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BFBC2 Client/Server Patch nächste Woche


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BFBC2 Client/Server Patch nächste Woche

Der Client Patch wird ca. 500MB groß


Server - Some potential sources for lag/rubberbanding have been

Server - The old reserved slots has been replaced by a kick-on-demand
system like in BF2

Server - Log file for server admins: all remote admin interface
commands/events are logged

Server - Log file for server admins: major server events + all chat
messages are logged

Server - Idle kick is controllable

Server - Profanity filter can be disabled

Server - Teamkill-kick system is controllable

Server - Ticket counts and bleed rate are controllable per-level

Server - Infantry only mode available per-level

Server - Initial spawn delay and respawn delay are adjustable

Server - Server description can be up to 400 characters, and use "|" for
line breaks

Server - Banlist can contain up to 10.000 entries

Server - reduced latency in packet handling

Admin Interface - fixed the player.onKill spam that occasionally

Admin Interface - ensured that player.onJoin events always report the
player name

Admin Interface - events triggered when people spawn

Admin Interface - much more info on kills

Admin Interface - detailed stats are reported at end-of-round

Gameplay - Various minor level bugfixes

Gameplay - Helicopter handling has been tweaked

Gameplay - Weapon tweaks have been implemented based on PC public

Gameplay - Fixed technical hang when a crate was armed outside of the
combat area

Gameplay - "Victory is near" message was shown for the wrong team on
Valparaíso, this has been fixed

Gameplay - Countermeasures can be fired when driving a helicopter

Gameplay - The brightness of the pilot view in the Russian helicopter
has been reduced

Gameplay - Advanced Spotting scope works better

Gameplay - Knifing people in the back works again (we backed out the
change that we had done for Server R11)

Server Browser - Servers are sorted into 3 categories: Normal, Modified,
Hardcore depending on their settings

Server Browser – Added support for retrieving update progress

Server Browser - Now refreshes information

Server Browser - Join queue system when attempting to join a full server

Server Browser - all settings are automatically saved between sessions

Server Browser - Pings are sent via an alternate mechanism, which should
work for non-Administrator users as well

Client - Fixed DX9 issue, which likely caused graphics glitches and
perhaps crashes

Client - Fixed some crashes

Client - Toggle/hold crouch is user controllable

Client - Toggle/hold zoom is user controllable

Client - Vsync bugfixed for DX10/DX11

Client - Rewritten how settings are written to disk; this should
reduce/eliminate the spawn lag

Client - Fixed bug where a player could join a server before the stats
has been downloaded causing faulty stats in "EOR- unlock

Client - New chat system allows chatting when dead (but not during end
of round) and keeps a 100 lines log

Client - Improved Play Now functionality

Client - Removed K/D ratio and Skill Level filters in the leaderboards

Client - Any points you get while being dead will be added to your score

Client - Reduced negative mouse acceleration

Client - More informative disconnection/kick reasons
AW: BFBC2 Client/Server Patch nächste Woche

Hört sich ja schon mal gut an.
"Client - Any points you get while being dead
will be added to your score"
Ein hoch auf die Medipacks ;]

PS: Da zeigt DICE mal wieder, dass sie die Kritiken am Spiel ernst nehmen und bei der Mänge an (großen) Patchs bemüht sind ihr Produkt Bug frei zu bekommen.
AW: BFBC2 Client/Server Patch nächste Woche

Hört sich ja schon mal gut an.
"Client - Any points you get while being dead
will be added to your score"
Hmm, wäre das früher implemetiert wurden wäre ich jetzt Level 50 und nicht erst Level 7 ;)
AW: BFBC2 Client/Server Patch nächste Woche

Die Waffen Tweaks

Slightly increased the damage of the UZI at long range.
The AKs74u
now has more felt recoil when aiming.

The G3, VSS, and all SemiAutomatic rifles now settle slightly faster
between shots when aiming.
The PKM, Type 88LMG, G3, An94, and 40mm
shotgun have returned to their former glory.
Increased the damage of
the MG3 to bring it in line with the rest of the LMGs.
Fixed a bug
where the Saiga12 with slugs would do too much damage at long range.
a bug where the SVU would do too little damage at long range.
Fixed a
bug where M95 rounds would not kill armored targets with headshots
AW: BFBC2 Client/Server Patch nächste Woche

Client - Fixed DX9 issue, which likely caused
graphics glitches and
perhaps crashes
uiii. %)
na vielleicht lösen sie damit mein blackscreen problem und ich kann es mal länger als nur 2-3 runden zocken.
dienstag ist ja meißt patchday bei ea/dice
thx für die info.
AW: BFBC2 Client/Server Patch nächste Woche

Für Konsolen kam der Patch heut, weiß jemand wann der für PC kommt?
AW: BFBC2 Client/Server Patch nächste Woche

aus der bc2 website:

Auch die PC Spieler brauchen nicht traurig zu
sein, die Anpassungen werden in Kürze ihren Weg auch auf dem PC finden.

in kürze ist leider ein relativ dehnbarer begriff. :(
AW: BFBC2 Client/Server Patch nächste Woche

Was machen die denn? Oder Warum ist der patch immer noch nicht da? :S

Edit: seh grad:

Company 2 – Clientpatch R8 erneut verschoben

Emma am Mai 25, 2010 - View: 21

Kommentar schreiben

Wie Bazajaytee im Forum von DICE verkündet hat wird der Bad
Company 2 Clientpatch
, welcher für vorherige Woche angekündigt war, auch diese Woche
noch nicht veröffentlicht werden.

(Quelle: www.battlefield-company.de/2010/05/bad-company-2-clientpatch-r8-erneut-verschoben/)
AW: BFBC2 Client/Server Patch nächste Woche

Patch kommt villeicht Morgen

Company 2 – Clientpatch R8 morgen?

Emma am Juni 1, 2010 - View: 22

Kommentar schreiben

Bazajaytee hat heute ein kleines Statement zum kommenden Clientpatch
für Bad Company 2 gegeben.
Demnach befindet sich der Clientpatch
seit heute in der Qualitätsprüfung. Das Ergebnis der
Qualitätsprüfung aus Rumänien, seitens EA, wird für morgen früh
erwartet. Bei positivem Ergebnis könnte der Clientpatch
morgen veröffentlicht werden.

Hey everyone, yep I’m still around.
Just to let you know the patch is currently sat in QA but due to some
kind of striking in Romania we won’t get results until tomorrow at the
earliest with our server fixes.

Thats what we are waiting on at the minute to figure out where we are
and when we can release.
