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News - PCGH: Alyx Vance: Tagebuch eines digitalen Superstars


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Zum Artikel: http://www.pcgames.de/aid,636929
In den ersten Concept Arts (zu finden im Half-Life 2 Raising the Bar-Buch) hatte Alyx noch rote Haare und sah auch sonst deutlich anders aus. Erst kurz vor der E3 wurde die nun bekannte Alyx erschaffen.

"Early concept sketches of Alyx Vance, and photos of Jamil Mullen, who served as the face and body model for Alyx. Mullen spent several days in a motion capture studio recording running, jumping, and combat animations, which were used as the starting point for her animation library.

The original design for Alyx lasted through much of the development cycle, however, when it came time to unveil her to the world at E3 we had to rethink our approach. Gabe posed the question, "What makes her different than any other heroine in the other games?" At that point, not much. She had a two-toned bodysuit with knee-high boots, belts, buckles, and not much in terms of freshness. So just a week or two before our announcement, we had to scramble to come up with a better design immediately. Emergency weekend meetings were held with a small group and we brainstormed ways to make her stand out from the rest. Ideas ranged from giving her glasses like Gordon Freeman to making her more of a tinkering mechanic, and at one point, giving her braces, which thankfully didn't stick. I made some quick sketches in those meetings as the ideas floated around and eventually we had our Alyx: a young, feisty daughter of researches, who wasn't afraid to get dirty and make the most of what she had, such as duct taping the holes in her jacket, wearing her old Black Mesa hoody, and keeping her tool belt by her side."