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7 Days To Die: Zombie-Survival-Titel wegen Copyright-Verletzung von Steam verbannt

Es ist wohl nicht die Schuld der Entwickler.
Sie haben das Zombie Modell im Unity (Grafikengine) Store gekauft, aber es durfte dort wohl garnicht zum Verkauf angeboten werden. Hier ein Zitat aus dem 7days Forum:

Hi guys.

As some of you may have noticed there was a DMCA Takedown request filed on steam and currently our page has been banned.
We're working to sort this out and are actively dealing with the lawyers and such to have the issue resolved.
Long story short a model was sold on the Unity Store that we purchased which should not have been released on the Unity Store.

We'll be releasing an update with the asset remove soon.

As for the Steam ban we're working with them to have this issue resolved as well.

A small little update on the upcoming content update. We're working hard to get everything finished and stable for release. We're hoping to release very soon if everything goes as planned (fingers crossed) In the mean time I would like to apologize for all the waiting you guys are having for this update. Please try bare with us though. It'll be worth the wait.

As always, thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Love from Grimmycakes

PS: Das Game war nie auf Steam zum Verkauf, es wurde zwar greenlightet aber noch nicht im Store.
Das ist richtig. Wer die Unity Engine nutzt, der kann gewissen Sachen hinzukaufen und die dann im Spiel nutzen. Vermutlich ist das Ganze dann einfach ein missverständnis.