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Skyrim Mom: Was erleben Rentner in Himmelsrand?


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Zum Artikel: Skyrim Mom: Was erleben Rentner in Himmelsrand?
Hehe wie cool die Dame doch ist :) die Twitter Nachrichten sind mal ziemlich lustig. Ich verfolge das Thema gespannt weiter, vielleicht wird sie ja noch zum pro gamer...
Ein passender Nickname wäre da evlt. Sky Rim Dumont... :B

aber gut zu wissen, dass auch Senioren im Alter meiner Mutter richtige Spiele zocken ;)
ist das jetzt sowas wie ein Skyrimjob? :oink:
Oh da sind echt ein paar Perlen dabei :)

"It took me like an hour to create my character. I couldn't decide between Macho or Girl."

It was all dark and everyone was hiding behind boulders, and I didn't want to die again, so I just kept shooting and shooting and shooting.

I laughed so hard. I was just killing everyone."

"I like the way I can walk around and pick up thistles. All I'm doing is picking locks and thistles."

"I died so I went back to the same house and did it again as a nice person."

"What were you struggling with?" "Well at one point I had to pause to look at a guide, and then I thought, 'I don't know how to pause.'"

Roles reversed: "I made it to Whiterun, but then dad decided to make popcorn and I couldn't hear the guy giving me a mission. I was so mad!"

On meeting strangers: "I generally wait and make everything daylight because it's safer. I don't know who these guys are."

"Dad just came upstairs and asked, 'What are you killing now?' But I was trying to play the game so I wasn't even looking at him."

On fast travel: "I had to warp -- that's probably not the term in this game is it? -- anyway, I just warped over to River-town."

"I'm sure I'm missing something, but nobody is yelling at me."

"Tell me how to pause again?" "You pause by entering any menu." "So I could just look at my skills -- if I had any."

"Some guy told me, 'You might not want to go out looking like that.' I thought he was just rude, but then I realized I had no clothes on."

"If I'd thought more about it I would have gone out into town like that and earned some gold, which I can't seem to find."

On finding cooking ingredients: "Are you supposed to kill the cow? The only cow in town? You can't just kill it, it's the only cow in town!"

"Is there an advantage to being on the horse? Because I have a feeling he'd have trouble in the snow. Is that stupid?"

"I'm glad they don't show you how many hours you've been playing because it would be so embarrassing." "...It does." "...ohh nooooo"

"They gave me this woman to go with me. Do they at some point realize how stupid you are and send help?"

Oh, ist doch mehr geworden^^ Die Frau ist einfach genial :)

Man sollte echt Rentner solche spiele als Betatester spielen lassen - andere Sichtweise als der Normalotester - die würden Dinge sehen die den anderen nie auffallen :-D
"What do you do with the attack potions? Do I have to like throw the potion at a guy? You just pitch it at them?"
