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CSS Problem

Mitglied seit
Hallo ich habe mich mal ein bisschen umgeschaut und ein paar schon videos gefunden mit css gun sounds skins usw aber ich bekomme sie nie zum laufen es fängt schon an bei der suche nach meinen ordnern

Ich finde sie einfach nicht hab schon steam und css neu installiert dann speichern unter c/programme/Steam
aber wenn ich da reinklicke geht nur das

C/programm files/steam/Steamapps/mehr kommt da nicht deswegen find ich schon garnicht die passenden ordner ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen

Probier mal das: http://www.fpsbanana.com/tuts/53

This tutorial explains how to install skins, not just explaining which folder it goes to.

IMPORTANT: Read how to uninstall skins before or after you install a skin.

note: When you reach your steam username folder, you might have to create some folders you don't see.

For Weapon Skins

I am going to show you how to install the Gangsta Glock which can be found here

  1. First off download the skin
  2. Notice the file has a ".rar" extension. Winzip does not
    support rar files. You must download WinRAR in order to access rar
    files which can be obtained here.
  3. Once WinRAR is installed, open up the file.
  4. Now you will see something like Screenshot A
  5. Now let's review the folders.
    materials: this contains the textures for the weapon. Without it, you will have a pink and black looking gun.

    • models: skins for models

      weapons: skins for weapons
    • v_models: skins for weapons in first person view
    • w_models: (this may not appear all the time) Skins for the weapons in world view
  6. models: this contains the model for a weapon. Without it, your skin would not work.
    • weapons: folder that contains models for weapons
    • scripts: this tells where the sound of each event (reload, draw) goes.
      • game_sounds_manifest.txt: Do not overwrite this if you install another skin that has this file in it.

        weapons: sound scripts for weapons
    • sounds: this contains the sounds for the weapon
      • weapons: sounds for weapons

        [weapon name]: sounds for this particular weapon

    NOTE: It is normal for some folders to not appear in other skins
    that you download. (E.g. when you open up a different skin you see only materials and models)

    The following procedure (STEPS 6-14) works for any skin that opens up displaying any combination of these folders: materials models scripts sound
    That means you can use this procedure for any skin you download as long as it was submitted correctly.

  7. Go to Start>Run (On Vista it is Windows Key + R)
  8. Enter C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\ and click OK. If you want to skip the next three steps, try putting %sourcesdk%..\..\counter-strike source\cstrike instead.

    The folder above may be different for you. Try removing "Valve" if it doesn't work.
  9. Select the folder with your email/username
  10. Select the counter-strike source folder
  11. Select the cstrike folder
  12. Now go back to WinRAR
  13. Select all of the folders
  14. Now drag and drop the folders into the cstrike folder (make
    sure the pointer is on the white part of the cstrike window when you
    release the mouse and you select yes to all)
  15. Now your skin is installed! Go play counter-strike source and enjoy!

For Player Skins

  1. Download a T/CT skin
  2. Open with WinRAR
  3. You should see some vtf files
  4. Go to C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\Counter-Strike Source \cstrike\materials\models\player\

    The folder above may be different for you.
  5. Create these folders: ct_gign ct_gsg9 ct_sas ct_urban t_arctic t_guerilla t_leet & t_phoenix
  6. If the files in the rar file start with ct_urban, drag and
    drop all the files into the folder "ct_urban". If the files start with
    t_phoenix, drag and drop all the files into the folder t_phoenix. The
    same concept applies to the other Terrorist & Counter-Terrorist


  1. If you end up with a scope_lens.vtf when you download a scope, extract it to ...\counter-strike source\cstrike\materials\overlays\
  2. If you just have a materials folder, drag and drop the materials folder onto the background of the cstrike folder. (\counter-strike source\cstrike\)
  3. The material file is located in cstrike\materials\overlays\scope_lens.vtf

For Shells

  1. If you end up with a rar file that only shows the title of the
    release when you open it, double click that folder and you should
    select the materials (and models if applicable) folders and drag them
    to the background of the cstrike folder. Yes, you do overwrite all.

  2. The shells are stored in cstrike\materials\models\shells\. Let's review the folders within shells.

    a. 12gauge - for shotguns

    b. 338mag - for awp

    c. 556 - for rifles mostly (some include m4a1, m249, galil)

    d. 57 - for fiveseven and p90

    e. 762nato - for rifle ak47 (maybe others)

    f. 9mm - for glock18, tmp, mp5navy (maybe others)

  3. There is also a special folder for the deagle shell. It is stored in materials\models\v_models\pist_deagle\ and is called bullet.vtf.

For Gloves/Sleeves

  1. The hands/gloves texture is cstrike\materials\models\weapons\v_models\hands\v_hands.vtf


  1. The flashlight file is located in ...\cstrike\materials\effects\ and is called flashlight001.vtf.

Muzzle Flash

  1. The muzzle flash file is located in ...\cstrike\materials\effects\ and is called muzzleflashx.vtf.

Technical Support

Q : My skin turned out to be pink and black checkered in the game and I know I installed it right! WTF??????

A : In most cases someone didn't submit the file right. I know in some
skins (like the black m134 Vulcan mini gun ) you get pink and black
textures. Fortunately, there is way to fix it!

1) Go to counter-strike source\cstrike\materials

2) Right click the folder weapons and click cut. (Control+X)

3) Now go to ...\counter-strike source\cstrike\materials\models\

4) Right click the background of this folder and click paste (Control+V) and select yes to all.

5) Now your skin is fixed

In other cases the folder that you have to move will be somewhere else.
The easiest way to find out is to open the zip/rar file for the skin,
and then explore into the materials folder to see what folders were
placed wrong.

Q : All I see is a cstrike folder when I open up the skin file!

A : Then just drag and drop cstrike to ...\username\counter-strike source\

Q : I did everything you said and it still doesn't work! If you're just
going to message that you better include what skin you were trying to
install. I will determine if it is your problem or the compiler's

Q : What if it is the compiler's problem?

A : I'll tell you if it's easy enough for you to fix in the same post.

Q : What if it is not easy enough to fix?

A : PM the submitter to fix it.

Q : What if the submitter is a guest?

A : Then just do the work yourself; go watch SilentAssassin12's hacking/compiling tutorials.

Please, don't keep posting, "I did everything and it still doesn't
work!!" without even giving a link to the CS:S skin you were trying to

Tutorial by xz64

Tutorial fixed by BigDog
ich bekomm es einfach nicht hin das große problem ist auch ich finde einfach nicht meinen ordner wo die ganzen css dateien drin sind :pissed: ich suche sie überall dann kommt iwan programm files steam steamapps und dann gehts nit mehr weiter wie verschwunden aber spielen kann ich ich habs auch schon über die daten suche versucht wie kann ich rausfinden wo sich die dateien befinden

Du willst mir doch nicht erzählen, dass dein Steamapps Ordner komplett leer ist. Dann schauste vielleicht im falschen Verzeichnis.
wie kann ich rausfinden wo sich die dateien
Du kannst auch einfach im Taskmanager zum jeweiligen Prozess gehen und dann im Kontextmenü den Dateipfad öffnen.