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News - Wizardy 8 - die Demo ist da!


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Zum Artikel: http://www.pcgames.de/aid,13269
- Link zum Download? Also entweder ich bin zu blöd zum suche oder ihr habt wirklich vergessen den Link anzugeben. Schade eigentlich, hab mich schon drauf gefreut die Demo mal zu testen

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Erster Kurzbericht auf RPGDot...

Gepostet von Rendelius auf RPGDot:

Ok, this is only a VERY short time into the demo, but I think I can safely say that Wizardry 8 won't dissapoint RPG fans out there. First of all, I have to say it runs more than smoothly on my machine, and the graphics are quite ok, without doubt way better than in Might & Magic. The combat system is very sophisticated, inventory screens are nice, and so is the interface. My largest fear was that the graphics would be dated, and while they aren't high poly, they are pretty. Lighting is nice, and the dungeons do look good, as far as I have seen.

The game has the traditional Wizardry feeling, and I mean this as a compliment. I really hope this will be a commercial success, for I strongly hope that this isn't the last game in the series we will see. For me, the full version is a must buy, no doubt. Congratulations to the team - this game seems to be a winner. If you haven't got the demo, get it now. It's more than worth the download, at least if you are into traditional CRPGs...