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Space Hulk: Deathwing - Olethros-Update mit zahlreiche Neuerungen

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Zum Artikel: Space Hulk: Deathwing - Olethros-Update mit zahlreiche Neuerungen
Oh, vor einer Woche veröffentlicht und jetzt schon ein Artikel auf PC Games ?
Bei dieser wahnwitzigen Geschwindingkeit kann man natürlich nicht erwarten das alles korrekt übersetzt ist...

Die Spielbarkeit aller 7 Kapitel gab es auch vor dem Patch schon, aber eben nur im Singleplayer...
Hier die englischen Patchnotes die man wohl vergessen hat zu verlinken...

Full Special Missions feature released in both single and multiplayer:
All 7 chapters playable.
All the content can be accessed in single-player (from the main menu) and multiplayer (through a lobby).
You unlock the special missions in singleplayer after completing the chapter in the solo campaign. For example if your most advanced save is in chapter 7, you will have access to single-player special missions from Chapter 1 to 6.
If you no longer have your save file or haven’t finished the campaign, but would like to try the new game modes in singleplayer, you'll find HERE[steamcommunity.com] a file unlocking all special missions. Put the file in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\SpaceHulkGame\Saved\SaveGames

New Multiplayer Skills
Proximity Mine
Places an explosive proximity mine.
Heavy Weapon Skill
Skull Drone
Summons a combat drone to temporarily fight at your side.
Tactic Skill
Briefly increases your melee attack speed.
Assault Skill
Fire Storm
Briefly increases your weapon's rate of fire.
Heavy Weapon Skill

Gameplay Tweaks
The limitation on classes in multiplayer has now been removed.
Shortcuts for orders have been enabled in multiplayer.
It is now possible to go back to main menu during the score screen of a multiplayer game.
Holding shift when out of endurance no longer drains your endurance.

Multiple AI navigation fixes
Multiple localization fixes
Fixed some issues with collisions
Fixed a rare issue with LoD
When joining an already in-progress multiplayer game, you should no longer see the partially loaded chapter for a few seconds (it can still happen on some low end hardware).
Broodlords should no longer have a pathfinding issue causing them to fly to their destination.
Fixed Belial saying a random line at the end of a Special Mission
Fixed a bug where the first dialogue of a chapter would play when opening the armory in the bridgehead
The language of the logs and objectives during a multiplayer game is now based on your own settings rather than those of the host.
Fixed an issue that caused the logs to not be properly displayed in multiplayer.
Motion blur is now working properly for all hardware.
Fixed many issues when joining a game where all the others players were dead. This includes graphical glitches resolutions, overlapping menus and a possible block.
Fixed an issue where a widget would appear repeatedly.
Fixed a block at the end of chapter 6 where a player was teleported inside the last room at the end of a multiplayer game.
A few rare random crashes have been resolved.
Fixed GUI issues during certain objectives when joining a multiplayer game.
Fixed a possible overlap with the armory HUD in a multiplayer game or when spectating through the death camera.
Fixed a couple of minor issues in Chapter 1 Special Missions.

Known Issues:
Rare DirectX crash
If you try to join a full server, you will be connected to a different one with an available spot instead.
It is possible for the inventory menu in multiplayer to overlap with the game and create an unplayable state.
It is possible that guests cannot open their inventory menu in multiplayer game.
When an objective is finished in multiplayer, it might stop the current action of a guest player.
Relics are not currently acknowledged on the score screen for guests in multiplayer game.
In multiplayer, if a Librarian equips a powerfist, you will see a small gap in his arm