English


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Sorry for posting this in English - I don't speak German.

My father can read and write only in German.

He is 80 years old and can''t leave the house.

He asked me to get him a computer game in German so that his brain will not decay.

Anyone can make a suggestion for something in German and not very fast paced, that can keep him occupied?

Something I can get online, not needing to go to Germany.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Most of the more successful games are dubbed in German anyway. So you could get them in the German version via Steam or some other online retail store.
Or check out some adventure games like "The Book of unwritten Tales". The humor might be a bit too "young" for his taste though...
Crazy Machines is a good idea.
You should try searching for the term "Gehirn-Jogging", it´s sort of a trend right now in Germany, people try to train their brains with exercises like sudoku, etc.
This page is the first thing, google finds, it looks quite good (and it is designed for older people - at least it says so :B ), but I have no time to double check right now, I´ll do that tomorrow, if still needed ;)
i know one game which could interest you. Its free and your father can play it online, without buy anything.

In this game you have to answer questions, seek numbers and many other thing which are training your brain. Here i will let you the game.

BRAIN Highschool :)

Have fun!
In case you are still looking for games you should visit demonews.de *click* Albeit you won't find a plethora of games, and some are a smidge old, they are all free of charge. I'm certain you'll be able to find games suiting your fathers pace there. I'm also sure that they will keep his gray matter busy and him entertained for awhile. ;)

Btw. your pictures are marvelous!