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Banished: Mittelalter-Sim City erscheint Mitte Februar

Matthias Dammes

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Zum Artikel: Banished: Mittelalter-Sim City erscheint Mitte Februar
Verfolge das Spiel schon eine Zeit und bin echt gespannt. Soweit ich weiß soll der Preis so um die 20$/€ liegen.
bin gespannt in welchem zustand das spiel auf den markt kommt.
ist das wirklich ein final release oder 'ne beta?

schwer vorstellbar, dass ein ein-mann-unternehmen so was wirklich auf die beine stellen kann.
falls doch, verneige ich mich vor dem entwickler.
bin gespannt in welchem zustand das spiel auf den markt kommt.
ist das wirklich ein final release oder 'ne beta?

schwer vorstellbar, dass ein ein-mann-unternehmen so was wirklich auf die beine stellen kann.
falls doch, verneige ich mich vor dem entwickler.
Ich empfehle die Lektüre der Blogeinträge des Entwicklers. Da wird im Detail auf den Fortschritt des Spiels eingegangen, auch auf Probleme und wie er sie gelöst hat. :)

Und ja, es soll ne Final-Release im Februar sein. ;)
Wenn das Spiel wirklich nahezu fehlerfrei funktioniert, dann hat er wirklich allerhöchsten Respekt verdient. Für ein "Ein-Mann-Projekt" sieht das nämlich großartig aus. Da hat er sich ganz schön reingehängt. :)
Tja mit einem 1 Mann Unternehmen kann ein Ding wenigstens nicht passieren: Viele Köche kotzen in den Brei (ähm meinte verderben den Brei).

Da gibts in der Regel wenigstens eine klare Linie und keine 20 Meinungen von 15 Leuten oder noch schlimmer.
bin gespannt in welchem zustand das spiel auf den markt kommt.
ist das wirklich ein final release oder 'ne beta?

Dazu noch mal die letzten beiden Devlogs.... ;)

On finishing…

During the AMA a few weeks ago, someone asked what the hardest thing about making Banished was. I thought about all the programming, art, and design issues I faced with the game, and taken by themselves, they may have been time consuming, but none of them really seemed hard. So what is it?

It’s finishing.

The design of Banished was very dynamic. Once some of the core mechanics were in place, I simply added things that I thought would be interesting or add depth to the game – and this type of game lends itself well to a lot of additions like this – I could work on it endlessly adding layers upon layers of features and complexity.

Once I did decide to stop adding new buildings and features to the game, I knew I was working toward getting the game ready for release, but the time to complete the game has seemed overly long.

I’ve been thinking about this for a while – The game has looked complete, and played well for a long time – since October, but there have been many final remaining details to deal with. Even though I’ve been continuously working on the game, my own perception of the game – and I assume the outward view of the game being done – looks like this:


Development started slow, went really quickly for a while, and then leveled off as all the main features were added. You don’t see major visual or game play changes as the work continues, but there’s still the same amount of work being done each day.

This can be a frustrating thing to look at. The has game looked complete, but it isn’t. The game play is in place, and all the artwork done, but there have been a lot of final details to actually bring the game to completion. There’s testing, dealing with feedback from testers, tweaking, balancing, fixing bugs, creating installers, tutorials, instructions, preparing to sell the game, and a bunch of other mundane tasks.

This is different from my perception of making games for consoles on a large team. When I was a graphics and tools programmer, often I’d be working on the next project before the previous one was even complete.

And before I worked in the games industry, I’d often take any personal game projects to the point where I learned something new about programming, math, or algorithms, then lose interest and move onto a project with something new that I was curious about.

Next game I should have a better idea of the time and tasks that go into finishing a game. I suppose I’ve been making games long enough now that I finally had to finish a game to learn something new! :)

Oh, and Happy New Year!


Yesterday was interesting an interesting day, and one like no other in the last few years.

I had finished the in-game help and finalized the tutorials earlier this week.

So the first thing I did when I woke up was to speel check all the text in the game. (See, that’s funny!) I then wrote the credits, which were a bit short. I stopped full screen resolutions under 640 pixels wide from being switched to, even if the hardware supports it. I fixed a small bug with the main toolbar when the user interface was scaled. I looked over some minor balancing issues that have been nagging me.

Then I turned off asserts, (those are debug checks to make sure everything is running properly, but tend to slow things down) and then I made a build of the game.

And then I didn’t have anything else to do. And that’s a strange feeling.

Well – there are things to do – just not in the changing code, art, or data departments. There might still be minor bugs, there might be crashes that haven’t been found. But today I’m calling the game content complete. Banished is done, and so without any further delay,

Banished will be released on

February 18, 2014

I know I can be quoted as saying that I wanted the game released in January, but over the holidays I ended up taking some time off from development, and apparently writing full in-game help takes far longer than you might expect.

Testing progress has been slow over the holiday season, so the current build will be tested until release, checking everything I’ve touched in the last month and a half – the final tutorials, help system, and minor code and balancing tweaks. Just to be sure things are in working order.

Ah, I remember when I quit my job and thought I could make a game in one year. It took three times as long, but it was definitely worth it, and the process was really satisfying!

Shining Rock Software
Wenn das Spiel wirklich nahezu fehlerfrei funktioniert, dann hat er wirklich allerhöchsten Respekt verdient. Für ein "Ein-Mann-Projekt" sieht das nämlich großartig aus. Da hat er sich ganz schön reingehängt. :)

Kann man so sagen ja. Auf eine Frage bei Reddit nach dem Aufwand, den der Entwickler in das Spiel gesteckt hat, gab es diese Antwort:
I'd guess I've put in somewhere around 5500 hours. It's been about three years of work, but I took some months off for travel and doing other projects and some contract work.
Really I just want to be able to make more games. If Banished sells enough for me to continuing to live as I am and make games, that's good enough for me.

Gibt übrigens noch viel andere Infos zum Spiel in dieser AMA: Banished AMA : Banished

Es wurde z.B. auch gefragt, wie lange man an einer einzelnen Siedlung spielen könne. Die Antwort darauf war "mehrere Wochen"....

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Schaut interessant aus - werd ich auf alle Fälle im Auge behalten.