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Download: - Act of War: Update v1.04


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Zum Artikel: http://www.pcgames.de/aid,363320
Die Datei die mit dem Link gezogen wird, ist mit 0 Byte ein bisschen klein :rolleyes:

Hat Gamershell da nen falschen Links gesetzt ?
Bensta am 14.04.2005 14:47 schrieb:
Die Datei die mit dem Link gezogen wird, ist mit 0 Byte ein bisschen klein :rolleyes:

Hat Gamershell da nen falschen Links gesetzt ?

Hm, hatte über gamershell auch Probleme, hab´s bei k-files gezogen (Registrierung erforderlich)
Weiterer Mirror hier bei Extreme Players und außerdem für alle Interessenten die Veränderungen in 1.04 (nur alles, was nach 1.03 verändert wurde.)


* New map: Alcatraz, 1v1 map for War Room and Fort Irwin.
* Game Replay: various user interface improvements
* Game Replay: contents of structures and transports are now displayed
* Game Replay: money and energy are now displayed
* Game Replay: replay save files are smaller
* Engagement Mode: you can now Quit without Surrendering
* Chat: nicknames are now in color
* Chat: "X has joined/left" messages are no longer displayed in the chat
* Observer mode: chat is now accessible in Observer mode
* Observer mode: messages are now displayed as players get defeated
* Gameplay: rotation of structures (press the TAB key before placing to rotate)


* Various anti-cheat measures that disable all cheats we have seen to date.
Detected cheaters will be kicked out of the game session with a Loss result.
* Bug correction: when someone lost without Surrendering, occassionally the
Observer mode wasn't accessible
* Bug correction: you are no longer able to see opposing players' beacons
* Bug correction: under certain circumstances, a mixed selection of SHIELD
units in Gatling and Missile Launcher mode failed to return fire if attacked
while having a STOP command
* Bug correction: destroying a bank no longer causes a crash
* Bug correction: returning a heavily wounded Mortar Team to the Field Hospital
no longer causes a crash
* Bug correction: under certain circumstances, launching two Tactical Weapons
simultaneosly on the same spot could cause a crash
* Bug correction: sometimes the connection was lost during a Quick Match
* Bug correction: under certain circumstances with serious lag in a multiplayer
game, the lagging player's loading screen would freeze at 100%, forcing a hard
* Bug correction: replays were sometimes not synchronized correctly before the
launch of the game, resulting in blank replay files
* Bug correction: under certain circumstances with severe lag, it was possible
to capture a POW several times
* Bug correction: under certain circumstances, a quick Surrender or Disconnect
could be recorded as a Win or a Loss in the ladder ranking
* German localization correction: when you can't build a structure in a certain
location, the voice over informs you that you *can't* build there.
* Clarified error message when an incorrect password is entered + added option
to request password to be sent by e-mail
* Optimization: several latency/bandwidth optimizations have been made,
especially improving performance in bigger games
* Optimization: faster downloading of players' profiles
* Possible fix for the "38% crash on loading screen" issue (likely caused by a
memory allocation failure); as we still however haven't been able to reproduce
this bug internally, we also haven't been able to verify this fix.