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Download: Download: Spieleerweiterung - Joint Operations: Patch v1.5.1.5


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Zum Artikel: http://www.pcgames.de/aid,337803
Hyho Zockersgemeinde ! :)

Der Patch ist für Joint Operations - Thypoon Rising
als auch für Joint Operations - Escalation !

Die Änderungen im einzelnen:
Typhoon Rising:
* Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck in the jumping animation
* Fixed a bug that caused rounds on the clients to look like they were falling short
* NovaWorld games now sort correctly.
* Sound effects slider in the menus now effects the menu sound effects
* Text is now spaced correctly on certain resolutions
* Fixed scoring on the PSP takeovers
* All vehicles now respawn correctly
* Fixed bug that caused crashes on very large NILE project files
* Fixed chopper spinning while still on the ground
* Respawning in games with PSP now use the smart spawning method
* Fixed a bug that causes reflections to not turn on
* Improved overall stability
* Players can now kill themselves with their own explosives.
* Fixed delayed dry fire sounds
* Fixed respawning issue with players that leave the game attached to the drivers seat
* Claymores no longer fall through objects
* Claymores no longer display on their side while on an object
* Fixed map loading crash
* Fixed volume setting on dry fire sound effect
* Added vehicle tumbling sounds
* Added correct message for when players run over civilians
* Reversing sounds for vehicles are now pitching correctly
* Target designator now makes a sound when used in training missions
* Fixed a waypoint named “null”
* Players can now cycle through their weapons when using the mouse wheel to scroll
* Fixed two inconsistencies with the player loadout and training missions
* Player can now mute other players via the commanders interface
* “Free Look” and “Scope Toggle” now display as yellow if more than one function is assigned to them
* Host Message and Server Name are now updating correctly when the host uses serve only.
* The King of the Hill time limit will no longer be set to zero if left blank
* Squad chat is no longer available in LAN games.
* Trying to reload when you die in a training mission no longer removes the players weapon when they restart
* / now shows a conflict when other actions are assigned to it.
* Fixed bug with tapping the Hot Swap key as a Medic
* Fixed four bugs in the Stinger Training mission
* Fixed two bugs in the Machine Gun Training mission
* Fixed a bug on the Twin Isle map
* Added the E brake functionality to the Land vehicle training mission loadscreen
* Fixed a bug with the Iris Jade loadscreen
* Adjusted the muzzle effects from the BTR-80 to be less obtrusive
* Fixed the dry fire delay on all weapons
* Fixed two bugs where an object was set to give off the wrong particle effects
* Fixed a stutter with the M60 mounted on the Zodiac movement.
* Fixed bug that allowed multiple instance to open. Exceptions have been made for /serveonly flag.
* Fixed bug with Mouse sensitivity/Player save file
* Fixed bug that caused decorations to be ini’ted as organics. Caused mis-synchs.
* Fixed a bug that caused weapons to remain after dying.
* Fixed a bug that caused vehicles to stop spawning when they were destroyed in water

* Fixed Tank Reticule movement
* Fixed front wheel of dirt bike from clipping through the top of the fender
* Fixed bug that caused overheating effects on the tank to not display
* Stryker, BTR-80 and Base Defense Guns now are aligned correctly
* Anti-Tank Mines now render right-side up while on objects
* Javelin now takes correct path to it’s target
* Fixed two bugs in the Motorcycle Training mission
* Fixed a bug with the Javelin training mission
* Removed an extra plane of geometry that did not need to be there
* Fixed a bug that caused inappropriate menus to display in the armory screen

Nur informativ für die ganz Neugierigen :-D
Gruß: Harry ;)
CIA_Harry am 25.11.2004 09:33 schrieb:
* Fixed scoring on the PSP takeovers
* All vehicles now respawn correctly
* Players can now kill themselves with their own explosives.
[/i](für die tollen leute, die wie wild durch die gegnerischen bunker laufen und mit granaten um sich werfen)
* Players can now cycle through their weapons when using the mouse wheel to scroll
* Fixed a bug that caused vehicles to stop spawning when they were destroyed in water
* Fixed a bug on the Twin Isle map

sind vermutlich die wichtigsten änderungen. danke für die liste.
(die änderungen bei escalation interessieren mich nicht, da ich das nicht besitze :-D .)
hat schon jemand mit dem neuen patch gespielt, vor allem was die map twin island (wg. helikopter-spawning...)?
ich werde mich noch mal in die gefechte stürzen.