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News - Call of Duty 2: Vorschau & neue Shots


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Zum Artikel: http://www.pcgames.de/aid,364320
AW: News - Call of Duty 2: Vorschau & neue Shots

geil !!!!! *haben will* :top: :top: :X :X
AW: News - Call of Duty 2: Vorschau & neue Shots

Ich schließ mich an! =)
AW: News - Call of Duty 2: Vorschau & neue Shots

ist das euer hobby leere seiten einzubauen, hier steht zu mindest net all zu viel

AW: News - Call of Duty 2: Vorschau & neue Shots

Rici am 18.04.2005 16:23 schrieb:
ist das euer hobby leere seiten einzubauen, hier steht zu mindest net all zu viel

ist bei mir genauso!!!
AW: News - Call of Duty 2: Vorschau & neue Shots

Bei mir wird nur weiß dargestellt. warum??
AW: News - Call of Duty 2: Vorschau & neue Shots

hm..wollt auch grad was dazu aber anscheinend isses grad gefixed worden :)
AW: News - Call of Duty 2: Vorschau & neue Shots

hier noch ein paar (englische) infos zum spiel :

Call of Duty 2 lets players experience four individual soldier stories as they overcome insurmountable odds in multiple campaigns. Players have the freedom to follow each of the four storylines through for the ultimate character-driven experience, or they can engage in the historic battles chronologically for quick hitting action.

Infinity Ward, creator of the blockbuster, original Call of Duty, has also expanded the scope of combat to deliver a truly realistic battlefield experience. Squads now have the freedom to take on a variety of mission objectives, on expansive battlefields that allow for multiple paths and the ability to utilize actual combat tactics like outflanking and fire and maneuver capabilities.

Call of Duty 2’s new engine and A.I. technology set the stage for authentic squad combat and astonishing action. Concealment can be key as battlefield smoke or even deployed smoke grenades cloud visibility. Weather effects such as the dusty sandstorms of North Africa and whiteout blizzard conditions of Russia, for example, will keep soldiers glued to their bunkers. The team has also employed a state-of-the-art Battle Chatter System that brings the action to life as squad-mates bark out context-sensitive updates in real-time to players through an advanced A.I. system.

“Our team at Infinity Ward is committed to thrusting gamers into the heat of battle like no other, taking players on a thrill-ride of adrenaline that leaves everyone gasping for air,” states Grant Collier, president, Infinity Ward. “In Call of Duty 2, we are creating the most intense and realistic action game imaginable with a stunning visual atmosphere and an advanced technology that delivers an unprecedented level of authenticity.”

AW: News - Call of Duty 2: Vorschau & neue Shots

Mal hoffen, daß das Leveldesign etwas offener wird und CoD 2 nicht wieder in 6 Stunden durchgespielt ist. Das wären die beiden großen Punkte, welche mich gestört haben. Mal schauen, wie es sich entwickelt. :)