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Bildergalerie - MuM: Fallout 3-Mods: Die besten Modifikationen für Bethesdas Rollenspiel


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Bildergalerie - MuM: Fallout 3-Mods: Die besten Modifikationen für Bethesdas Rollenspiel

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Zum Artikel: http://www.pcgames.de/aid,671410

den besten der mods habt ihr vergessen was klar is^^
jedem dem das spiel zu leicht ist bzw zu leicht findet sollte sich Welcome To The Wasteland mal ansehen


The "Welcome To The Wasteland" Balance Mod is best used with HARD and VERY HARD difficulty, and contains within it all elements of the Fallout3PaceMod, my XP reducing mod.
It is savegame compatible but makes most sense with a brand new game.
In fact it might not make any sense at all in an already advanced game, because its whole point is to slow down your characters growth in power and make the world seem more threatening and harsher.

The Balance Mod rebalances game systems in Fallout3 in order to give the player more and harder choices to make in the game.

Food, radiation, barter skill, 'regular' skill perks (rather than Educated) are now all IMPORTANT parts of the game. (unlike in vanilla where food is aesthetic and radiation a non-issue).

Short Gameplay Explanation*

You will no longer get a new level every 10 minutes.

You'll need to do more quests in order to level up fast.
Those XP raising perks might actually be useful (though I still wouldn't take em).

You no longer get stims and meds and equipment wherever you go.
Even ammo is somewhat harder to find, and more expensive.
Now you'll be scrounging whatever you can get from fallen enemies and the environment so you can go and sell it to buy some more meds or ammo at early stages.

You won't be carrying a huge load of everything. medicine has weight now, and you need food which is also weighted. think carefully about how much you want to put in Strength, or alternatively in Barter skill and Charisma.

You'll sigh with relif whenever a quest gives a big payout, knowing that for a while yet you'll have the equipment you need.
Vanilla-Unecessary skills like Barter are suddenly very good to have, and skill points are that little bit more precious now that you can't cheat with clothes or get the educated perk. Unless you specialize a bit more, chances are some of those locks or terminals might actually be out of your reach now.

You'll be irradiated by the food you now must eat to survive and by the more dangerous environment and creatures.

You'll sing praise of a high medicine skill for increased radaway effects. Radiation penalties are more severe as well.
Your crippling injuries will last a while longer during exploration because stimpacks will either be hard to get and valuable.

You'll no longer step out of the vault with 16 stims and 200+ 10mm bullets.
You'll step out of there with very little more than the clothes on your back, and you'll have to be couragous indeed to go straight to bandit hideouts.

Trekking through the wasteland feels much more like.. well, trekking through a wasteland.
If you don't take care, you'll run out of supplies, and that is bad.
You won't step out of springvale elementary with a kings ransom of medicine and stimpacks now. you'll be happy enough just to get the guns and armor off of raiders in order to sell for food and ammunition.
That's the kind of balance im talking about.

What I've done is rebalance the importance of various skills, perks, abilities, food, medicine and radiation, in addition to various misc. changes that support this:

1) Made food much more healthful and more irradiated. (food is now a main source of HP and it's important to stock up at your local tavern for long treks)

2) Made stimpacks very rare, ultrapowerful and very expensive. (more like FO2. remember how expensive stims were in the first half?)

3) All medicine now weighs 0.5, and food weights have been adjusted as well (most are 0.5 but some are 0.1, no more huge stockpiles, you'll have to decide between guns/meds/food/armor etc now.)

4) Changed the 'enchantment' quality of nearly all clothes and armor (no more +5 repair vaultsuit. some armors such as power armor now have more damage resistance quality, etc. no more changing suits to repair your weapons.)

5) Increased accumulation rate of radiation in irradiated areas and when swimming in water (use protection of any kind you can get)

6) Changed radiation/hp values for drinking from sinks (more rad. finding food is better now.)

7) Food Sanitizer now has a great effect on unpurified water and overall better usage. also weighs a lot less, worth a lot more (sell it? keep it? hmm)

8) Rebalanced some overpowered perks like Educated, Explosives Expert. (those 'regular' skill perks might seem more appealing now!)

9) A bit less ammo boxes in the game, but more ammo at vendors (little boost to melee chars and more of that fallout wasteland feel)

10) Bullets price value raised to rebalance weapon availability (early game guns bullets more expensive, but the stronger the weapon, ammo prices raise exponentially. this is done to restrict the player from having *reliable* use of high level weaponry too early on, and give a more gradual feeling to weapon use)

11) Combined with the PaceMod. less xp for combat/hacking/lockpicking, more for finding new locations. (exploring is better encouraged but you can explore much more before capping out)

12) Shifted things around so that you'll find less loot around your starting area. exploring further is harder, much harder, but has its rewards too.

13) Rebalanced some of the more ridiculously overpowered items and weapons.

14) Removed many skill books (300 something is frankly insane. as hard as they are to find, I must accept that for replay value alone, there better be less)

15) Reduced caps generation in random loot

16) increased the effects of SPECIAL abilities on stats like HP points, carry weight and VATS points

17) Slightly more damage to player in VATS mode

18) Removed some exploits like the free purified water from housebots

19) Lowered the rewards of some quests, especially freeform ones.

20) moved many (as many as i could find) 'ladykiller' and 'black widow' special dialogue to CHARISMA checks (more fallouty, more sensible, charisma less useless). Changed some speech checks to charisma or added another optional for a charisma check instead.

21) Small XP awards for successful intelligence/various stat in conversations (not all)

22) Removed free purified water from housebots

23) My First Infirmary no longer cures radiation poisoning (doctors, radaway and rad protection are all you got now)

24) Sleep no longer restores limb damage (THANK YOU KSCHENK!)

25) Auto-aim help is reduced by a very small fraction

26) You get 1 skill point per 2 INT points, and 3 more skill points per level (Thanks Xodarap for making this perk!)

27) Followers use ammo and are generally weaker --- they're an investment. they're incredibly powerful so long as you keep them alive and with weapon. They're also less aggressive. they wont run around trying to clear fort constantine on their own, but they will defend you and themselves. They start with a good ammount of ammo, however, and will pick up guns from fallen enemy themselves when in combat and out of ammo.

28) Caravans and their guards are tougher. They'll survive a radscorpion attack in high levels now. probably.

All in all, many changes big and small that make fallout3 a harder game amd the fallout3 world a harsher, less forgiving world.
AW: pf

hach ich liebe dieses spiel,,,was freu ich mich auf die neuen addons,und ein paar dieser mods werd ich heut abend gleich mal ausprobieren,,,,was noch fehlt is,das man die levelbegrenzung anheben kann und man kann mittels mod nach dem ende der hauptquest weiterspielen,,,sehr nützlich
AW: pf

stawacz79 am 25.12.2008 12:05 schrieb:
hach ich liebe dieses spiel,,,was freu ich mich auf die neuen addons,und ein paar dieser mods werd ich heut abend gleich mal ausprobieren,,,,was noch fehlt is,das man die levelbegrenzung anheben kann und man kann mittels mod nach dem ende der hauptquest weiterspielen,,,sehr nützlich
Soweit ich weiss soll die Levelbegrenzung ja mit dem dritten AddOn auch von offizieller Seite aufgehoben werden. Naja, im Prinzip hast du natürlich recht. Warum sollte man solange warten, wenn man das auch schon früher haben kann. ;)
AW: pf

das is die zum weiterspielen nach dem ende der hauptquest:


und hier ne karte mit allen orten quests und gegenständen


das mit der levelbegrenzung hab ich auch irgendwo gepostet,find ich aber im moment nich
AW: pf

stawacz79 am 25.12.2008 12:20 schrieb:
das is die zum weiterspielen nach dem ende der hauptquest:


und hier ne karte mit allen orten quests und gegenständen


das mit der levelbegrenzung hab ich auch irgendwo gepostet,find ich aber im moment nich

ist entweder m technische Probs thread oder im Skillz/inventar thread
AW: pf

stawacz79 am 25.12.2008 12:20 schrieb:
das mit der levelbegrenzung hab ich auch irgendwo gepostet,find ich aber im moment nich

dafür braucht man keine mod, ein einfacher kosnolenbefehl tut's auch. :P

setgs iMaxCharacterLevel X

X= levelgrenze, zb. 30, 40 usw.

muss allerdings bei jedem spielstart neu eingegeben werden. ;)
AW: pf

patsche am 25.12.2008 17:31 schrieb:
stawacz79 am 25.12.2008 12:20 schrieb:
das mit der levelbegrenzung hab ich auch irgendwo gepostet,find ich aber im moment nich
dafür braucht man keine mod, ein einfacher kosnolenbefehl tut's auch. :P
setgs iMaxCharacterLevel X
X= levelgrenze, zb. 30, 40 usw.
muss allerdings bei jedem spielstart neu eingegeben werden. ;)
naja spitze und was bringts? wenn man nicht auch noch 10 perks dazu bekommt, wüsste ich nicht, was ich überhaupt noch skillen sollte....
bin mal gespannt wie die das im addon regeln wollen. einfaches hochsetzen bringts halt nicht.

mir wärs auch lieber, wenn man nur alle 3 level-ups skillen könnte, und dafür dann bis level 60 hochgeht. würde die spielzeit jenseits der 20 stunden auch interessanter machen
AW: pf


Ich habe einen kleinen Plugin erstellt, der die "Wucht" von Zweihändern erweitert und diese somit taktischer macht.

Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, den Gegner niederzuwerfen, beträgt nun 1:9 und wird von einem hohen Nahkampf- oder Glück-Skill positiv beeinflusst.

Tritt der Effekt ein, wird der Feind per PushActorAway-Funktion zu Boden geworfen und ist somit für kurze Zeit schutzlos ausgeliefert.


Ich würde gerne wissen, was ihr davon haltet.
AW: pf

weiß einer, wieso die Registrierung auf fallout3nexus.com bei mir nicht klappt? Ich hab mich vor ca. 10 Stunden registriert und immer noch keine Mail bekommen...
hab auch schon ne Passwortanfrage geschickt, nichts ist passiert :(